Week of prayer has ‘touched a chord’
13 May 2016The call for Christians across England to pray for our nation to know Jesus Christ has ‘touched a chord.’ With tens of thousands of Christians taking part throughout England and beyond this week, Archbishop Justin Welby said people are ‘motivated and excited’ about praying together for those they love to know Jesus. Last November the week of prayer ahead of Pentecost was called for and this week cathedrals and churches across the traditions are hosting 24/7 prayer rooms, putting on special services, running prayer meetings, doing prayer walks and many other activities. Churches overseas have also spontaneously responded to the call, with congregations in Belgium, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel and elsewhere joining the wave of prayer. In an interview the Archbishop said: ‘This week of prayer seems to have touched a chord that none of us really expected to the degree it’s happened. Port Stanley Cathedral in the Falkland Islands has joined in.’
Justin Welby on evangelism
13 May 2016Speaking on Premier Radio, the Archbishop of Canterbury said, ‘Any church that leaves evangelism to the “professionals” is committing missionary suicide. The responsibility of demonstrating in word and works the love of Jesus Christ, in a way that is deeply attractive is the responsibility of every single Christian. Always. Everywhere.’ Archbishop Justin spoke out about how the Church has failed to equip people to share their faith for too long. ‘If you go back to 1944/5 there was a report for the Church of England called Towards the Conversion of England prepared for William Temple. It said that there will never be a conversion of England until every Christian disciple is equipped to share the good news of Jesus Christ. That has always been one of the greatest weaknesses in many churches - not just Church of England churches. We do not spend enough time equipping people to share their faith.’
Christian meetings in parliament
13 May 2016Christians in Parliament will host a reception on 8 June to mark Her Majesty’s 90th birthday. Please pray that Mark Green in his talk will communicate clearly how the Queen’s Christian faith has shaped her life and reign. On 14 June the national parliamentary prayer breakfast’s subject is ‘The Church in the Middle East'. The main speaker is the bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK. Please pray for church leaders as they spend time with their MPs at the breakfast; for Bishop Angaelos as he prepares to speak, and for those praying and doing readings. Also in June Professor Don Carson will speak on 'What can Christianity contribute to politics?' Please pray for good attendance from MPs and staff. Continue to pray for the ongoing Bible study groups, and for all Christians in politics to grow in faith and make new contacts with other Christians and those not yet saved.
London: Europe-focused conference
13 May 2016Believers from around the world gathered in London for the Empowered21 European Congress from 11 to 13 May. The event is intended to have an impact on Europe. Organisers said, ‘Europe is perhaps more in the world's view than it has been in decades, with the migrant crisis and terrorist attacks.’ Delegates prayed for God to do something fresh in Europe today - there are great signs of revival in Europe. They went on to say they intended to fan that flame of revival and encourage people to get involved and become agents of renewal in the UK. Their focus was addressing the rise of Islam, financial crises and terrorism with scholars focusing on the theology of grace and the Holy Spirit. Also on the agenda was ‘reaching this generation in the digital revolution’, and changing the way in which we engage with the most distracted and disrupted generation in history.
Invictus Games winner praises NHS
13 May 2016An American soldier has given her Invictus Games gold medal to the hospital team that saved her life at Papworth Hospital in Cambridgeshire. The swimmer, 25, from Arizona, became gravely ill when she collapsed with a lung condition on the eve of the first games in London in 2014. ‘They absolutely saved my life and I can't thank the UK enough for having that kind of medical support and taking such good care of me. So I gave Prince Harry one of my medals and hope it will find its way back to Papworth.’ She also paid tribute to the NHS, saying, ‘Thank you. I'll never be able to repay you, but what you're doing is wonderful.’
Discrepancies between stated number of migrants and national insurance records have fuelled accusations of a pro-EU cover-up. A claimed ‘missing million’ long-term EU immigrants to Britain have been proved to be a phantom army, according to a special analysis by the Office for National Statistics in the run-up to the EU referendum. The ONS says short-term migration – EU citizens coming to Britain for less than a year and sometimes for as little as a month – accounts for recent gaps between the official net migration figures for long-term immigrants to Britain and the number of national insurance numbers issued to EU nationals.
Israel: IS planning attack from Sinai
13 May 2016A German newspaper reports that IS is planning a massive attack against Israel from the Sinai peninsula. Such an attack could include tanks and artillery. The Sinai-based Ansar Bait Al-Maqdis terrorist organisation has pledged allegiance to IS in Syria and are training hundreds of terrorists, reportedly waiting for the order to attack. Israel has bolstered security on their Egypt border as a result of IS’ build-up. IS has already attacked civilian targets in southern Israel, and affiliated groups have solidified their presence, creating instability in the Israel-Sinai border region. Since 2011, there has been an unprecedented growth in terror groups operating from the Sinai, taking advantage of the chaotic situation in the area. Israel recently held a two-day large-scale naval drill which simulated a multiple-pronged IS attack on Eilat, including the hijack of a civilian vessel.
The church in the Middle East
13 May 2016Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter a month later than western Christians. One beautiful Orthodox tradition is the ceremony of lights in Jerusalem: Christians light their candles in the ancient city and take the fire back to their homes. Meanwhile, the Middle East conflict continues to impact Christians alongside their fellow-citizens. From Aleppo, the Aid to the Church in Need agency shared the heart-breaking words of Franciscan priest Father Ibrahim Alsabagh: ‘Never, since the beginning of this terrible war, were things as bad as they are now. I have no words to describe all the suffering I see on a daily basis. When the bombs do stop falling, there is an eerie silence, like in a cemetery. When will the world community finally wake up and put an end to this new Sarajevo?’ A London-based Syrian Orthodox priest, Revd Nadim Nassar, said he was ‘furious’ with the global Church for its failure to speak out against the atrocities in Syria.