The shockwaves caused by the Brexit referendum have led to some soul-searching - for religious and non-religious people alike. Clarifying what we stand for, as a society, involves thinking about some core values - nationhood, democracy, dignity, rule of law, welfare, capitalism, science, human rights, ethics - and we need to start by understanding where they come from. As Nick Spencer shows in his new book, The Evolution of the West: How Christianity Has Shaped our Values, the deepest values of contemporary, liberal secular society have their roots in Christianity. For the last decade New Atheists have argued that the values that many of us hold dear developed despite religion. These arose once we threw off Christianity’s malign influence, they claim: the story of Western thought is one of slow but steady secular emancipation. But our values were not simply born in the Enlightenment; Christianity has had a key role in the development in all of them.

Former British soldiers have responded fiercely to ex-military MPs who attacked their satirical anti-war art project. The ex-services group accused them of being ‘self-appointed veterans’ champions’ who ‘trade off the backs of ordinary soldiers’. Veterans for Peace UK endorsed the ‘Army: Be the Meat’ artwork, originally commissioned by military veterans in 2015, to highlight issues relating to poor treatment of veterans. However, two former military officers, now MPs, criticised the art in the Sun newspaper. It appears neither they nor the paper realised that the project was actually endorsed by hundreds of veterans. Dan Jarvis told the paper the display was ‘extremely disrespectful to our armed forces and utterly unacceptable that those who have been injured in military service should be pilloried in this way.’

Should Christians practise yoga? For some it's a non-question: yoga is just a nice way of keeping fit and flexible, with no spiritual implications at all. They're perfectly happy to see their church hall hired out to a yoga group. For others, yoga is a practice imported straight from Hinduism. At best it's compromising Christian witness and at worst it's a gateway to demonic powers. So how do Christians navigate the conversation? And how does the controversy over yoga fit into the wider issue about how Christians respond to the alternative spiritualities that seem to be on the rise as institutional religion is declining? Ross Clifford and Philip Johnson, authors of Taboo or To Do? said that broadly speaking, ‘there are ways of talking to people who practise them in a way that builds bridges.’

Justin Welby writes: ‘The habits of antisemitism have been burrowing into European and British culture for as long as we can remember. In England’s late mediaeval period, Jewish communities faced constant persecution: Shylock, the villain of the Merchant of Venice, was a cliché of his time. By the time Cromwell reopened England to Jewish settlement in the 1650s, antisemitism had mutated within common parlance and culture. It is a shameful truth that through its theological teachings the Church, which should have offered an antidote, compounded the spread of this virus. The fact that antisemitism has infected the body of the Church is something of which we Christians must repent. We live with the consequences of our history of denial and complicity. The challenge for us is to face the uncomfortable truths of our history, and for faith groups to take a lead in being transparent and honest in exposing the hidden recesses of prejudice.’

‘Father, we thank you for the Christian heritage of this nation. We thank you for those who have pioneered for righteousness and for Your Kingdom to be established in this nation regardless of the consequences. We thank you for the sacrifices of those who have given their lives in past seasons, and we declare that their lives still shout out a message of life. We pray for a turning in the heart of this nation, a shifting, a moving towards the Father heart of God. We say, let there be an awakening, a stirring, a realisation of our dependence upon You. We long for this nation to be united for Your purposes, with one God, Christ the Lord, that individuals will live righteously and promote the love of God in their daily lives. May we see revival and the laws of our God established within our borders, overturning every ungodly, unclean and unrighteous law. May this nation stand again in righteousness and justice, sending to the nations the powerful message that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’

A study conducted by a polling firm for the Evangelical News Agency found 57% of Germans hold a negative view of Islam in their country, including 61% of women and two-thirds of the over-45s. Fear of Islam is particularly strong among Catholics at 61.5%, Protestants at 59.6%, and other Christians at 55.5%; also, 57% of non-churchgoers say they fear it. The poll also highlighted fear of rising crime as a result of the migrant influx, particularly among the country’s Jewish population - 92% of Jews said they fear attacks. Christians of all denominations believe Germany will be less safe as a result of the migrant surge; more than 60% believe crime will rise. In May, Germany’s interior minister published a report showing migrants contributing disproportionately to the country’s crime figures.

The government of Andorra and its banking authorities said they had no immediate comment on a planned lawsuit by the Cierco family against Andorra to be compensated for the loss of its banking assets after the bank which they own was identified as a likely hub for the laundering of hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of criminal gangs. The pending lawsuit would seek damages from Andorra for the ‘indiscriminate and unilateral expropriation’ of the bank. The authorities in Andorra intervened after criminal investigators from the US treasury department released a report that singled out the bank as an ‘institution of primary money laundering concern’ for worldwide criminals. The government has imposed limits on money withdrawals in order to avoid the collapse of a banking sector that is a cornerstone of Andorra’s economy.

The 4/14 Window Movement is a global missions movement whose aim is to REACH, RESCUE, ROOT and RELEASE young people to grab hold of their inheritance in Christ and transform their world through His power. In 1974 Ralph Winter called the Church to focus mission efforts on ‘unreached people groups’ internationally. In 2008 he challenged us to reach the world’s largest unreached people group hidden in every nation - young people aged between 4 and 14 (the ‘4/14 window’). In 2015 another call went out to the nations for ‘nurturers’, young people aged 14-22, to take their rightful place in serving this next generation by making disciples among the 4/14. Today we pray for a radical global change to the way the Church views young people, and responds to their strategic importance and rightful place in His Kingdom. Globally, children and youth are currently the most receptive to spiritual and developmental input. 85% of people who make a decision for Christ do so between the ages of 4 and 14! See also: