Iraq: fierce fighting continues
03 Jun 2016Last week we asked God to direct the government forces and their allies in their battles to retake Fallujah so that families are protected, and to keep open ‘safe corridors’ for fleeing people. This week Iraqi forces have intensified their assault against IS in Fallujah, and special forces have entered a ‘second phase’ in their fight to recapture central city areas. The week-old operation had previously focussed on retaking villages and rural areas. In this second phase of combat, 50,000 people are still trapped inside the city, where US forces in 2004 fought their toughest battles since the Vietnam War. Only a few people have managed to escape through the ‘safe corridors’, which now appear to be closed. A Fallujah resident told Al-Jazeera by phone that there is lack of fuel and medicine, no rice or sugar, and only a few vegetables.
Muslims are our neighbours. Jesus instructed us to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ (Matt. 22:39). International '30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World' started in 1993, and every year the number of Christians using their resources has increased. A new illustrated prayer guide booklet is published every year, with daily readings that focus on various topics, people groups and geographical areas of the Islamic world. Each day's subject focus is followed by prayer points. The booklet also features informative background articles and resources for involvement. We are in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in fourteen centuries of Muslim-Christian interaction. More than 80% of all the Muslim movements to Christ in history have occurred in the past two to three decades (a period which coincides with the modern prayer movement for Muslims). Praying Christians can download a pdf version ‘30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World’ for their personal use at:
Australia: prayer for 2 July elections
03 Jun 2016With the calling of federal elections on 2 July, there will be a season of prayer up to that date. The Australian Prayer Network will be providing weekly prayer points from the web address below. The following points are from that list: i) Cry out to God for His righteousness, just nature, and ruler-ship to be established in Australia through the government, as they are in heaven. ii) In the light of His perfect righteousness, let Australians acknowledge sin and failures and in repentance and humility cry out for His mercy to be extended to the nation through the outcome of this election. iii) Approach His throne of grace with confidence, praying that the nation will receive mercy and grace in our time of need, and the Church in Australia will be like Esther finding favour and approval with our King so that He will hear and answer our prayers. iv) Pray that God will give His Church the prayers of Jesus so that we pray in righteousness, unity, and maturity.
Israel and the WCC
03 Jun 2016The World Council of Churches is still complaining about the interrogation and treatment of its staff and professional colleagues at Ben Gurion International Airport a month ago. Some were interrogated repeatedly for up to eight hours, and Israeli officials accused them of arriving for an entirely different reason than for their stated purpose: a meeting on climate change hosted by member churches in the region. They were threatened with a ten-year ban on entry to Israel and being listed on Interpol watch lists; then they were detained in prison-like conditions for up to three nights before being deported. Many of the participants in the working group meeting had little or no previous experience of visiting Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. In the light of this intimidating and traumatic experience, the WCC is carefully reviewing its procedures and advice to participants in such ecumenical visits and meetings, to eliminate ambiguities and to avoid misunderstandings. Pray for peace and justice for all people in the region.
South Sudan leaders discuss peace agreement
03 Jun 2016For the first time since the formation of a transitional government of national unity on 29 April, the South Sudan leaders have met to review the implementation of the August 2015 peace deal. On Tuesday in Juba, President Salva Kiir and his first and second deputies were shown on national television shaking hands and meeting for discussions. The brief broadcast reported that the three leaders reviewed the implementation of the deal, with emphasis on a deteriorating economy. There were no details of the discussions’ outcome. There are many contentious issues - the number of states, containment of forces, reconstitution of the national legislative assembly, and more. No donors have pledged financial support to the new government, citing lack of commitment to peace by the former warring parties. Pray for both sides to humble themselves and allow the civil war to end. Meanwhile Christians are still being killed by bombs: see
01 Jun 2016We have decided to urgently call a week of prayer from Tuesday 31st May to the Tuesday 7th June and we would love you to pray with us. We are asking for specific prayer for WPC and our funding. We are running out of money at a time when we believe we are entering a new season for WPC as God moves in the nation and internationally. We are looking to increase our prayer information and resources and reach more people. We have scheduled, in faith, a very significant Trumpet Call – and national day of prayer for Saturday October 15th to pray for an historic move of God.
It is not surprising that we will meet some difficulties and opposition along the way! We would really appreciate you praying – and we want to pray some specific prayers:
- For £30,000 by July 4th when we have our first Trumpet Call planning day.
- For fresh ideas and wisdom for the team as we look at ways of increasing our income.
- For another £8000 per month in our regular giving.
- For great testimonies out of this of God's goodness and provision.
Please join us. If you are able to come in to The Prayer Room, we will be having an open time of prayer on Thursday 2nd June from 9:30am – 11:30am. We are praying to a good, good Father and we look to Him for His provision.
As One! Scottish Prayer Shield
01 Jun 2016On behalf of both the Pray for Scotland and Parliamentary Prayer Scotland teams, once again a huge 'thank you!' to everyone who played a part in making sure that the Shield completed its tour of the nation, that the river of blessing prayer flowed uninterrupted throughout Scotland over the 40 days, and that many joint prayer events involving folk from many different church backgrounds took place, in some cases for the first time.
Good reports and encouraging testimonies of the power of God at work are still coming in. We had already heard of a lady's healing from 3 years of back pain at the evening gathering in Stornoway during the Shield's tour, and have just heard of another healing from severe pain at the final evening event of the tour in Leith, Edinburgh on 4 May. It's not about the Shield, it's about God confirming His word in Psalm 133 that where brothers and sisters come together in unity of purpose - 'As One!' - He will command His blessing!
Please pray that the journey will continue -
- that many leaders and church folk will grasp this vision and continue to raise a prayer shield over their community;
- that there will be a rapid increase in the number of joint prayer events for communities and the nation takling place all over Scotland - we already know of one county where a new monthly joint meeting has been established following the tour - please pray it is well supported.
- ask God if you are meant to be one of those in your area taking the lead in mobilising joint prayer!
Bless you as you continue to pray for your community and our beloved nation!
Thy Kingdom Come 2016
01 Jun 2016We can't thank you enough for your support with Thy Kingdom Come, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York's invitation for all churches across England to pray for evangelism in the week leading up to Pentecost.
The call was taken up in the most extraordinary way by thousands of worshipping communities and tens of thousands of Christians. Churches up and down the country, from every tradition, and from inner-cities to rural areas, got involved with passion and joy. Both in the six centrally organised Beacon events and in many more local churches, cathedrals and churches responded to the invitation with grace, tenacity, vision – and most of all with faith.
Many churches hosted whole weeks of 24/7 prayer – some for the first time or in partnership with others. Some hosted prayer days, special events and half nights of prayer. Schools put on special assemblies, and engaged in other creative ways – for example, working with parishes on interactive prayer labyrinths.
The demand for tickets for the Beacon Events at Winchester, St Paul's, Durham and Canterbury Cathedrals was so great that overspill areas with big screens had to be organized.
Most encouraging though were the thousands of parish churches who joined with us to hold prayer and Beacon events. This happened further and wider than we ever could have expected – from the centre of England to the USA, from Bermuda to Brussels, from New Zealand to Israel. And it included everything from fresh expressions of church to chaplaincies, from right across the traditions. Every day dozens more stories continue to pour in – we know from diocesan champions that what we're hearing about nationally is only the tip of the iceberg.
And it didn't stop there. The desire to join this wave of prayer wasn't limited to the Anglican Church. There was support from within the Vatican, and the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales backed the call to prayer and encouraged local churches to join in.
The call has not only tapped into latent creativity in many places, but also a deep desire to pray, something that can so easily get smothered under the busyness of life. Many churches – including those that dioceses tell us they often struggle to engage with – have picked up the baton with vigour. Often they have been especially encouraged by the passion and direct appeal of the Archbishops.
In their letter of invitation, the Archbishops reminded us that "any movement of the Holy Spirit to draw increasing numbers to faith in Christ has always begun with prayer." As people across the country (and indeed many more beyond) prayed during Thy Kingdom Come, it's clear that not only will those we seek to reach be changed by God's transforming grace and redemption: so will those of us praying.
You can watch the Beacon event at Canterbury Cathedral on Facebook here:
And to get a sense of the outpouring of prayer across England and beyond last week, just take a look at what happened on Twitter.