Mariam was abused as a young girl. As a teen, she took twelve pills a day to treat her depression. She was an atheist, believing that no god would allow her to suffer so much. The betrayal by her father and abuse by another man left Mariam hating men. Without hope, she tried suicide five times. But Jesus rescued Mariam! To listen to the amazing story of how she experienced Christ’s presence in wonderful ways and how he led her in a ministry to Muslim women and girls, click the ‘More’ button.

Yahya Jammeh, the Gambia’s brutal former dictator, may soon lose his vast mansion in Maryland, in a much anticipated step by the US Department of Justice. He paid US$3.5 million for it in 2010 with funds stolen from the Gambian people. In 2017 he fled to Equatorial Guinea. In the short time since Jammeh was ousted from office, the country has shown progress in many critical areas. There are encouraging signs that the repression and violation of basic rights that marked Jammeh’s time in office are slowly being changed by a commitment to democratic norms, good governance, and the rule of law.

It can be difficult to know where to start when praying for a crisis as large as coronavirus. So Tearfund have created a simple helpful prayer guide for intercessors to use individually, with a group or with the church. To download this perceptive resource for praying for situations close to home and around the world click the ‘More’ button.

A year ago Boris Johnson promised to tackle the social care crisis. Age UK director Caroline Abrahams said the PM must honour this pledge, or thousands of elderly people will continue to suffer needlessly and the social care sector will never recover from the hammer blow caused by the pandemic. A huge petition, signed by 110,000 people, was handed in, to put pressure on him to deliver on his promise to provide the decent level of care the elderly deserve. Also the UK Home Care Association, which represents those providing home help, said that unless he acts the vulnerable will continue to receive rationed, underfunded services that are started too late to prevent independence deteriorating. When Mr Johnson became Prime Minister, he said his job was to protect people from the fear of having to sell their home to pay for care costs.

Wheels for the World restore and distribute refurbished wheelchairs to disabled people in developing countries, giving them independence and demonstrating the love of God. They send old wheelchairs to a workshop in one of their partner prisons for refurbishment. Prisoners find satisfaction in this work which helps restore their self-worth and dignity. Wheelchairs come back from the prison fully restored and are loaded into containers for shipping abroad. While in prison Chris was trained to repair wheelchairs and gained useful skills to help him find a career when released. One of the wheelchairs Chris refurbished to ‘good as new’ was shipped to Miriam in Uganda. She had paralysis in her legs and no physiotherapy or rehabilitation services available to her. She spent most of her time in bed and isolated. Now she can help her mother sell produce on their market stall, and can independently go out and make friends.

Eight million children were sent home from school in March. A majority of them struggled to continue learning during lockdown. Of the 52% who struggled, three-quarters of their parents said lack of motivation was the reason. There were also wide disparities in what families were able to do. Although under one in ten parents complained about lack of devices to work on, this rate doubled for single parents. Also nearly a third of working parents said the requirement to homeschool their children had been negatively affecting their job. See A-level and GCSE results are expected to be higher this summer with exam boards basing their grades on previous exam results, the previous year’s distribution of grades in the school, how schools ranked their pupils, and their teachers' predictions. However there is a risk that some pupils could be discriminated against. Back-up exams will be available for all subjects in the autumn.

Harry Dunn died in hospital after his motorbike was involved in a crash outside RAF Croughton, but the driver of the car that hit him was able to claim diplomatic immunity and return to the USA rather than face a court case in the United Kingdom. On 22 July the UK and the US agreed to amend an ‘anomaly’ that allowed the suspect, Anne Sacoolas, to claim diplomatic immunity because she was the wife of a diplomat. She was able to use a ‘secret agreement’ between the two countries even though she has been accused of killing by dangerous driving. Mr Dunn's mother said the change, which is not thought to be retrospective, was a ‘huge step in the right direction’.

Faith and non-religious belief groups’ positive contribution to social cohesion deserves greater recognition and should have more influence on cohesion policy in the United Kingdom, according to a report commissioned by the British Academy and the Faith and Belief Forum. The report draws on practical case studies from across the UK, including an interfaith programme by the West London Synagogue to promote positive Jewish-Muslim relations locally, a mosque that teaches English to speakers of other languages, a Catholic homelessness charity, and a Christian initiative to tackle knife crime. Faith is too often thought of as concerning ‘others’ and subtly racialised as the preserve of ethnic minorities in a secular society. Although faith and belief can be a source of division, many faith groups play a key role in uniting groups, and their contributions need to be valued and recognised.