Elderly healthcare is today’s challenge for tomorrow. Between 2015 and 2030 people aged 60+ will grow by 56% globally, to nearly 1.5 billion. By 2050 it is expected to be two billion. Americans aged 65+ will double to nearly 100 million by 2060. Central and South America face similar challenges. In every country in the region, the proportion of elderly will increase significantly. Similar demographic changes apply to the Caribbean where falling fertility rates compound the problem. After the 2008 financial crisis European governments reformed pension systems and retirement ages, creating a commercial care challenge. China and India’s large numbers of older people are expected to jump from 8% to 24% of the population in the next thirty years.

The Bishop of Makurdi, Nathan Inyom, was attacked by gunmen in Nigeria’s Benue state on 6 May. None of the five passengers (who included his wife Becky and his chaplain) was injured, but his car was stolen in the attack. Benue is an area that has been beset by increasing levels of violence in recent weeks. Last month two Catholic priests, Joseph Gor and Felix Tyolaha, were killed when herdsmen stormed the church in Ukpor where they were celebrating Mass. ‘This was an attack on everything that we ever stood for and believed in’, a spokesman said. See

The UN has declared South Sudan a famine nation. People receive food, humanitarian aid, and English lessons. A pastor passionately shouts slowly in English to the community attending English classes. In Juba there are 21 learning centres with 2,100 learners and 61 volunteer teachers. In Ugandan refugee camps there are 22 learning centres with 647 students and 32 volunteer teachers. They come to centres only to learn English, but through a discipleship programme some are giving their lives to Jesus. The impact of learning English is transformative, but what they read in English is the Word of God - even more transformative! Hostile groups are being transformed into peacemakers. They are learning to love God, and love each other. Only God can make this happen: this is the answer to prayer, the sword that cuts through war.

In Malaysia's national election on 9 May, there has been a stunning victory for the opposition led by former PM Mahathir Mohamad. Aged 92, he came out of a long retirement to take on the current PM Najib Razak and his Barisan National party, who are widely considered to have become terribly corrupted and self-serving. After some Christian leaders were kidnapped (they are still missing), and with laws threatening their religious freedom increasingly being enacted, the churches decided to join together in an all-out initiative of desperate prayer called ‘Light up Malaysia’. It looks as if their prayers are now being answered, thanks be to the Lord! Let us continue to pray with them that the results of the election will be quickly and widely accepted, and that the ruling party will accept the results and relinquish its hold on power gracefully.

On 10 May, Israel said it had struck almost all of Iran's military infrastructure in Syria following an Iranian attack. After twenty rockets were fired at Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, it responded by launching what a spokesman called ‘one of the broadest aerial operations in recent years’. There was no immediate comment from Iran, whose deployment of troops to Syria to back the government in the country's civil war has alarmed Israel. Iran has repeatedly called for an end to the existence of the Jewish state.

One of the most powerful but simplest prayers is “Thy Kingdom Come”. God’s Kingdom brings healing, restoration, release and revelation.

The Thy Kingdom Come initiative is now in its third year and it 2018 it will be a global programme of 24/7 prayer, prayer walking, individual and group prayer and large scale celebrations.

For more info on local events and a wide range of resources go to www.thykingdomcome.global

WPC are working with partners to bring a programme to Birmingham called “Flavours of the city”. Download the programme for details.

We are excited to work with a variety of groups and churches across the city to pray for God to move.

We to encourage as many as possible to join us on the prayer walk in the city centre on Thursday 17th May from 1.00 pm to 2.30pm.

It is time for change and blessing in Birmingham and elsewhere– Thy Kingdom Come.

Thy Kingdom Come

04 May 2018

On Ascension Day, May 10th, millions of Christians around the world will start a 10- day season of worship and prayer based on Acts 1 and 2. Prayer meetings, services, events, walks, pilgrimages will take place; continuous prayer and worship will flood thousands of communities; cathedrals, parks, churches and community buildings will be used as Christians gather to pray for His Kingdom and His Holy Spirit to come. As God’s children humble themselves before Him we know that He will hear us if we ask from that place of alignment with His kingly rule and His plans and purposes (John 15:16-17)

“In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities." Archbishop Justin Welby

And it is timely to pause and reflect about what are we doing when we pray Thy Kingdom Come?
A number of leaders from different churches and organisations have been invited to offer their perspectives: see more at www.thykingdomglobal.com

Gavin Calver and Peter Martin from Spring Harvest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txHr8WQh-8g

Lynn Green of the Baptist Church https://vimeo.com/264480551

Archbishop Angaelos from the Coptic Church https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OHafHBnyfw

As we, at WPC, have shared ‘we increasingly realise the weightiness of praying this prayer …if we pray for His Kingdom to come then other kingdoms have to make way for it…… As we pray, 'Thy Kingdom come' we are praying for righteousness, truth, love, hope, wisdom, justice and peace to come; all of which the kingdom of darkness despises and hates. At a time when we are constantly bombarded with the evil outworking’s of that kingdom, what a privilege to demonstrate through our united praying, our words and actions, that the light of Christ has overcome the darkness and always will. This is powerful, transformational prayer. When we start to pray in faith we must expect change, we must expect shaking, and we must expect a push from God to keep on praying http://www.worldprayer.org.uk/images/PDF/Thy%20Kingdom%20Come%202018%20(JH)%202.pdf

A key part of Thy Kingdom Come is praying for those we know to come to know Jesus and the suggestion is we think of up to 5 people we know, meet or come across in our daily lives and pray for them daily in this season and beyond. Need some encouragement to persevere in prayer? Listen to Grace Wheeler ‘s story from Youth for Christ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT3tOCnvk9U&t=2s

New music video: Thy Kingdom Come https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA2q295l9A

Resources for individuals, churches and families in. www.thykingdomglobal.com

10 day prayer guide from WPC http://www.worldprayer.org.uk/images/PDF/Thy%20Kingdom%20Come%20Prayer%20Resource.pdf



In Mathew 25 Jesus tells a tale of ten virgins, waiting for the bridegroom. All ten had been given lamps and oil, they plan to walk in a celebratory procession with the bridegroom. The challenge was – were they prepared to wait, because it was not till around midnight that the bridegroom arrived? Jesus is talking here about the powerful combination of the Word (“Your word is a lamp to my feet” Ps.119:105) and the Spirit “Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came on David.” 1 Sam. 16:13.

At the midnight hour the wise virgins had their oil topped up, but the foolish ones had run dry. Smith Wigglesworth brought a strong prophetic word 70 years ago. Many will be familiar with it. He said “When the Word and Spirit combine we shall see the greatest move the church of Jesus Christ has ever seen.” Smith Wigglesworth saw great miracles and conversions in His ministry but believed that the best was yet to come.

We have asked R.T.Kendall to join us at Trumpet Call. He believes the coming together of the Word and Spirit – the lamp and oil, in the ten virgins parable is key. They produce light and flame. He believes we will experience a growing reverence for the Word of God as a “wake up call for the church – then there will come the greatest outpouring of the spirit in the history of the church.” He says this will be accompanied by the “clearest preaching of the teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, accompanied by signs and wonders not seen since the days of the early church.”

We are in extraordinary times and this spiritual turning is happening now. WPC’s experience is that God continually speaks to us though key scriptures. We were led into a new phase when Malcolm Duncan shared 2 Kings 19: 29 with us. A clear Word about change. Many other scriptures have inspired us on our journey like Joshua 3:5 “Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” He is currently speaking to us about the Lamb of God, the holiness of the lamb and the great global changing power of the lamb who comes to take away the sins of the world – surely the most fundamental and historical change and transformation call. You will know how God has been speaking powerfully to us through 2 Chron. 7:14 with deeper and deeper revelations of God’s plans and purposes as we keep returning to this scriptures and the context it was spoken into. God is continually reminding us of his goodness, mercy and transformational power. He is awesome.

We so want you to come on this journey with us. To read your bible with great expectation and awe. To wait on the Lord and let him lay a scripture before you. The great outcome of this turning is the cry “Your Kingdom Come”. It is prayer for a great outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Imagine yourself with an old fashioned oil lamp. You can pray each day for it to be full. Imagine taking that oil lamp into your day, asking God to give you words of encouragement, reveal His compassion and mercy in you and let your spirit burst into flame with healings, forgiveness, and revelations of Jesus. We are so blessed to be living in days of the Word and Spirit. The five wise virgins waited believing the bridegroom would come, their oil and lamps were ready, although it was near midnight they trusted the bridegroom. So do we, we await his arrival with joy.

Steve Botham, Director
World Prayer Centre