Church of England v freemasons
14 Oct 2016Freemason William Wilson was buried in a churchyard in Cumbria in 2012. His niece asked the Church of England for permission to have the freemasons’ square and compass emblem put on her uncle's stone. The church had no objections, but Geoffrey Tattersall QC, the Chancellor of the Diocese of Carlisle, in his capacity as a consistory court judge, said it would be inappropriate to allow it. He quoted a report on compatibility of freemasonry and Christianity, debated by the General Synod in 1987: ‘Christians have found Masonic rituals disturbing and a few perceive them as positively evil. Some believe Masonic rituals are blasphemous because God's name must not be taken in vain, or be replaced by an amalgam of the names of pagan deities.’ He added that the Synod's primary theological objections centred on freemasonry’s use of the word 'Jahbulon' - the name used for the Supreme Being in Masonic rituals - which is an amalgamation of Semitic, Hebrew and Egyptian titles for God.
Prayer points for Scotland
14 Oct 2016Pray for tolerance and integrity to be exercised by leaders during this time of heightened Brexit tension. Five current Scottish issues are: - 1. The number of homeless has been unchanged for 20 years. Pray for a new strategy to tackle this problem. 2. Nicola Sturgeon has told the SNP that she intends to call for a second referendum on Scottish independence if the Brexit negotiations are not in the country’s best interests. 3. Holyrood ministers were warned that centralising power in Edinburgh will only lead to growing inequality. Pray for the God of the nations to direct Scotland’s MPs in their decision-making. 4. Secondary teachers are to take industrial action over their ‘excessive workload’. Nine out of ten union members back the move. 5. Young people are highlighted in the justice system, as judges and sheriffs are given new guidelines in an attempt to ensure consistency in the sentences they pass. Pray for the Scottish youth of today.
PM urged to admit 'Jungle' children
14 Oct 2016Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders asked Theresa May to allow nearly 400 children in the Calais’ 'Jungle' camp to enter the UK, labelling the camp a ‘stain’ on the consciences of Britain and France. Francois Hollande announced that the camp would be bulldozed before Christmas, with 9,000 inhabitants dispersed around the country - a move welcomed by residents of Calais but causing disquiet elsewhere. The charity Care4Calais said, ‘Neither government has made any attempts to identify these children, make assessments, or even put in place the legal framework necessary to get them to safety in the UK.’ Demonstrators took to the streets in towns across France last weekend protesting against Hollande's plan. So far no children have been helped to leave the camp, despite changes to Britain's Immigration Act four months ago which were meant to assist them.
Ukraine: country at war, Christian unity
14 Oct 2016Ukraine is waging war on its own soil; Kiev has a daily 2:30 pm announcement of the communiqué from the front. The Minsk Agreement between Russia-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces is floundering. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch report civilians being held in prisons that authorities say don't exist, and there are ongoing killings. Meanwhile from 6 to 9 October the second World Congress of Christians of Evangelical Faith was held in Lviv with 2,200 delegates from 16 countries, with the theme ‘Pentecost - the answer to the challenges of our time’. A Ukrainian bishop said, ‘We gathered from different countries to pray in unity and reflect on challenges. As Christians, it is important to understand the time in which we live.’ His Russian counterpart replied, ‘No matter what happens, we will pray for you and empathise with you. I am honoured to serve God with you. We love you!’
Greece: EU’s shameful failure
14 Oct 2016Amnesty International reported 60,000 refugees stranded in Greece due to EU countries not implementing their agreed migrant quotas. Empty promises leave refugees in appalling conditions. Huge numbers have severe health problems, suffer acute stress, anxiety and depression. Only 7,500 are housed in apartments or hotels. The majority live in camps with conditions unfit even for short-term stay: sleeping on floors, poor hygiene conditions, harassment, violence, and lack of police involvement to resolve conflicts. Amnesty called for the international community to implement its promises and relocate asylum seekers from Greece urgently. The EU should increase the number of relocation places, grant humanitarian visas and establish fast-track and accessible family reunification procedures. The mechanisms to distribute asylum seekers across the EU already exist, but member states are either stalling or actively resisting efforts to implement them.
Haiti: aftermath of the hurricane
14 Oct 2016Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos is a Christian orphanage, nurturing vulnerable children in family environments. One worker writes, ‘Finally the winds have eased and we can move about. So many stories of devastation after the hurricane. Houses gone, roofs blown away, animals lost, gardens destroyed - so, so sad. The worst of the storm came in gusts. I imagined Hurricane Matthew was a big dragon, blowing destruction on everyone. I was terrified trees would fall on us and I prayed to God to send His angels to hold back the trees. I imagined the angels doing just that. As I walked around the property this morning I couldn't help thinking the angels had been at work. Some trees fell inches away from children’s homes. The outdoor chapel is a mess, but is the only area in the whole property where there are no houses. How wonderful that Matthew claimed his trees there and not elsewhere!’
Central Asia: press freedom
14 Oct 2016In Azerbaijan, investigative journalist, former political prisoner, and Radio Free Europe contributor Khadija Ismayilova told a US congressional hearing of the harsh conditions faced by journalists who report on high-level corruption, saying, ‘There are no laws which state that journalism is a crime - but where critical journalism is concerned, it is difficult to enforce the rule of law.’ 138 political prisoners are in Azerbaijani prisons. In Belarus a blacklisted rock star who uses music to fight censorship has been given a Freemuse award for promoting freedom of expression through music (awarded annually by a Swedish organisation which advocates and defends freedom of expression). In Crimea, Mykola Semena, who contributes to a Crimea Realities website, was charged under the Russian criminal code after he wrote an article saying that Crimea, annexed by Moscow in 2014, should be returned to Ukraine. He is currently under house arrest in Simferopol.
Ethiopia: teenagers on trial for evangelism
14 Oct 2016Ethiopian evangelical Christians frequently face discrimination and harassment. Eden (15), Gifti and Mihiret (both 14), and Deborah (18) were distributing a Christian book in Ethiopia's main language entitled ‘Let's speak the truth in love - answers to questions’. The book answers questions posed about the Christian faith by a South African Islamic scholar who used to be head of the Islamic Propagation Centre International. Christians in a town east of Addis Ababa decided to distribute it following cross-cultural evangelism training. Local Muslims said the book was an insult to Islam. The four girls have made several court appearances and their case has been transferred to a higher court in Harar. Eden was beaten in prison but said, ‘This suffering is an honour for us. We should expect persecution. We are not afraid. We are singing and praying here in prison.’ Deborah said, ‘It is an honour to be jailed for God's Kingdom.’