It has been a busy season of prayer and fasting so far in 2016.  We started with 40 days of prayer and fasting during Lent with initiatives like The Fast UK, and then many prayer initiatives - Trypraying, the Scottish Prayer Shield, Thy Kingdom Come week of prayer and Ark on the Park to mention a few.  

But how do we know that our prayers are working and having an effect?

The simple answer is... by the fruit. So here are some of the answers to prayer that we have heard.  Let's give thanks to God that He hears and He answers our prayers!  So we want to encourage you to keep perservering in prayer for your life, your family, your community and the nation - particularly in the run up to the EU referendum.

The Scottish Prayer Shield toured throughout Scotland for 40 days blessing as they went.  Check out some of the testimonies.

Watch some of the videos from Trypraying which has had a month of prayer in Birmingham, Scotland and elsewhere. 

Ark on the Park took place in May on the island of Jersey.  Here's some of the real life testimonies from the day.

Thy Kingdom Come was an amazing time of prayer for evangelism in the run up to Pentecost.  Here's some details of the week and links to some of the stories.

We received an amazing testimony from Chelmsford 24-7 prayer about a guy called Danny who miraculously encountered God at a prayer station in Chelmsford Cathedral!


The world in which we live is not merely a physical world, but also and principally a spiritual world. Many cultures understand this more than those brought up with Westernised thinking.

The much quoted Scripture – Ephesians 6.12 – in the Amplified version, reads “For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood – contending only with physical opponents – but against the despotisms, against the powers, against (the master spirits who are) the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly supernatural sphere.”

Who are these spirit powers and if so how do we discern and disarm them?

Where are they located and how do they work in today's world?

Are they also natural physical entities and how do we see them at work?


Biblical reference points.

Before Jesus began his earthly ministry he was led by the Spirit into the desert to encounter Satan.   Satan's objective was to get Jesus to worship him.   Throughout time (from the garden of Eden onwards) he has sought to get man's attention away from worshipping the One true God to the worship of other gods and idols. And Paul reminds us that the worship of idols is actually the worship of demons (1 Corinthians 10.20-21), and not merely the worship of inanimate objects..

Jesus reminds us of the character of Satan (John 8.44). He tells Peter that Satan desired to sift him. In the Lord's prayer He prayed "deliver us from the evil one".

In the early church the presence of evil was seen (see Revelation 2 & 3). There was a synagogue of Satan in the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia, a Jezebel figure in the Thyatira church.   Pergamum had a huge altar to Zeus, described as "where Satan has his seat (or throne)". Today that altar is located in the Pergamum museum in Berlin, Germany (along with the Ishtar gate from the ancient city of Babylon).

In the Old Testament we see the power of Satan reflected in a number of ways. As a serpent in Genesis 3, and directly responsible for the torrent of misfortune faced by Job in Job 1 & 2.   He expresses his power through the "principality" of firstly Persia and then Greece in attempting to prevent an angelic messenger from reaching Daniel who is praying and partially fasting (see Daniel 10.1-12.  

Are there therefore demonic principalities over both nations and cities today? Is there a territoriality about the influence of evil over tribes, people groups, villages, cities and nations?

We also know that in the history of the children of Israel repeatedly they turned from the worship of God to worship idols.   Sometimes (as in 2 Kings 17) they worshipped God and they also worshipped idols.   This is and always has been abhorrent to God. Babylonian and Assyrian empires were based on the worship of false gods.

Many influences from that period and from Greek & Egyptian culture and worship are to be found significantly in Western culture today. Mankind has always sought for something or someone to worship. It is no different today.

What is it like today?

Today who or what do we worship? Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Secular Humanism are all manifestations of the worship of false gods, thus holding millions of people in bondage.   Witchcraft, Satanism and the New Age movement are also manifestations of man's preoccupation with the para-normal, leading to evil practices and evil worship.   Baal worship in the Old Testament is seeing something of a renaissance today. Modern, sometimes secret societies, through their rituals enslave their adherents and seek to express their power and influence against others. The influence of Masonry is seen in many nations, particularly where colonialism thrived.   In some cases this influence was married (sometimes naively, sometimes intentionally) to the prevailing spirits of the land.

Unfortunately leaders of many nations have also aligned themselves with the powers behind these systems of worship or spiritual entities. Some African leaders consult witch doctors or visit the witchcraft valley (locally known as a "university") in Kwazu Natal in order to gain spiritual power for their office. Other national leaders have been known to employ warlocks or New Age gurus as their consultants. Some missiologists in South East Asia have described Buddhism as "demonic" and the Tibetan form of Buddhism as the most demonic of them all. When the Dalai Lama makes high profile visits to heads of State he has an entourage of priests that accompany him. They then repeat their mantras over rivers and high places in those nations.  

We know that at the cross Christ disarmed the power of Satan (Colossians 2.15) – but that has to be appropriated in every relevant situation – just as our salvation is not taken for granted but has to be appropriated by personal faith.   Satan still is at work in the world, and in the church (as in Revelation 2 & 3).   He didn't stop working after the Cross and Resurrection.  

Jesus knew who He was up against and what his character was like.   But do His servants today know the same? Or are most of those seeking to serve the Lord blissfully unaware of who and what they are up against?  

If we are seeking to advance the kingdom of God on this planet, then it is logical to consider that Satan will do his utmost to prevent that. He will work against us through our personal weaknesses and hindrances if he can, and through those who serve his purposes setting themselves against us where necessary.

In this brief paper, I have majored on biblical evidence. However there is also much anecdotal evidence. What all this means is that we as God's children have to be on guard more than ever, as the opponents of the Gospel and of Christ seek to gain more and more influence and increase the persecution of and discrimination against those who follow Him. We are in a spiritual battle. We are called to “put on God's whole armour stand up against all the strategies and the deceits of the devil” (Ephesians 6.11 – Amplified).

Brian Mills, Sr Advisor to IPC

This summit is offering training, mentoring, encouragement, prayer and support to leaders across Africa who have a heart to see children mobilized, equipped and released to serve God through prayer and intercession. 

Monday 19th to Friday 23rd September 2016

VENUE: Child Development Training and Research Centre, Sendafa, Ethiopia


What is Yes! Revolution Please check us out

OUR VISION: We say YES! to imparting the 2 Timothy 2:2 mandate to train reliable leaders who will be responsible to teach others. We endorse the Psalm 78:5-7 command that each generation must be responsible for the next.

OUR MISSION: To provide an international leadership training and internship program and host regional leadership training summits. We say YES! to relationship, discipleship and impartation, through global partnership. We say YES! to demonstrating that God wants children to pray and calls them into relationship with Him to live as His sons and daughters.


Jane Mackie is the founder and coordinator of the Children’s Prayer Network based in Australia. She has 21 years of experience working with children and prayer and has mobilized, trained and equipped children and adults in over 36 different nations.

Irma Chon is Children and Youth Pastor of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Hilliard Ohio

USA and has over 30 years of children’s ministry experience. Irma is actively involved in training global children’s leaders in leading children in prayer and has ministered and trained in many countries.

Chrissie Wilkinson is a strategic prayer mobiliser with a heart for children at risk. With school education experience and having served with 'Viva', she is a global trainer and team leader and has developed prayer resources and training programs to see children released to encounter God in prayer.

Chris Blackwood has worked with the Children’s Prayer Network for 16 years, assisting with training and prayer, website development,etc. and also has many years of experience in discipling and mentoring young people.

Gerhard Botha is founder of the Children’s Prayer Network South Africa and works in partnership with his wife Susan. The CPNSA has a vision to mobilize children to transform their communities, nation and the world, through their prayers.

Lynn Howson is founder of FireStarters UK based in Scotland which has produced a legacy of hundreds of godly, Spirit-filled young people who are living passionately for Jesus in many nations of the world. With over 30 years of Christian ministry experience, Lynn has a heart for children and young people to have personal encounters with God, to be confident in their spiritual identity from a young age.

Juzaan van Zyl has been ministering since she was 16 and is currently leader of Kids in Ministry South Africa which is instrumental in children realizing their true identity and calling in God. She is passionate about leading kids into worship and prayer and is also part of the International Children’s Prayer Network.

COST: Available on request (approx. $200 USD for all meals and accommodation. Airport transfers extra)

CONTACT: for more information please contact Jane Mackie This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let’s pray for this important event and for the rise of a Children in Prayer movement in all the countries of our world. May the participants all be empowered and trained effectively to become catalysts for CiP in Africa and beyond!

Commencing on the Day of the Pentecost, Sunday, May 15th 2016

“Go make disciples of all nations; baptize and teach them to obey my commands.”

Matt. 28:19-20

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you are to be my witnesses, in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

This Great Commission, the Last and the Supreme Command that Yeshua Messiah gave to all his followers. Thus, our task is to make disciples of all the 16,300 nations, in their 6500 tongues, across the world’s 2.5 million villages. Even though this mandate has been the core agenda of the church ever since, our task remains unfinished. Until this task is completed, Messiah the King cannot come and establish his glorious, millennial kingdom, here on earth.

The Day of the Pentecost was the birthday of the Ecclesia and the beginning of church age, when Peter, in the power of the Holy Spirit, opened his heavenly rewards account. That day, 3000 souls repented, got baptized and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Their number rapidly multiplied into myriads (tens of thousands) of new believers. Acts 2:41, 21:20

Explosive growth and multiplication of the New Testament Ecclesia was the norm.

Acts 2:47, “The Lord added to their numbers daily.
Acts 4:4, 5000 new believers added;
Acts 5:28, City saturation of Jerusalem: “You have filled the whole city with your teachings”. Acts 6:1,7, Exponential multiplication of disciples.
Acts 8:12, Samaria evangelized by Philip, a table cleaner.
Acts 9:31, Churches in Galilee and Judaea edified and multiplied.
Acts 16:5, Daily multiplication of quality churches, “The churches were strengthened in faith and multiplied in numbers daily”.
Acts 19:8-10, “All Asia heard the Gospel.”
Romans 15:19-20, Gospel fully preached from Jerusalem to Illyricum, a distance of 2000 km. Acts 13:1-3, Antioch becomes launching pad for world mission led by multi-national, multi cultural, multi leadership ekklesia, led by Banabas the Cypriot, Lucius the Cyrenian, Mannen the Palestinian, Paul the Turk and Simon Niger from black Africa.
Romans 15:23, “No more places left.”

Traumatic changes result in dramatic harvest?

  1. Instead of gathering in the temple, they gathered in thousands of homes, thus fulfilling Abrahamic covenant of being a blessing to all the families (mishpacha) of the earth. Gen. 12:3; Acts 20:20,27
  2. Instead of dead animals; they worshipped God by offering sanctified living souls. Rom. 15:16
  3. Instead of teaching them to obey the Mosaic Law of tooth for tooth, eye for eye and life for life; they taught them kingdom dynamics of how to love Jesus by loving their neighbours, loving each other and even their enemies, by making them his disciples. Luke 16:16; John 13:34,35; Matt. 5:44
  4. Instead of sermons from the Bima (pulpit), they searched the Scriptures together. Acts 17:11
  5. Instead of being exclusive and eating only Kosher food, they became inclusive by fellowshipping (koinonia) by breaking bread from house to house and eating whatever was laid before them with Gentile seekers and non-believers. Luke 10:5-8; Acts 11:1-3; Galatians 2:12; 3:27-29
  6. Instead of being baptized only in water for repentance, they were also baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire for empowerment and persecution. Matt. 3:11, Acts 2: 37-39
  7. Instead of going to the temple to pray three times a day, they went everywhere and prayed for boldness to speak the word and to perform mighty signs and miracles. (Acts 2:43; 4:28-30)
  8. Instead of tithing for temple upkeep, they practiced freewill generous giving for the poor, and to mobilize apostles’ feet. Acts 2:44-45; 1Cor. 9:6,7
  9. Instead of shepherding the barren sheep in the fold that did not reproduce, they started seeking and saving the lost sheep that were not yet in the fold. Luke 15:7,10; 19:10; John 10:16
  10. 10. Instead of keeping the Sabbath and sacrifices, they made disciples, planted churches, and thus became royal priests and brand ambassadors of the kingdom. 2 Cor. 5:20; Heb. 2:9; Acts 6:7; 16:5

Not surprisingly the Lord added to their numbers daily. Wow!

(Ecclesia, the Greek term often translated as “church,” was a secular legal assembly with magistrates, judges and proconsuls etc. Yeshua appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers to edify his Ecclesia, by making and multiplying disciples that go and change the kingdom profile of the city and the nation. Acts 19:38-41; Eph. 4:11,12)

So what is the logjam that hinders us from reaching the finish line? We looked around for the culprit and found it is, “we the church”! For centuries, we got so mired down in property, pulpits, programs, politics and budgets, that we lost the mandate, the motivation and the momentum. Yeshua needs “workers” for the harvest field, not bench warmers. Our Bible schools produce “aquarium keepers” that take care of the exotic fish that do not reproduce. Instead of equipping the saints to go and change the kingdom profile of their neighbourhoods, workplaces, the city and the nation; our shepherds are busy pastoring sheep that do not have the vision or the skill for seeking and saving the lost. (John 10:16) Our churches are no longer the “House of Prayer for All Nations” (Mark 11:17). Our missionaries plant mission stations and stay put, whilst Paul raised up local leaders, planted Disciple Multiplying Movement (DMM), and moved on. Even our prayer cells and Bible study groups produce prayer warriors and scholars that do not metamorphose into fishers of men (Matt. 4:19).

So Yahweh is now doing a new thing. The doom and gloom media daily breaks news that all nations, are plunging deeper and deeper into economic, political, moral and religious turmoil. However, what is not reported is, that the new believers from all nations, tongues and tribes are entering the Messiah’s Kingdom, in numbers unprecedented. And guess who is making this happen! Interestingly, it is not the superstar tele-evangelists, nor the traditional church members, but the anointed, first- generation, humble believers. These ordinary folk engage neighbors, friends, colleagues and needy persons, demolishing rampant old and neo-paganism by breaking bread and sharing the whole wisdom of God, from house to house. They are so effective and productive because their passion and simple life style matches their message. They do not do this as Church program but they know that the primary agenda is, not to grow their church but to advance the kingdom agenda in their area of influence. They are Christ-centered, seeker focused, relational, holistic and transformational. Thus, once again, like the first century, Yahweh is raising up new Home Ecclesia Movements. Matt. 11:12; Acts 20:20

Reverse flow is now in full swing: After the Pentecost, just as the Temple at Jerusalem shrank and the organic house ecclesia flourished, similarly the greatest church-shift in history, from the institutional church back into the original household ecclesia, is taking place today. God is taking away the kingdom from the religious elite and giving it back to foolish and weak things and nobodies of this world, who are bringing the fruits thereof. (Matt. 21:43; 1Corinthians 1:27) As the West goes off the edges of the Bible and becomes hostile to Christianity, it has now become the biggest mission field. Pastors and evangelists from witchcraft and voodoo infested black Africa; Chinese from Dragonland; transformed idolaters from countries like India; Buddhists from Korea and infidels of Islam are now not only pastoring ethnic churches but also lily white churches and bringing much needed revival in the West. Interestingly, most of the champion church planting coaches in the West, had their exposure in the 10/40 Window countries that catalyzed them into doing something for their own nations. According to researcher Barna, USA alone now has well over a 100,000 home churches. However, this is only a trickle, which is likely to soon grow into a mighty stream… 

The International year of the Great Commission is meant to be a time when Christians throughout the world set aside their differences and prioritize, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God ...” by making a fresh commitment to honour, obey and fulfil the Great Commission of our Lord in their area of influence. They take up the challenge to pray, proclaim and possess their “promised land,” transforming the demon-driven world into kingdom of God, where kingdom values of love, peace, justice and righteousness prevail, even as there may be giants in the land. Matt. 6:33; Num. 13:27-33

We know God’s End Vision. Jesus heartbeat is to see all sinners saved, that is why he incarnated. He would like to see all nations, tongues, tribes, dressed in white clothes, holding palm branches in their hands, worshipping him and the kings of the earth bringing their glory and honour in a celestial parade before His Throne (Rev. 7:9-10; 21:24). We need to go out, as on-site-shepherds, pastoring all the lost people in our own oikos: family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, school-mates, community and clients in the market place, and redeem them, thus making them worthy to participate in the grand parade. We must look upon them as a swimming coach looks on a drowning person. We do not need permission from a drowning person to save him. We must not only pray for them but must go to the next level and rescue them, then upgrade them into disciple-makers, baptizers and equippers. For this, they need to be equipped with disciple-making tools on their tool belts, by skilled coaches who have practical skills on how to disciple Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists and others. It is not enough to be a follower of Yeshua; everyone must graduate, not necessarily as preachers, but as on- site-minister, by ministering to hurting folk’s felt needs, lest someone else bear their burden and rob your inheritance and your crown. Luke 19:10; Matthew 4:19; Ephesians 4:11-13

Our objective is to make this initiative a global movement, not just an event. Individuals, families, women, youth, churches, missions and grant-makers adopt and take ownership of their God- given domains: neighbours, streets, cities, workplaces, communities, regions and nations (ethnos), initiating Jesus-planting movements that transform governments, politics, judiciary, media, education, health, sports, arts, music, agriculture, labour and business, until the churches themselves be transformed into congregations of on-site-shepherds. Like our Master, we need to have compassion for the sheep, lost for no fault of their own, but for lack of shepherds. We need to pursue this until the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord and his Christ and we shall reign with him forever and ever. Matthew 9:35-38; Revelation 11:15

Until there be no places left. Let us work together to make this message go viral through personal contacts, print, electronic and social media, websites, organized events and training seminars. All the needed talent and resources can be found seated on the pews. They only need to be mentored, mobilized and launched as champion Great Commissioners, to rescue the perishing, who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. After all, we will give an account for them. The best way to have our sins forgiven and have our names written in the Book of the Lamb, is to go out as lambs among the wolves and catalyse the DNA of the Great Commission Movement, until the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and there be no place left where Christ has not been named. Matt. 4:16; Ezekiel 3:18; Daniel 12:1-3; Luke 10:20; James 5:20; Habakkuk 2:14; Rom. 15:23 


Dr.Victor Choudhrie

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Let’s pray with Dr. Choudhrie for the International Year of the Great Commission to catch on and become a global movement. Pray for the global Church to get back to the New Testament pattern of making disciples and emphasizing rapidly multiplying, relational, organic church communities rather than the building and maintenance of institutions that often become a hindrance to the growth of Christ’s Church.


In 2002, 300 prayer leaders gathered in South Africa with the revelation to pray for revival and transformation of the nations of the world. As the leaders knitted their hearts in prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them, revealing His purpose for South East Asia as well as His amazing glory.
Thus, the South East Asia Prayer Council (SEAPC) movement was formed and in 2003, the first Prayer Consultation started in Cambodia.
Under the continuing leadership of the Holy Spirit, the SEAPC movement was consumed with unceasing fervor to seek God more than revival. And revival was certainly experienced in the latest 12th SEAPC Gathering in Bangkok, Thailand.
The SEAPC leadership team continues on a journey to seek God first in its United Prayer Initiatives for the Healing of the SEA nations in order to affect the 7 spheres thus. bringing forth the Testimony of the KINGDOM causing an “AWAKENING” to those who listen to HIS VOICE as they serve in their gifting in the different Spheres such as the , Church, Family, Education, Government , Media, Arts and Business.
When God’s People are United, Power is RELEASED.
The anointing is in the Church for the Healing of the Nations with their broken government and justice Systems through the Preaching and Teaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, manifesting the reign of Jesus over all the earth.
Quoting from Dr. Lance Wallnau’s revelation, from “The Seven Mountain Strategy”, God is teaching us how to go into CONVERGENCE (being in the flow until you honor the way you were made) and into MATURITY.
With changes in the SOUTH CHINA SEA, the NOKOR threats, ISIS, Syrian Migration, Worldwide Economic collapse, we need to look at the Opportunity that we have to embrace CHANGE.
Our hearts and minds need to be focused on God and aligned with His purposes.
God is constantly releasing CHANGE, as He shakes the whole earth, the old system in order to show that “Only His Kingdom will remain”
What a great opportunity we have to face the challenging times in our region and as we walk through the process, we are changed, like the children of Israel, when they journeyed through the wilderness. The Lord is at work on our behalf for the next decade as we continue to wait on Him. (Isaiah 64:4).
Let us therefore listen carefully to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we purpose in our hearts to come to a very special place of MEETING for UNITED PRAYER for the SEA REGION in PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA for the 13th PRAYER SEAPC CONSULTATION in OCTOBER 4-7, 2016.


On behalf of the SEAPC Leadership Team,

Ps Nicky Ling,

Organizing Chairman,

SEAPC Malaysia Country Representative

SEAPC Leadership Team
Dr Iman Santoso, Chairman
Sis. Veronica Lorenzana, Co Chair
Rev. Ann Low, Gen. Secretary/Treasurer Advisors:
Bishop Moses Tay
Rev. Heng Cheng

Sis Grace Hee

The persecution of Christians is escalating worldwide. A recent survey found that in just the past year, more than 7,100 believers were killed for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In many countries, they are being systematically tortured and slaughtered by Islamic radicals hell-bent on eradicating any vestige of Christianity. Churches are burned, looted, and bulldozed. Pastors are frequently targeted and martyred. In dozens of other countries, Christians are severely oppressed by government authorities and routinely denied any chance at an education and jobs. They live as second-class citizens, shunned and mocked by their neighbors who despise Christ.

And make no mistake, hostility toward Christians in the United States is on the rise and will grow unless we stand up for our freedoms of religion and conscience. Believers in this country have already become the target of a culture that has turned its back on Almighty God. This is being driven especially by progressives, LGBT activists, and the anti-God forces of secularism.

In Illinois, the Christian owner of a bed-and-breakfast has been under intense attack by a gay couple for declining to host their same-sex wedding. The state has fined the owner $81,000, citing his use of Scripture to defend his position as one of the justifications for the fine. Bakers in Oregon have been forced to shut their business down and fined by the state after they said no to creating a wedding cake for a gay couple. In Washington, a 71-year-old Christian florist is battling the state over refusing to participate in a same-sex wedding. In New Mexico and Colorado, Christian business owners have been persecuted by state agencies and the courts for adhering to their sincerely held beliefs on the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. These are government actions—right here in our own nation—targeting citizens for trying to live their lives according to biblical principles.

That’s why I’m particularly grateful for the governors and legislators of states like Mississippi and North Carolina. In Mississippi, Gov. Phil Bryant signed a freedom of religion bill to protect the rights of Christians to live out their faith in obedience to the Word of God. Without this kind of protection, churches could be forced to perform same-sex marriages, and businesses could face an onslaught of lawsuits by gay activists for refusing to accommodate their perverted lifestyle.

In my home state of North Carolina, Gov. Pat McCrory called a special session of the state legislature to pass a bill restricting transgenders from claiming the right to walk into any public restroom they choose. This bill was necessary to protect women and children from sexual predators. Immediately after the passage, the state came under a concerted attack by companies supporting the misguided policies of gay activists and threatening to withdraw their business from the state. Pray that the governor will hold his ground and not give in.

Unfortunately, governors from states like Georgia, Indiana, and Virginia eventually bowed to pressure from corporations, media, and gay activists and vetoed religious freedom bills passed by their state legislators. We must not underestimate the power of godless, immoral forces who are seeking to impose their anti-Christian agenda on all of us.

The Bible says that we should not be surprised by such hostility and persecution. “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come … . Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:1, 12, NKJV).

On Easter Sunday, believers gathered at a local park in Lahore, Pakistan, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That afternoon, Islamic Taliban terrorists massacred more than 70 people in a suicide attack, including many women and children. At least 320 were badly injured. Afterward, the Taliban bragged about the slaughter. Two weeks earlier, two churches were bombed during worship services, killing 15 and wounding many more.

In Niger, churches have been bombed and others burned to the ground by angry hordes of Islamic followers. Four national Bible translators were recently murdered by extremists in a Middle Eastern country. Eleven indigenous Christians were crucified and beheaded in Aleppo, Syria, last fall. Four nuns were brutally mowed down by Islamic gunmen in Yemen in March. These are just a few of the thousands of believers who have been persecuted for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We cannot look the other way. The Bible says, “You are the body of Christ, and members individually. … If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it” (1 Corinthians 12:27, 26).

I am continuing to go state to state with the Decision America Tour, and we thank God for His hand of blessing on these prayer rallies. More than 71,000 people have joined us at the events in the states where we have been so far, and more than 22,000 people have let us know that they are committing themselves to pray for America and its future, to stand firm on the Word of God and live out their faith boldly, and to actively engage in the current election process. If you would commit to the same pledge, you can read it and add your name to it by visiting…I present the Gospel clearly at every Decision America Tour prayer gathering, and we have seen hundreds of people come to faith on their capitol steps, accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior and experiencing the forgiveness of their sins and the hope of a new life—eternal life. We praise God for each one…

Franklin Graham

President, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Let’s pray for those experiencing persecution for their Christian faith around the world and that we who live in the West will be ready to go through persecution ourselves since it is part and parcel of being a true Christian. Pray too for Franklin Graham and the Decision America Tour.

Redeeming Our Land Gathering -The Canyon,The River,The Scroll, The Mountain

I see the Grand Canyon.. see the Colorado..see out of the River..come creatures of every kind, creatures that crawl,that creep, four footed beasts, fowls of air. "These are all symbols of which have robbed you and your people's inheritance.. lies and deceptive spirits..embedded in rituals and false beliefs ..these have carved themselves so deep.. and deeper by each passing generation.. in the smudges, the miry, muddy River..some embedded in the grandeur walls. Forever lost was The Truth, so it seemed, none to redeem ever.

Saying" this is where I belong, this is my dwelling place, my habitat, my home, I'm welcomed here". I awakened.

I once again see the Ancient Canyon, the Colorado, the River's running Blood Red, this time I see something stirring in the bloody River, suddenly an eagle rises out of the Red River, the Eagle ascends..piercing through the clouds, into the heights of heaven, no sooner then it disappears… he reappears swooping down with a scroll in its claws…sweeps over the River and releases the Scroll into the River's Canyon…with each passing flight with it's powerful wings he overshadows the Canyon.

I noticed...

The Canyon was filling up…'til it was filled, the Canyon disappears, the presence of the screeching cry silenced,the Eagle lands.

I looked again….The Eagle's gone..instead a man standing with an open Scroll in his hands.

My heart is saddened…Not that the Majestic Canyon was gone,but the River?

I see this time a Mountain begins to manifest (looked liked it was materializing as I was the  beholder)where the man with the Scroll was.

A new spring begin to flow out of the Mountain, a new River…a new race appears out of that River, people thousands upon thousands… a new River with a new beginning...a new path…starting over.. a new life it'll bring.. a renewed destiny...are fulfilled.

"The Scroll holds a record of a destiny of a Nation/s"

 My heart was at peace..the warmth.. the assurance.. "All will be well from now on"

 I stood there with my heart filled joy and confidence…"Nothing will ever go wrong again".

I knew I wasn't alone..there wasn't a time in my life that I recalled.. or recollect..                           I was so thankful…my redemption had come full circle...I finally knew what it meant to be restored.. completely. "

Glory be to our Lord God forever! Amen.

(The Scroll holds the record...a testimony of  Nations coming...into a New Kingdom)

Afterwards… that morning…with my body tingling with a sense of feeling..strong upon me .. a sense that whatever declaration we make…we would be the recipients!

Pastors Rob & Kay Winters

Prepare the Way International Revival Center

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Pray with our Native brothers and sisters for the First Nations to arise and play their part in God’s purposes for the deliverance of our nations. They have an indispensable role and special authority in prayer.

Through the grace and help of the Lord, we in the IPC are rejoicing at what an amazing and far-reaching impact united prayer efforts are having on the nations! I believe future history is being shaped by such prayer efforts. As one theologian put it, intercessors are the “shapers of the future”. Let's keep going and see God do "far more abundantly that all we can ask or imagine" through the diverse events, initiatives and networks He is raising up through His praying people worldwide. May He be glorified and may His Church and our world be deeply impacted in the months to come! 

Please pray with us for these upcoming initiatives to be greatly used of the Lord to impact our world for Jesus Christ:

1) UPRISING, July 26-29, in South Korea and encourage any under-35 next generation leaders to take part along with older ministry leaders who would like to be there to support the younger generation and serve as mentors. About 500 are currently registered but we would like to have many more take part. Details can be found on There are also remaining financial costs that we could use your help in meeting.

2) Global Proclamation Congress, June 15-22 in Bangkok. About 2500 pastoral trainers attending from 102 nations in Bangkok so far. For more information

3) Every 4 years, the 24-7 Prayer Movement has an international gathering. This year, it will be  21-30 October in Geneva with the theme: 'Awaken the Dawn'. This is the promotional video for the conference if you would like to share it with anyone interested: This is where you can find info and buy tickets:

In addition, the IPC leadership is praying about a possible gathering of international prayer leaders next year. It will have been 15 years since almost 300 prayer network leaders gathered in South Africa to launch the IPC. Since then many national, regional and global prayer initiatives have taken place. What is the Lord saying to us now in the international prayer movement? How can we work together for the future to maximize the impact on our world and for the fulfillment of His global purposes in and through the Body of Christ? We would appreciate your prayers for His guidance and clarity in our planning together and if you have any suggestions, please write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..