We want to give you an idea of what goes on at Prayershift and encourage you to add your prayers to what was covered on the day.

Prayershift is a powerful mixture of praise and worship, input on key issues and prayer with an emphasis on creating breakthroughs and change.

We watched a powerful video from an unprecedented gathering of global prayer leaders and mission leaders held at Hernhutt in Germany last year. See https://vimeo.com/244739881

One of the memorable quotes was “The degree to which prayer is mobilised is the degree to which the world is evangelised.” We followed this praying for prayer and mission to be brought together and the gospel to go forward. As we did, we kept getting led back to Hernhutt’s mission cry – as they left their village they would shout “For the Lamb that was slain”. A word was given “Hear the sound, the Lamb is in the field. He is calling forth redemption, mercy and change.” We found ourselves praising and honoring the Lamb, who has taken the sins of the entire world. We also prayed for Trumpet Call, that the hall will be full and that everyone who attends will hear God speak powerfully.

Jane and Ian reported back from a prayer gathering in Northern Ireland representing the nations of the United Kingdom plus the Channel Islands and the Republic of Ireland. We followed this with a very powerful time of prayer for reconciliation in Ireland, repenting for our division and calling for Christians to focus on God’s Kingdom. We prayed for Ireland to commit to “life” in the forthcoming abortion referendum.

We also prayed into the Windrush situation and the hatred and fear that had been released into the nation following Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of blood” speech in Birmingham fifty years before. God is exposing injustice as he shakes our nation. We are aware that divisions still exist and prayed for healing and reconciliation through His church.

We all felt blessed to be there, standing together in God’s presence and being given authority to pray into some key issues.

Our next Prayer Shift is the last one before Trumpet Call, on May 12th. This is such a key time to pray for Turning in our nation and for God to pour His spirit of love, forgiveness and goodness on our nation.

We would love you to join us! We meet at The Betel Church Centre, 122-138 Sherlock Street, Birmingham, B5 6NB from 10.30 – 3.00. It is time to see God do extraordinary things!

All mighty spiritual revivals have had their roots in prayer. Years ago a missionary revivalist reported that in England he talked to a lady about the revival in China. She gave him certain dates when God specially pressed her to pray. He was startled to find that they were the very dates when God was doing his mightiest work in Manchuria and China. The day will come when the history of revival will be unveiled and show that it was brought about mainly by God's saints hidden away with Him in prayer. There will be an international prayer day for the unreached peoples of the world on 20 May. Will you pray? To find out more, go to

Conflict over land used by herdsmen and farmers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is sending thousands into Uganda. Wycliffe Associates in Uganda invited members of DRC people groups to learn Bible translation for their individual tribal dialect. People attending the workshops found that their neighbouring enemies were at the same workshop at the same time - then the Holy Spirit went to work, as they were being equipped to steward God’s Word for their people. The power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit bring reconciliation. Many DRC tribal groups function without any written language: about 242 languages are spoken. Translators use translation recorders in French, the majority language, and then record the same portion of scripture in their dialect to share with their communities. Pastor David Platt said the greatest social injustice today is the 2 billion people who have never heard of God's redeeming love. Bible translation is addressing that injustice.

Thy Kingdom Come 2018 will see thousands around the world, praying for friends, neighbours, colleagues and workmates to come to know Jesus Christ. Churches, chaplaincies, prayer houses, 24/7 prayer rooms and schools are using a range of fresh ideas from the Thy Kingdom Come website. It also has ideas for retreats, special events, booklets, posters, bands etc. to be used throughout the ten day event, plus inspirational videos and blogs on topics including how to pray for others, how to get started in prayer, and encouraging others in prayer. Pray for many more individuals and groups to be involved this year. Pray for the planning of events across the UK and farther afield. Pray for all the preparation that will take place after the planning. Most of all pray that millions will do whatever they hear God telling them to do.

The Financial times recently asked what Sajid Javid’s becoming home secretary means for Brexit. Some suggest that his appointment on Monday, Tuesday’s Lords vote preventing a ‘no deal walk away’, and Wednesday’s customs union defeat (see next article) create additional challenges for our Prime Minister and her government at this strategic time. Pray for God to strengthen, clarify and bless every communication, written and spoken, between London, Ireland and Europe. May confusion in departments be replaced with precise fact finding, mistrust replaced with confident expectations, turmoil replaced with peace, and God to strengthen all who are weary from heavy workloads. Ask God to exchange blame strategies for honest appraisal where it’s due and inaccuracies for wise revisions, and inject integrity into current circumstances.

A crisis Cabinet meeting failed to back Theresa May's plan for a ‘customs partnership’ with Brussels. Key Brexit sub-committee members tried to thrash out a model for the UK's future trade links with Brussels in two hours of tense discussions that ended in deadlock. Insiders said that Sajid Javid had been instrumental in rejecting her plan. Mrs May ordered ministers and officials to carry out ‘further work’ on two options and return with revised proposals at a later date. Whitehall sources reported that six ministers oppose her option and want a looser customs arrangement with Brussels. Boris Johnson urged Mrs May to stick to the principles of her keynote speech at the Mansion House earlier this year which clearly stated that Britain would not form any customs union with the EU after Brexit. International trade secretary Liam Fox said the customs partnership was ‘not compatible’ with Brexit.

In 2015 the Government refused the appeal of the Anjuman-E-Islahul-Mislimeen Trust against Newham Council’s decision to refuse them planning permission for the development of the largest place of worship in Britain. The court of appeal refused to permit a ‘statutory review’ of that decision, then refused Islamist Tablighi Jammat’s (TJ) last-ditch legal attempt to overturn the injunction against them. By rights TJ should put in a new planning application for mixed use, remove the temporary mosque, and stop using the site as a place of worship. However, TJ are going to the European court of human rights (ECHR) to try to keep alive their dream of a mega-mosque in West Ham. On Saturday 5 May Christians will attend an open-air prayer meeting overlooking the proposed site.

Ashers Bakery in Northern Ireland, which was found to have discriminated by refusing to make a ‘gay cake’, had their appeal heard by the supreme court on 1 and 2 May. They challenged the 2014 ruling over their decision not to make a cake iced with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’. Appeal court judges upheld the original decision in 2016. The Christian owners of the bakery argued, ‘We didn't say no because of the customer; we'd served him before, we'd serve him again. It was because of the message. But some people want the law to make us support something with which we disagree.’ Their QC David Scoffield said, ‘They have been penalised by the state for failing to create and provide a product bearing an explicit slogan “Support Gay Marriage”, to which they had an objection of conscience.’