2nd National Prayer Weekend
16 Aug 2016CWR are launching the second National Prayer Weekend, and you are invited to join in!
23-25 September 2016 thousands of churches, communities and individuals will be lifting up their locality to God in prayer. The heart of National Prayer Weekend aligns with the aims of World Prayer Centre to pray for families, communities, the marginalised and the world and to impact our nation to see God’s Kingdom come.
The idea is simple. The National Prayer Weekend is an opportunity to gather prayer requests from people in your local area and introduce them to a God who loves them through the power of prayer.
Last year, more than 1,300 individuals, groups and churches joined to cover the nation in prayer. We know that God can do immeasurably more than we can even imagine. So it is with great expectation that we invite you to join in 23–25 September 2016 as we pray for our local schools, hospitals, businesses, neighbours and whole communities.
Feedback from the National Prayer Weekend 2015:
'We felt for us the weekend was the beginning of us praying for our community in a way we haven’t done until now.’
‘We are now embarking on a time of praying for a different street each day. This has come about as a result of the NPW’
‘The weekend shifted the attitude of prayer in our church’
Visit www.national-prayer-weekend.com to join in, access free resources to help plan your prayer weekend and to get your pin on the prayer map to make your mark on the nation.
Follow the National Prayer Weekend on Facebook and Twitter to add your voice to a worldwide praying community sharing stories, pictures and prayer ideas.
We believe that local people praying for their community and neighbours can change the whole nation. One life, one street, one community at a time.
South Sudan
11 Aug 2016Five years after becoming the world's newest nation, South Sudan is broken. The joy of independence quickly faded back into conflict. Years of fighting and civil war have crippled nearly every sphere of society. Pray for the government, where the president and vice-president are political and military rivals. Pray for security: due to looting, rape, and mass killings, people are confined to houses, reduced to unimaginable fear. Pray for the economy, as South Sudan has the highest inflation in the world - 300%. Pray for the health of this nation that is suffering acute malnutrition. Many South Sudanese have only known war, conflict, and strife. A culture of revenge is prominent among the more than 60 major ethnic groups. The people of South Sudan are desperate for forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation. These are precisely what God offers by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Continue to pray for Pakistan
11 Aug 2016A missionary writes, ‘The military is working to bring down terrorists along the Afghan border. Pray this might be coordinated with Afghanistan so that terrorists cannot cross borders to escape. The Joshua project states Pakistan is one of the most unreached countries in the world. God says that before Jesus returns ‘there will be one from every tribe and tongue’ who accept Him as Lord and Saviour. A stronghold the devil has over Pakistan is caste; we can only work in one group at a time. There is a problem identifying these people groups. For the south of Pakistan, a survey identified 496 unevangelised people groups - very few have been reached. The survey’s lists and results were sent to appropriate organisations and it has just been found that these lists have been mislaid. Pray that all these files and lists will be found and that the Jesus film will be completed for those who have never heard the gospel.’
Globally: movement of people and the Good News
11 Aug 2016According to the UN, last year the number of people living in a country other than the one of their birth reached 244 million. God is doing something through diaspora - the individuals and peoples who have been scattered through migration. What Scripture shows from Genesis to Revelation is that God moves people from one place to another so that He might be known. The Bible is full of diaspora people, whom God sent to a different place for the glory of His name among the nations: Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Esther, Paul and Jesus. The pattern of God moving people around for the increase of His kingdom has not changed. According to Acts 17:26-27, the Lord ‘determined allotted periods and the boundaries of every nation’s dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.’
Iran: Three Azeri Christians arrested
11 Aug 2016Three Christian tourists from Azerbaijan visiting their Christian friends in Tehran were arrested by Iranian intelligence police at a residential house, believed to be a house church. They were immediately transferred to an unknown location. They were identified as Bahram Nasibov, 37 years old and married; Yusif Farhadov, 52 and married; and Eldar Gurbanov, 48 and married. 45-year-old Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh, an Iranian Christian convert with an Islamic background, was also arrested. He is being held separately from the rest and there is no word on his whereabouts. The three Azeris’ wives have not been able to contact them since their arrest. One of the men was allowed to make two very short phone calls, during which he said, ‘All three of us are in good health and are held together in one place.’
USA: meeting Jesus inspired ex-congressman
11 Aug 2016Former congressman Tom DeLay encountered Jesus over 30 years ago and the transformation he underwent inspired him to write a book, jointly with Baptist pastor Wallace Henley, calling America back to its godly heritage. He spoke in depth about the process of repentance and revival that can lead to transformation in a nation. ‘How does a nation repent? Well, 100% of the nation isn’t going to repent, but when the remnant community, which is the core of the spiritual heart of the nation, awakens to repentance it radiates to others and others pick up the theme across the culture. When that occurs, that's when revival really strikes,’ Henley said. ‘God is at the core of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and the Constitution is at the core of our government. We need a God-centred revolution for the Constitution, resulting in a rebirth of our culture.'
The announcement by Jabhat al-Nusra that it was severing ties with al-Qaeda signals the terrorist organisation’s desperation. Russian and Iranian-backed Syrian forces are working together; Jabhat al-Nusra and its allies have instituted brutal Sharia rule, as documented by Amnesty International. It is hoped that US-Russian negotiations will produce an agreement on military coordination that will bring further bad news for what is now called the ‘Front for the Conquest of Syria’, The roll-out by Jabhat al-Nusra of its new brand would have been comical if there was a place for humour when dealing with the al-Qaeda affiliate and its bloody record worldwide. Ahmed Hassan Abu al-Khayr, the deputy to al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri, announced that he had ordered the split ‘for the good of Islam and the Muslims.’ Amnesty International said the Aleppo Conquest coalition organisations working with Jabhat al-Nusra are practitioners of an ideology and governance barely distinguishable from IS.
USA: Pentagon probes civilian deaths
11 Aug 2016The Pentagon has said it is investigating what could be its deadliest strike on civilians in Syria since its anti-IS campaign began two years ago. Syrian opposition groups and monitors said a strike on 19 July is likely to have killed over 100 civilians, including whole families in Syria’s Aleppo province. Speaking from Baghdad, Colonel Christopher Garver said that the anti-IS coalition reviewed reports of US warplanes killing civilians and has completed a preliminary probe. The result was that the information available was credible enough to warrant a formal investigation, which has now been initiated. Meanwhile the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights continues to monitor and report on civilian casualties as airstrikes continue. Researchers and reporters based in the Middle East have catalogued 74 civilians killed last week, but how many more may have died in US and allied airstrikes remains unclear.