As the French president met Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist leaders after Father Jacques Hamel was murdered while conducting morning mass in his church, Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi said the Pope was being kept up-to-date with developments and that he felt pain and horror at the ‘absurd violence’. After meeting the religious representatives, President Francois Hollande held a security and defence council and appealed for ‘unity’, warning that the war against terrorism will be long. Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted, ‘Evil attacks the weakest, denies truth & love, and is defeated through Jesus Christ. Pray for France, for victims, for their communities.’ The BBC reported a Nun who escaped from the scene saying, ‘They forced him to his knees. And that's when the tragedy happened. They recorded themselves giving a sort of sermon around the altar, in Arabic. It's a horror,’ she told BFM television’. See also:

Authorities in Brazil are on high alert as Al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic terrorists were instructed on social media to carry out ‘lone wolf’ attacks against Israeli, American, British and French athletes in Rio. ‘One small knife attack against Americans/Israelis in these places will have bigger media effect than attacks anywhere else,' they said. ‘Your chance to take part in the global Jihad is here! Your chance to be a martyr is here!’ The murder-inciting message points to the easy process of obtaining travel visas to Brazil and a wide availability of guns in ‘crime-ridden slums.’ Israelis are the biggest targets. ‘From amongst the worst enemies, the most famous is Israelis, Muslims all agree. Spectators are also legitimate targets, but priority should be given to attacking prominent leaders.’

In an unexpected coalition, the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland (EAI) has joined with Atheist Ireland and Irish Ahmadiyya Muslims to work for alternatives to religious education in schools. They are hoping to do away with state-sponsored religious education courses required for students. They believe that requirement harms religion and state, even though 85% of Irish people identify as Catholics. The EAI stated that in opposing the course it seeks to ‘protect children from coercion and discrimination in the area of religious education.’ Atheist Ireland stated, ‘The minister for education should immediately inform all schools at second level that the state religious education is not compulsory. Imam Noonan stressed the importance of not allowing one particular faith to ‘have the monopoly in schools.’

Germany: Pegida

29 Jul 2016

Germany's anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant Pegida movement wants to found a political party. The new group would be called the Popular Party for Freedom and Direct Democracy (FDDV), according to its head Lutz Bachmann. Bachmann was fined recently for inciting racial hatred. The move to form a party comes with authorities considering a ban for the original association which spawned Pegida over fears of growing extremism. Bachmann insists that the new party would not seek to overshadow the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a Eurosceptic party railing against Islam and Germany's openness to refugees. He said that relations between the two far-right movements were good and ‘only together’ could they serve their mutual cause. Meanwhile police are clamping down on nationwide racial hate speeches.

Trumpet Call 2016 will be held in the International Convention Centre, Birmingham, on 15 October the theme of Jubilee. The term Jubilee in the Old Testament was given to the last year of a 50-year period which God instituted for the Nation of Israel to maintain the spiritual, economic and social cohesion of the nation. The principles of Jubilee are the foundation stones of the Christian faith today, namely redemption, reconciliation, freedom, mercy and forgiveness, restoration and unity, and are as important now as they were in Bible times. We are in a period of social, political and economic change, a time of mercy and of shaking. Many believe it’s a watershed moment for our nations and Europe. The referendum has exposed deep fractures in our society. We need to pray for God to fulfil His purposes for our nations at this time. Have you booked your tickets for the 15 October? If not, go to the World Prayer Centre website, on the ‘More’ link below.

Churches, mosques, synagogues and all places of worship will receive government-funded ‘protective security measures’ to keep them safe after a rise in hate crimes. £2.4 million will protect places of worship across the country. The steps will be outlined in the Government's hate crime action plan to be published next week. It includes calls for prosecutors to give tougher sentences for perpetrators of hate crimes. The action plan sets out steps to boost reporting of offences and support victims, with guidance on racially and religiously aggravated offences. There will be a continued emphasis on eradicating anti-Semitism. Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, said ‘We are Great Britain because we are united by values like democracy, free speech, mutual respect and opportunity for all.

A terrorist attack in the UK is ‘highly likely’ following attacks in other parts of Europe, a five-judge tribunal has been told, as churches in Britain are told to tighten security. The heightened state of security comes as images threatening attacks in London and other major world capitals were reportedly posted on jihadi messaging app Telegram. Despite there being no specific intelligence relating to attacks against the Christian community in the UK, the National Police Chiefs' Council is urging the community to be alert but not alarmed. They are reiterating protective security advice to Christian places of worship and have circulated specific advice reminding Churches to review their security arrangements as a precaution, stating: ‘While the threat from terrorism remains unchanged at severe, (which means that an attack is highly likely) we urge the public to be vigilant.’

A Presbyterian church was targeted in an arson attack in south Belfast, in the early hours of Sunday morning causing a significant amount of damage. Police said, ‘a sectarian motive is one of a number of lines of enquiry’. A Sinn Féin spokesman said: ‘I condemn this attack, - the second attack on a church in South Belfast in recent months. As with the previous violence the people behind it are targeting a hub of community endeavour and a place of worship and peace building.’ He added , ‘My thoughts are with the congregation of Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church. I have been in contact with them and I know they will not be deflected from their good work by this senseless act.’ Pray for an end to the continued guerrilla war activities rooted in the historic ‘Troubles’ conflict that began in the 1960’s