Pastor William Devlin of Infinity Bible Church in New York City gave $4,000 from his own pocket to buy weapons for the Christian militia fighting IS. He bought grenades, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and AK-47 assault rifles for the Nineveh Plain Protection Units, saying that weapons are much needed by the Christian militia in their battle against terrorists. However, many believe this raises the serious issue of what forms of aid and intervention Western Christians should offer to help their Middle Eastern brothers and sisters. How we engage has wide repercussions and demands deep reflection. Although the US has provided training for weaponry, the American government has not supplied weapons. Meanwhile the Iraqi ministry of the interior revealed that security forces had seized four trucks carrying explosives in southern Baghdad. They had come from Syria and entered Baghdad in collusion with some local authorities, paying $13,000 per truck. See:
Middle East: church summit
23 Sep 2016Last week, Jordan hosted the 11th General Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches. Presidents of churches from Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt and Iran reflected on common challenges facing Christian communities in the region and met with King Abdullah who gave his support by saying, ‘Christians in the Arab world are an integral part of the Arab social fabric and protecting their rights is a duty of all.’ At the close of the three-day assembly, the leaders said how they appreciate the support of Muslim leaders in the region and value their combatting extremism. They asked for intervention to stop the war in Syria and to give support to the region’s refugees, and urged the speedy election of a president in Lebanon. In Lebanon, the constitution requires the president to be a Christian but the post has been vacant for over two years as the sides cannot agree on a candidate.
Pakistan: plight of minorities
23 Sep 2016The European Organisation for Pakistani Minorities organised ‘Plight of Pakistani Minorities’ at the 33rd session of the UN Human Rights Council. International speakers came from the European Parliament, International Forum for Rights and Security and the Institute for Gilgit-Baltistan Studies. They expressed deep concern over growing intolerance in Pakistani society, aggravated by the actions of the Pakistan government. They believe the government and military should realise that their policy to sustain and use extremist elements in certain neighbourhoods to achieve their own ends will sooner or later not only destabilise Pakistan internally but also spread to other parts of the world. Pray that the international community will recognise and work towards resolving this crisis, which has not been adequately addressed in the past.
Thirty-two African heads of state are debating ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ at the UN. Some major concerns are: Chad - continues to fight Boko Haram. Malawi - respect for basic human rights as they open doors to refugees from neighbouring countries. Also millions need food assistance due to climate change. Tunisia - promoting security and human rights but needs support to improve its economy, emphasising Tunisia’s commitment to build a prosperous, united Africa. South Africa - developmental progress in line with the African Union’s agenda, also called for inclusive growth where countries put global interests ahead of national ones. Nigeria - anti-corruption stance and effects of the global downturn on the country, also pointed out that climate change effects are threatening livelihoods of 30 million people. Uganda - preventing discrimination based on religion, gender and political orientation. Ghana - Africa does not need sympathy or overseas aid, it needs a fair chance to trade with the rest of the world and amongst ourselves.
Iran and Saudi Arabia
23 Sep 2016‘You must understand that Iranians are not Muslims, they are sons of Magi (Zoroastrians), and their hostility toward Muslims, especially the Sunnis, is an old one.’ These words were delivered on 6 September by the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdul-Aziz Al Sheikh, as a response to the Haj message which the Iranian supreme leader released the preceding day. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had stated, ‘Saudi officials are trying to cover up their enmity and hatred of the faithful and revolutionary people of Iran by talking about politicisation of the Haj. They are small and pitiful devils who are very afraid of jeopardising the interests of the big Satan, the United States.’ Although Iranian president Hassan Rouhani came to power in 2013 with the promise of easing tensions between Iran and other countries in the region, what is currently taking place between Tehran and Riyadh cannot in any way be considered a de-escalation.
“The bar for depravity has been lowered”
22 Sep 2016These are the words of Bank Hi Moon General Secretary to the United Nations endeavouring to describe the situation in Syria.
However as we look around the world today we know that statement could be made in many countries including our own.
The consequences of telling God we do not need Him, and that man is quite capable of sorting things out, that we can manage on our own are becoming more evident to those who want to see.
However at the same time all over the world God is raising up an army of young (and not so young) people who are, through word and action, saying ‘enough is enough’.
In nation after nation people are turning their backs on the depravity spewing out of nations and seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, often at great cost to them and their families.
In response to the prayers of millions around the world they are arising in the power of the Holy Spirit and as the light of the world dispelling the depraved darkness.
By the grace of God, together we are rising with them, as part of an army knowing that at the cross Jesus won such a victory that the most depraved could be redeemed, healed and restored.
Will you be part of the mighty army that God is raising?
Ian Cole
Founder of World Prayer Centre
It is time!
22 Sep 2016Recently a group from the UK joined over a thousand young people from 37 nations in South Korea at a prayer event called UPrising (United Prayer Rising). Three days of worship and prayer preceded a visit to the DMZ between North and South Korea for six hours of worship and prayer for North Korea. We prayed for the reunification of Korea and for the raising up of the next generation to be the fire carriers of the Gospel around the world.
During that time, a young boy from South America gave a prophetic word to a minister from the UK saying that he, along with others, should go to the ‘Big Clock’ in London to kneel and confess the sins of the government and nation, and pray and declare, “It is time” that through the Church, a spiritual awakening would come to the UK.
On Tuesday 20 September, some of the people who had been to the UPrising in Korea and others gathered at 12 noon by Big Ben and surrounded by visitors from all over the world, knelt together on the pavement, confessed the sin of the nation and asked that God in His mercy would visit our land. We prayed that this visitation would impact the Government, the Church, the business community and families.
As yet we do not know the outcome of this gathering, but we do know that God will honour the obedience of His people and we go on praying the release of that word through our nation to the nations.
Ian Cole
Founder of World Prayer Centre
Street Pastors National Prayer Month
20 Sep 2016After several successful years of running a Street Pastors Network National Prayer Week, this year Wendy Thomas, National Prayer Coordinator for Street Pastors has felt led by God to call for a 24/7 National Prayer Month.
Prayer Theme: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
In line with our prayer theme, please pray blessings over our nation and anything you feel led by God to pray for the nation, not forgetting to give us feedback of what God says to you in your prayer time.
Let’s pray 24/7 for the month of October
We are calling for all Street and Prayer Pastor groups, as well as volunteers and church groups that want to support their local Street Pastors to take a period of one hour or more in October and to contact Wendy Thomas with what time that hour would be.
If you would like to get involved and join Street Pastor's in praying, visit the website.