There has been a rash of child kidnappings in recent months, increasing to alarming numbers (300 in one city in two weeks). The police are ineffective, resulting in vigilante forces being formed. Vigilantes recently stopped an ambulance carrying twelve children. The driver was tortured and accused of kidnapping when his trip was a legitimate one. Criminals are growing even more daring. Some children are forced into prostitution and begging, some are found with major body parts removed, including kidneys, eyes and hearts; obviously feeding a lucrative illegal black market for body transplants. Equally disturbing are those being trained to be suicide bombers. A Lahore Christian believer writes that over 900 children have been kidnapped. Local Christians are fasting and praying for divine intervention in this atrocity perpetrated against young and helpless children. Will you join them in prayer?

Since March, Syrian and Russian forces have been targeting hospitals as a strategy of war. Now Amnesty International has reported that nearly 18,000 civilians have died in Syrian state jails, with an estimated 300 people dying in custody every month. The report, based on interviews with 65 ‘torture survivors’, details systematic use of rape and beatings by prison guards. They described so-called welcome parties - ritual beatings using metal bars and electric cables. The Syrian government has repeatedly denied such allegations. The report estimates that 10 people die in custody every day, that’s more than 300 a month. According to the report, new detainees are subjected to ‘security checks’ that often involve sexual assaults on women by male guards. ‘They treated us like animals. They wanted people to be as inhuman as possible,’ said Samer, a lawyer from Hama who was among those interviewed.

Russian state TV has broadcast footage of men confessing to a plot to carry out terror attacks on the Crimean peninsula, which was annexed by Russia in 2014. The ‘saboteurs’ said they were acting on orders from Kiev. Ukraine denies any involvement and calls it ‘provocation’. Local residents reported hearing shots fired on Saturday night, when the Russian security service (FSB) says it intercepted the first group of men. An FSB statement described a second attempted incursion of Crimea accompanied by ‘massive fire from the neighbouring state and armoured vehicles of the Ukrainian armed forces’. No video or independent confirmation of that incident has yet emerged, so what actually took place remains a mystery. However, it is what happens next that matters most, as tensions between Moscow and Kiev rise to dangerous levels. Some say that the Russian military offensive is building as the US focuses on elections, the EU is distracted by Brexit, and the Olympic Games is a diversion.

A pastor who is leading protests against embattled Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe says he does not want to be another martyr and he is committed to rebuilding the country. Mugabe, 92, is facing increasing demonstrations against his dictatorship but has been crushing protests by ordering police to use violence. Hundreds of people have been injured as officers use batons, tear gas and fists to stop protests. Pastor Evan Mawarire started the movement with his 'This Flag' campaign which calls on Mugabe to resign. In July he was arrested but, after mass protests outside court, he was released. Sources suggest he was told he must leave the country or he would be killed. He is in hiding in South Africa and believed to be trying to enter the US. He said he will not give up his campaign to oust Mugabe and his Zanu PF party. Despite calls for him to be the next president, he insists he has no political ambitions.

Torrential rains eased on Monday in flood-ravaged Louisiana, but forecasters warned that the threat was far from over. Louisiana has been deluged by rainfall since last week, with at least seven people dead and thousands of homes damaged by floods. Gov John Edwards said that officials ‘won't know the death toll for sure for several more days.’ More than 20,000 people have been rescued from floodwaters and more than 12,000 are in shelters. The water is expected to rise in many areas. ‘This is going to be tough to recover from,’ said a meteorologist for The Weather Channel. Pray for the homeless, the vulnerable elderly, and the infirm as they struggle to cope with loss and damage. Pray for the neighbourhoods under waist-high mud. Pray for those living downstream who are in fear as the water upstream has yet to reach them. Pray for those who have fled to higher ground and for the Louisiana Army National Guard and helicopter rescue teams.

Even before she left the shores of Nigeria for Brazil, Mariam Usman knew that winning a medal at the Rio 2016 Olympics would be a tough call. She would not pretend to be a magician or claim perfection where there is none. Usman believes one can only reap where one sows. She was the only weightlifter representing Nigeria in Rio. She competed in the +75 category and amassed 265 kg, finishing 8th in her group. ‘It is painful to come to the Olympics and see people who are your contemporaries perform better than you; not because you lack the ability but because you were not prepared like them,’ she said, She added that training for the Rio Olympics was non-existent in Nigeria, while her counterparts from other countries have been training for three to four years. ‘Other competitors had everything they needed: training grants, competitions and access to the most modern equipment. I had nothing.’

HAJJ PRAYER 2016 is a call for Christians to pray for millions of Muslims as they go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to perform The Hajj Pilgrimage which takes place from 9 – 11 (14)* September 2016.

It is estimated that a total of 2,000,000 people went on The Hajj in 2015. Even more are expected this year.

The main purpose for Muslims doing The Hajj is to seek forgiveness of their sins through this pilgrimage. We know that it is only through Christ that sins are forgiven and therefore we call you to pray with us that Muslims would come to know the Lord Jesus and true forgiveness of their sins, especially nowadays with terrorism on the rise around the world.

Download a 3 day prayer guide

* Because of the millions now going on this Hajj, some will complete the Hajj in three days, others will take longer.

Source:  Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula 

Spring up O Well

Leading up to the Cumbria Prayer Conference on October 8th, we’re taking a team to Ulverston, Cumbria for a Weekend of Prayer from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th September 2016.  We’ll be supporting a local prayer group and local churches in this prayer mission.

“The spiritual legacy of George Fox has been neglected in the Ulverston area, but it can be reclaimed as we seek the LORD together.
As well as praying for the whole area we will be seeking to 'unstop the wells' – to reclaim the spiritual inheritance of that work of God centred at Swarthmoor Hall 300 years ago.

We shall also be praying in support of local churches in the development of the “God for All” initiative, which has the aim of giving everyone in Cumbria the opportunity to discover more of God and his purpose in their lives by 2020.”

The Timetable:
Friday 2nd - Evening of Prayer waiting on the LORD in the Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Ulverston 7.30 – 10.30pm on Friday 2nd September
Saturday 3rd - A prayer journey to some of the sites connected with George Fox in the area.
Evening of prayer and worship
Sunday 4th - Morning meeting with a local church or home church

Join us to Prayer Walk the first leg of the Cistercian Way from Grange over Sands to Cartmel Priory on the Friday morning.
(This is a 3 to 4 mile walk over Grange Fell taking in views of Morecambe Bay and the Leven Estuary across to Ulverston)

Accommodation & Cost: Can be arranged with local hosts.
Meals: Some sustenance may be needed when we are out and about, but we’ll plan to share meals as a team or with our hosts.

If you are interested in being involved in part or all of the weekend and would like to know more please get in touch for more details.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Web Links:
Cumbria Prayer Conference 
God for All, Cumbria
UK Wells