With all eyes recently focusing on Islamic State in Syria, developments in Iraq are proving equally, if not more, instructive in illuminating the extremist group's changing fortunes and -- critically -- its changing strategy in response to them…

Islamic State 2.0

In essence, as it suffers more defeats Islamic State is changing its tactics accordingly; as it loses at home in Iraq, it has tried to "win" abroad in Europe. The IS attacks in Paris, Nice, and Brussels over the past year are a testament to a group that may be in the process of morphing essentially from a statelet with its own standing army into, once again, a more traditional terrorist group that employs guerrilla and insurgent-style activities on the battlefield, and urban terror attacks in the cities of the West.

Syria and Iraq have always been distinct arenas for IS. The strategic vacuum the civil war created in Syria meant that it was able to both take territory but also create a symbiotic relationship with Assad's regime -- one that lent each justification and legitimacy. For Assad: the presence of IS allowed him to claim he was fighting jihadists. For IS, Assad's Iran-backed slaughter of Sunnis enabled the group to present itself, as Ali notes, as the only real and effective alternative.

In Iraq, while the group has fed off of Baghdad's persecution (and slaughter) of Sunnis in a way similar to that in Syria, the military tactics of IS have always relied on defeating largely unmotivated, and often frightened, Iraqi military forces in strongly Sunni areas of the country. Unlike in Syria, they have not allowed themselves to become too attached to any city or town; often abandoning areas rather than risk losing too many of their core fighters -- using more traditional terror tactics like IEDs to cause as much damage to incoming coalition or Iraqi troops as possible. In Iraq, it has always been more of a terror group than the army it is in Syria.

This makes it likely that this year could see Baghdad make further gains on the ground. But Baghdad is not fighting an opposing army there and the response will likely be an intensification of the trend of more insurgent attacks rather than outright battles, while those in Europe must brace themselves for yet more terror atrocities.

In Iraq we may be witnessing the emergence of IS 2.0. No matter the reversals it faces, as the recently killed IS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, declared: "The battle of wills remains. (italics ours)

Radio Free Europe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Pray that IS 2.0 will be an increasingly weakened and disillusioned ISIS that cannot retain its fighters and that loses its will to continue its existence at all. Pray that the coalition’s effort to destroy ISIS will be successful and that many of its fighters and even leaders will turn to Jesus Christ. God specializes in converting rabid terrorists as He did with Saul, making him the greatest missionary of all time!


“On the first day of classes, Prime Minister Netanyahu, along with his Education Minister Naftali Bennett, met with 200 students, urging them to be serious about their studies—not excluding the Bible. During his speech, He said,

I want you to listen to me because I want you to learn—learn to write, learn to read, learn Hebrew, Arabic and English…I want you to learn mathematics.  I want you to learn science.  I want you to learn history—History of the Jewish People, the history of your public.  I want you to learn the truth, and the truth says that we are destined to live together…I want you to be doctors, scientists and writers, and be whatever you want to, and are able to, be.  I want you to be loyal citizens, integrated into the state of Israel; this is your state.”

Emphasizing the importance of honoring parents and teachers, he added, “Learn well.  Go back home and do what mother and father tell you!”

Later in the day, in an address to Israel’s students at large, he emphasized,

“First of all the study of the Bible.  We must make a major effort; this is the basis for why we are here, why we have returned here, why we stay here.”   —(“Netanyahu tells Israeli students: Study the Bible”, WND, 4 Sept 2016 3:12 p.m.)


* That Israeli students will read and study their Bibles on their own; that the Spirit of God will reveal to them Life and Truth as they read.  That they will not be discouraged from this by the many secular teachers who do not take it seriously.

* That the Prime Minister would be diligent in “searching the Scriptures” himself.  He claims to read it, and he oversees a Bible Study each month.  He has had much exposure to Believers, and many pray regularly for him (We know of a small powerful group of Spirit-filled Believers with whom he had audience only this past week).  Pray that the Word of God take root and bear fruit in his spirit, and that of his wife Sara.

Martin and Norma Sarvis


Pray for a widespread revelation of who Jesus is to the Jewish people wherever they are. May they come to receive Him with their whole hearts at this time of fulfillment of what their prophets have written!

We are asking for your prayers as we too face the Homosexual Marriage Juggernaut! Please pass this request for prayer to those within your networks as you believe is appropriate. This is the first time a major Australian Christian Denomination like the Catholic Church  has issued a call for a month of prayer and fasting in the history of Australia since the days of the early settlement. Catholics make up 25% of the total population and it is the largest denomination by far. What is making this call for prayer even more momentous is the majority of Australian churches and denominations are getting behind the call for prayer and fasting for marriage and families  which is a miracle of itself. 

New churches, prayer groups and denominational groupings are signing up to support the month of Prayer & Fasting for Marriage and Families from the 1 – 31 October on a daily basis. As James Condon my fellow convener says, “Support for this historic initiative by the Catholic Church is gathering momentum.” From my point of view this combined church prayer call is one of the most exciting and historic things that I (Warwick Marsh) have ever been a part of. Please continue to pray for Australia  and pass this information on to your own prayer networks. Together we can make a difference. 

See this news story: https://www.sightmagazine.com.au/news/6506-australian-christians-joining-in-month-of-prayer-and-fasting-for-marriage-and-families

Warwick Marsh


PO Box 378

Unanderra NSW, 2526

Mobile: 61 418 225 212

Office:   61 2 4272 9100

“History belongs to the intercessors who believe the future into being.” – Walter Wink

“God wants the Church to bind principalities and powers with authority and to determine the politics of nations.” --Ingulf Schmidt

The National Prayer Assembly to be held October 27-28 in the Washington DC area will be the culmination of a year of several wonderful united prayer initiatives for the USA. Its theme is "Seeking God's Face for the Deliverance and Destiny of America" and it will involve ministry leaders and intercessors coming together from across the country for a final time of all-out intercession before the national elections. Would you please join us in prayer for the nation during those days and specifically until then, seek the Lord with us for the following concerns?

1 Please pray that those leaders and intercessors whose hearts the Lord is stirring would be able to come to Washington D.C. and that the NPA would be a history-shaping encounter with Him and one another. It is still possible to register for the NPA and take part if you want to join us by doing so through this link. https://intre.org/?297

2 Pray for the 25 issue experts that will be presenting brief overviews of the situation in our country, for the session facilitators, and for the times of response in intercession to be strongly anointed and led by the Spirit. 

3 Pray for those who are wicked and self-serving to be removed from power and influence in our government and society, and that God will raise up people of integrity who love the nation and want to serve our people honorably, and even sacrificially, for the good of all. We need clear-headed, upright new leadership to take the nation forward.

4 Pray for a great new spiritual and moral revival to sweep through the USA, and especially involving the youth and children, that America will be pulled back from the brink of continued decline towards potential destruction to enter into a whole new era of God's manifest blessing and purpose. 

Thanks for your prayers of unity, faith and authority, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. We have the future history of America in our hands as those who will pray, believing the Lord for a divine reversal of our national fortunes accompanied by a time of real restoration and transformation for our beloved nation. It has happened before in our history and it can happen again now!

Every blessing in Christ,

John Robb 

on behalf of the organizing team: 

Dave Butts (National Prayer Committee)

Rickie Bradshaw (Pray Houston)

Pierre Bynum (Family Research Council)

Paul Cedar (Mission America Coalition)

Lisa Crump (National Day of Prayer)

Kay Horner (Awakening America Alliance)

Dave Kubal (Intercessors for America)

Daniel Lim and Doug Conder (International House of Prayer)

John Robb (International Prayer Connect)

What is it going to take to bring about the purposes of God for the land and peoples of Israel?   Is it possible that we can see a spiritual breakthrough in political and social realms?   Is it possible that we can see hearts and minds change?

We believe that through united, heartfelt prayer this is possible. It is amazing what the Lord will do when His people from all different ethnic and denominational backgrounds come together to pray for their nation. It has been our privilege for over 20 years to facilitate special prayer initiatives around the world, many of them in hopeless war zones where any hope of peace and healing seemed impossible. But God, according to His ancient promise to King Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14, has brought about peace agreements, governments of national unity and other stunning breakthroughs, often suddenly, time and time again. We have found that the spiritual leaders of a nation if they seek God together according to His word, praying in the unity of the Spirit, actually set the agenda for the political leaders because they have transacted business with the Lord, the One who has all power to bring about the impossible for His believing people.

On November 4, selected ministry leaders from across the nation will gather for a day of prayer together, not to talk about political differences, but to seek God with open hearts. Our agenda will be the Lord and one another, humbly seeking together to fulfill Jesus' prayer that we may be one as He and the Father are one so the world will know that He is its Savior and Lord. We believe that such a focus on the Lord and His purposes for the land and its peoples through united prayer will actually change the atmosphere so that what now seems to be impossible politically, socially, culturally and ecclesiastically will become possible in remarkable new ways. God is able to do "far more abundantly than all we can ask or think." (Eph. 3:20)!

Brian Mills and John Robb, two IPC leaders, have been invited facilitate this day of prayer there on November 4th. Please pray for this important time, its effective planning, and for the right ministry leaders from across the country, both Jewish and Palestinian, will be able to participate.

“On the date noted above, the IEA released a statement on its website threatening wide-spread retribution if the government carries out the death sentence for Anas Haqqani, who is currently being held at Bagram Airfield.

“If the higher courts also uphold the death sentence to Anas Haqqani, it will have very disastrous and dangerous consequences for the current regime,” according to the statement. “The war and its intensity will increase in all parts of the country. A lot of blood will be spilled and the government will be responsible for all of it.”

Anas Haqqani has been held for nearly 18 months, and at the end of August, the GOA announced he had been sentenced to death (although it is unclear on what charges). The announcement has brought with it a range of threats promised by the IEA, and developments surrounding the case should be followed closely by NGOs thorough the country.

The response by the IEA is not surprising and further statements can almost certainly be expected. Just days before the statement was released, a video was shared by IEA media showing two Western captives (an American woman and a Canadian man) who were abducted by the group in 2012. Both abductees pleaded with their respected governments to pressure the Afghan government to change its execution policy. The Canadian stated that in order to get the policy changed or take revenge the IEA was willing to kill them and their two children (both of which were born in captivity).

The use of Western hostages to prevent executions of AOG members or to secure their release through prisoner exchanges is nothing new. The most prominent example took place in May 2014 when the US government released five IEA commanders held at Guantanamo Bay detention centre in exchange for the release of a US soldier, who had been held by the group since 2009.

Given Anas’ high profile, it is unlikely that the US/Afghan governments would use him in a prisoner exchange. Further, if Anas is in fact executed, this could led to revenge killings against Western citizens currently being held by the group in response. There is reliable information that the Haqqani Network has over the past two years attempted to conduct abductions of high profile Westerners in the county to use for exactly for this purpose… 

The IEA showed it was able to follow through on threats made in response to the May execution. And a similar show of force – if not much greater – on judiciary targets and GOA targets more broadly could almost certainly be expected following the execution of Anas.”

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 INSO SECURITY REPORT - AFG: IEA Threats over Haqqani Execution

Please pray for Afghanistan and its healing and restoration from years of war. Continue to pray that the Taliban terrorists will be thrown into disunity and dissolution, will give up there fruitless, destructive conflict with the government, and will sue for peace. Pray for protection for those serving there as part of the NGO humanitarian community, both Christians and non-Christians, that they will be able to carry out their work and be kept from kidnappings and other dangers to themselves and their families. In addition, pray for the quick release of any being held by the Taliban or IEA.

How often have you heard sexual progressives claim that those of us who hold to traditional sexual morality and marriage are “on the wrong side of history?” But as one new book points out, it’s the proponents of the sexual revolution who are embracing a sexual morality that history left behind millennia ago—in the dusty ruins of the Roman Forum.

Yes, today Western civilization is undergoing a dramatic cultural shift. In just a few short years our society has fundamentally altered the meaning of marriage, embraced the notion that men can become women, and is now promoting the idea that grown men should be welcome to share a bathroom with women and young girls. Not unexpectedly, we’re also seeing movement toward the normalization of polygamy, pedophilia, and incest.

It’s precisely in times like this that we need some historical perspective. Which is why Lutheran pastor Matthew Rueger’s new book, “Sexual Morality in a Christless World,” is a timely godsend. In it, Rueger shows how Christian sexual morality rocked the pagan world of ancient Rome. The notions of self-giving love, sexual chastity, and marital fidelity were foreign, even shocking to the people of that time.

Citing existing scholarship, Rueger details the Roman sexual worldview that prevailed for hundreds of years. Women and children were viewed as sexual objects; slaves—male and female--could expect to be raped; there was widespread prostitution; and predatory homosexuality was common. Christian sexual morality might have been seen as repressive by the licentious, but it was a gift from God for their victims.

Rueger writes that “Claims in our day of being progressive and moving forward by accepting the ‘new prevailing views on sexuality and same-sex marriage' are horribly misinformed … Contemporary views about sexuality are simply a revival of an older and much less loving view of the world.”

But they are also a revival of an older and impoverished view of human beings. Imagine the reaction of a pagan Roman slave girl who learned for the first time that she had value—not monetary value as a piece of goods to be enjoyed or discarded by her owner—but eternal value because she was made in the very image of God.

Or imagine the pang of conscience felt by an unfaithful Roman husband when he learned that God became incarnate, and took on human flesh, and that how he treated his own body and the bodies of others mattered to God. Mattered immensely.

Folks, we can’t look away and ignore this unholy revival of pagan sexuality and its cheapened view of human beings. But we also can’t wring our hands in fear or throw them up in defeat. As Rueger points out, Christ and His Church radically transformed a far more sexually cruel and chaotic world than ours.

Look to those ancient believers who went before us: Rather than succumbing to or accommodating the spirit of the age, new converts in the early Church came to understand, as Rueger writes, that “Christian morality is based on Christ’s all-encompassing purity and self-emptying love…Christians could no longer live as the Greeks or Romans. Their worldview and self-view was distinctly different. They were now one with Christ in heart and soul.”

Now, their distinctiveness, as Rueger writes, “would not spare them from suffering; it would invite suffering.” It’s pretty clear now that the same holds true for us. Will we bend the knee to this revived pagan sexuality, or will we hold out to a needy world the freedom of God’s plan for human sexuality?

From BreakPoint.org.

Let’s pray for a revolution away from such degraded and destructive sexual “progressivism” , especially for the younger generation. As has happened in earlier human history, such pagan immorality threatens to take our nation and many other nations over the brink and into the sure judgment of God.

With everything from the fear of deadly snakes to alleged executions by anti-aircraft gun, it’s understandable why many North Koreans desire to flee the Hermit Kingdom. What’s interesting to note, however, is the economic class of defectors that have found their way out of North Korea. According to a survey from the Korean Unification Ministry, the percentage of defectors from the “middle-class” rose from 19% in 2001 to 55.9% after 2014. The increase stems from the fact that more defectors from higher statuses in the North possess the resources to escape, said the Unification Ministry.

So far this year, 894 North Koreans have escaped the country, compared to the 777 in the previous year during the same period. The Unification Ministry claims that this 15% increase is on track to bring the total amount of defectors to 30,000 by the end of the year.

Although the reasons to cross the border, or in some exceptional cases remain away from, are numerous, it’s noteworthy that one of their highly publicized punishments in North Korea seems to have decreased: North Korea leader Kim Jong Un is estimated to have executed about 130 officials in the 5 years he’s been in power, while Kim Jong Il, his father, had put to death over 2,000 officials in a 6 year span.

The latest high-profile defection comes from Thae Yong-Ho, North Korea’s deputy ambassador to London, who has since been accused by his former country of leaking state secrets, embezzlement, and child rape. As one of the highest-ranking North Korean officials to have defected, it wouldn’t be far fetched to believe that others will eventually follow suit.


Praying for the liberation of North Korea at the DMZ in July

United in one voice of prayer, hundreds of delegates from over 30 nations across the globe lighted up candles, as a symbol of the light of Jesus within each and every soul surrendered, to intercede even for the darkest corners of the world. 

With the numerous pressing issues, chaos, and calamities that are happening around the world, darkness seems to prevail. We are the Davids that has slain the giant of darkness, division, and despair. We are the light of which the darkness is afraid of. We are to let this light shine on the darkest valleys. 

Bound in Christ's love and united in spirit, our light shines brighter and brighter day by day.

#UnitedPrayerRising #UPRISING2016KOREA


Let’s continue to pray for His light to flow into North Korea. Ask for regime change and that the oppression of the North Korean people will come to an end. Pray for the protection of those there seeking to bring revolution and reform and that they will be successful.