Brazil: Summer Olympics preparations
06 May 2016International Olympic Committee officials say preparations for the Olympic Games are the ‘worst ever’. The situation is critical on the ground, there is no plan B and they are not ready in many, many ways.The latest warning is all the more significant for coming from inside the IOC. The work has been troubled by construction delays and mass protests. The unwieldy relationships between the city, state and national governments and the ambitious nature of the plans have caused delays and discord. There are also ‘social issues that need addressing’. Hosting the Olympics was designed to showcase Brazil's confidence as one of the fastest growing world economies and turbocharge long-overdue improvement to the city's infrastructure. But negative headlines about the readiness of facilities has dented confidence in its ability to deliver.
Small but Mighty
05 May 2016The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.' (Isaiah 60: 22)
God uses children to change nations. No one is too small or insignificant in his eyes! The Bible is full of children used by God and children who've overcome the odds to become great men and women of God.
Today, children are born into situations of great risk of abuse, trafficking, disease, disaster, early death – yet are being used by God to share his love and to change society.
Let's empower the children in our churches to lead us in prayer.
Let's make them more visible and listen to them.
The 2016 World Weekend of Prayer for children at risk campaign on 4-5 June has the theme: "Small but mighty".
Our desire is to turn to God together in prayer for a change of attitude and action by all communities around the world towards their children.
We're calling on Christians wherever they are that weekend to join us in praying that:
- Children who feel neglected and forgotten would experience lasting change in their lives, receiving genuine love and compassion.
- God would turn around the thoughts and actions of those adults who look down on, ignore or even despise children.
- Child leaders would be raised up and anointed as ambassadors for Christ: committed in prayer, selfless in action and spiritual in their decisions.
We would love for World Prayer Centre to stand with us that weekend and be part of this global prayer campaign.
Would you be able to promote the event through your member/supporter networks, on your website, email communications or through social media?
Go to to find resources for download, including a resource guide, plus activities, a study series, a song and a prayer diary. Our Facebook page is
Thy Kingdom Come Resources
05 May 2016We are so excited by the participation in 'Thy Kingdom Come' with 10's of thousands of people already involved and daily more congregations are joining this great wave of prayer for the evangelisation of our nation. Thank you for all you have done to enthuse churches about this week of prayer.
Emails have been flowing in from far and wide, from parishes across a range of traditions and a variety of locations, from urban town centres to rural parishes, from the centre of England to the USA, from Bermuda to Brussels and Israel they are joining with us to hold prayer and Beacon Events.
Many tell us they plan to host continuous prayer, from 12-1 to 24-7, often partnering with others in their deanery and other denominations in their area. We are also most encouraged to hear of a huge number of special prayer services, prayer walking events, and prayer stations, to name but a few.
We are delighted to share with you the invitational video for the Archbishop Canterbury:
There has been considerable uptake of the Novena prayer booklet and the 'Pray for 5' leather bands (indeed we have sold out of the leather bands and are having to order more!).
Tickets for the Beacon events over Pentecost weekend are going fast – indeed, Canterbury and Durham Cathedrals have no more tickets but Canterbury will live-stream the service over the internet. In Winchester, where all tickets went in a matter of weeks, screens are being erected outside the Cathedral to allow an additional 2,000 people to participate. These tickets along with a few for Coventry and St Michael Le Belfrey are available – please grab them before it is too late at
Resources are available to use for the week of prayer. You can download PDF's below:
Resource book A5 Young persons resource book A5
Resource book A6 Young persons resource book A6
We do ask that you continue to hold Thy Kingdom Come in prayer and encourage all to think about how they can take part. There is still time.
Source: Thy Kingdom Come
The goal is to have from four to seven tribes represented at this gathering: the Apache, Hopi, Paiute, Zuni, Ute, Arapahoe, and Northern Cheyenne. The leaders who invited them to come expressed grave concern about people in their tribe who were attempting to draw their people back into traditional religious belief systems, so he asked if that was one area we might focus on.
Some of the issues among others that are expected to be dealt with are the Native Psychological Dilemma, Host People and Redeeming the Land, Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Mapping, SWAT Training (basic principles and tools needed to carry out prophetic prayer initiatives), Ministry of Intercession, Deliverance Ministry Team Training, Ministry of Inner Healing, and Spiritual Gifts.
Ivan and Linda Doxtator from First Nations Counseling Ministries will be doing the training. For more information about attending, please contact Pete Belon 505 6864020.
Please pray for His strong anointing on the Doxtators and all those who take part. Pray for the development of a united prayer movement among the Native peoples of the USA. They are crucial for the deliverance and transformation of America.
The success of the Lesbian Gay Bi-Sexual Transgender (LGBT) rampage continues. Simply put, we live in an era that has ushered in the end of religious freedom in favor of "gay rights." Any resistance to redefining the nation by a sexual perversion is considered an affront, resulting in the silencing of any Christian belief.
The current battles have moved from same-sex "marriage" to the letter T in LGBT - Transgenderism. While homosexuals comprise only a small percentage of the population, transgenders are less than .01% of the population. To be a member of the "oppressed transgender minority," one need only to self-identify. What follows is the "right" to enter the bathroom of your choice. Any disagreement is considered discriminatory and bigotry.
Note that:
- Two states have passed have passed religious freedom legislation only to have the legislation vetoed by their governors (Georgia, South Dakota).
- The Federal Government has forced one school district to comply with transgender demands (Illinois). This is just the start.
- One state passed "religious freedom" legislation, then amended the bill into a "gay rights" law (Indiana).
- One state has maintained its "bathroom bill" (North Carolina) but is now being threatened by the federal government with the defunding of several programs.
- One city overturned its "bathroom bill" (Houston).
- Only one state has enacted and maintained its "freedom of religion" bill (Mississippi).
The following are the highlights of the transgender agenda.
Bruce Jenner: Win for the Transgender Community
April 2015 Bruce Jenner, a 65 year old male who has been married 3 times and who has fathered 6 children, declares himself a woman. Jenner, who won the decathlon Gold Medal in the 1976 Olympics, appeared on the cover of Vogue Magazine under the title "Call Me Caitlyn."
Outcome: Jenner was praised for his "transition" and received ESPN's Arthur Ash Award for Courage.
Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act,
Complete Turn-Around: Now a "gay rights" law
July 2015 Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act was legislation passed by the state legislature to allow Christians the "free exercise of religion" and to protect citizens against being "substantially burdened as a defense in legal proceedings."
Outcome: After a horrendous outcry from national and international businesses and athletic organizations, the legislation was amended, making it an anti-discrimination law favoring the LGBT community. In other words, a complete turnaround occurred from the law's original intent.
Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
Rejected by Voters After Being Labeled the "Bathroom Bill"
November 3, 2015 Dallas TX overwhelmingly rejected the city's ordinance allowing men in women's bathrooms (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance). Houston's City Council passed the legislation spearheaded by lesbian Mayor Annise Parker. The locals forced the City to place it on the ballet but only after a Texas Supreme Court mandate.
Outcome: Win for the Community. However, Houston is now being threatened by such efforts as a call to rescind the NFL Super Bowl which is scheduled to be played there in 2017.
Palatine Township High School
Forced by the Federal Government to Accommodate a 12 year old
Boy in the Girl's Shower
December 3, 2015 Palatine Township High School, a Chicago School District, had a Civil Rights Discrimination lawsuit filed against it demanding that a 12 year old transgender boy be allowed in the girl's locker rooms.
Outcome: Win for the Transgender
The Obama Administration, misrepresenting Title IX federal funding designed to insure the inclusion of girls in sports, interpreted the law as addressing gender discrimination and forced the school district to acquiesce. Non-compliance would have resulted in the withdrawal of millions of federal dollars that fund athletic programs. The school board had proposed a number of different measures as compromise solutions. All were refused. The boy is allowed in the girls' locker room despite overwhelming objection from the community. In a school district of 12,000 students, the Obama administration has forced the accommodation of one very disturbed 12 year old boy.
New Mexico Legislation is Introduced to Protect Religious Freedom
January 2016 Religious Freedom Legislation was introduced to "prevent discriminatory action by a person or a government agency in response to a person's free exercise of religion."
Outcome: The legislation was vehemently attacked by Santa Fe's homosexual mayor, Javier Gonzales, and the house minority leader, Brian Egolf. It was not placed on the legislative agenda and was not debated.
South Dakota's Bill Vetoed by Governor
March 1, 2016 The Governor of South Dakota, Dennis Daugaard, vetoed a bathroom bill passed by the Senate that would have required biologically-defined sex to determine bathrooms usage.
Outcome: The governor, wishing to avoid an economic backlash, caved to the transgender agenda.
North Carolina Passes a "Bathroom Bill"
Disallowing Charlotte's Ordinance to Allow Transgenders in Bathrooms
On March 23, 2016 North Carolina's Governor Pat McCrory signed into law a "Bathroom Bill" that negates Charlotte's February 20, 2016, bill that would have allowed transgenders into women's bathrooms.
Outcome: An enormous economic backlash has occurred with a reported 120 companies opposing the measure including PayPal, which cancelled a $3.6 million call center employing 400 people in Charlotte. Popular rock star Bruce Springsteen announced he'd canceled a concert in the state.
Georgia's Governor Vetoes Legislature's "Religious Freedom"
March 28, 2016 Under tremendous economic pressure, Georgia's Governor Nathan Deal vetoed the state's "Religious Freedom" legislation. The law would have protected pastors and religious nonprofits that didn't want to participate in same-sex marriage, while including modest protections for individuals and businesses.
Outcome: The State Legislators are considering calling a special session to override the governor's veto.
Mississippi Allows Churches, Businesses to Decline Services that
Violate Religious Beliefs
April 5, 2016 Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law legislation that allows churches, religious charities and privately held businesses to decline services to people if doing so would violate their religious beliefs on marriage and gender.
Outcome: The state's Attorney General has refused to defend the law, an impeachable offense. The backlash has just begun.
In addition to New Mexico, states that have considered legislation have been Arizona, Nevada, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
The New Mexico Watchman
Please pray that the American people and especially the Christians will boldly stand up for public righteousness and for the preservation of our religious freedom.
FORGIVE your enemies. LOVE your enemies. PRAY for your enemies.
Easter's blasts were planned to be much larger. At the entrance gate security guards caught one person who immediately let off his bomb. Three others escaped. The bombers did not get to the place where they wanted to be, where it would have been more populated. Think what it would have been if four bombs had gone off. A friend shares, a nurse from our hospital and her baby and husband were at this park. He went to get tickets and was killed.
Military commission:
A year and a half ago a large explosion took place in a military school in the north, killing many children of military personnel. This was a terrible incident with the loss of life to many children. Out of this came a serious determination of the government and military to go after terrorists in the Northwest part of the country.
After this Easter tragedy this week- PRAISE the military now has set up a "military commission for the Punjab." This is to go after terrorists in the Punjab where 70% of the population of Pakistan lives. This is where the majority of the terrorist
organizations have originated and operated out of.
PRAY they might carry this out. For a long time it has been obvious that they need to be more serious about the terrorist nests in the Punjab.
PRAY for the right strategy to carry this out. The military is doing this. The government is not included in this. PRAY there will not be a clash between the two.
Christ said. FORGIVE your enemies. LOVE your enemies. PRAY for your enemies. There is power in these three.
STORY - A brother was in Pakistan last year for Easter. Shortly before that, two large terrorist attacks took place in Lahore and at the largest Christian settlement, Yohunabad in the city. This brother arrived a couple days after this. A pastor and he literally forced their way into this area as people were fleeing this area. They almost got trampled. They went to a smaller church where they were to teach children how to pray.
Everything had been taken out of the church, a long hallway and an outside courtyard so more people could be seated. People were seated on the ground and it was packed with hundreds of people. Kids and parents who brought their kids. The Spirit of God was so present in a powerful way. The meeting lasted from early afternoon to early the next morning. Hardly anyone moved. The brother ministering started by saying, "You do not expect me to say this but this is what God is telling me to say. Your friends and relatives have been killed by terrorists in this colony. God tells us, "to FORGIVE our ENEMIES, and to LOVE THEM. "
He told several instances of how terrorists had tried to kill him and how God had told him to
forgive them, and sometimes verbally to forgive them. He said this is the hardest thing you can ever do but he was asking them to do exactly this. There was absolute silence, and the brother thought everyone was going to walk out after stoning him.
Absolute silence for eternity. Then God's Spirit descended as kids and then adults began to cry out in forgiveness. God was doing a MIRACLE, from a people whose culture is tied in with revenge. God was doing the miraculous. Then we began to teach on children in prayer. They told stories of how God was using Pakistani children in prayer…
After midnight they asked that we begin to PRAY for those who were sick. Forgiveness had taken place, people were praying from clean hearts. The presence of God's spirit was very heavy. People were healed and those who were processed by evil spirits were released from that bondage. Those from the majority community who were non-Christians first accepted Christ and then were released from Satan's demons. When these nonbelievers were asked why they had accepted Christ they said because we saw people forgive one another and us and then we saw the power of Jesus, a God of love.
One woman in particular was the last to be brought because people said her demons are so strong and she is physically so strong no one could control her. Though once a Christian she
said she had given herself over to the devil. She accepted the Lord. Now they turned to releasing her from her bondage. It was like the Gerasenes demoniac, who was so strong he would break the chains that bound him. As we began to pray, she fell to the floor screaming and cursing at us. People had to help hold her. Her strength was so great she was lifting the men up. They prayed for for peace to come over her, the devil was there to 'kill and destroy' this mighty warrior of the devil who has just deserted him. Prayer continued and she was slowly released from those demonic spirits who bound her. She said, ”When I was going through that time I could see and knew that Satan was trying to kill me. But at the same time I could see Jesus' love and that you loved me and were fighting for my life."
It is hard but we must learn to love our enemies. The power of God's love and prayer can turn those who hate God and us to the foot of the cross and Jesus.
Many of those who were healed and released that night like this women have now started prayer groups - because they saw the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you, God, that you first loved us and for your power we see through prayer.
Thank you for praying for Pakistan.
(From a Christian brother who loves Pakistan.)
Praise God for what He is doing in one of the most challenging national situations on earth! Let’s continue to pray for His people to arise in unity and love for one another and for their enemies so that Pakistan will be rid of its darkness and turn to Him who is the light of life.
You are invited to a Prophetic Prayer Assembly in South Africa to:
- Welcome the King of Glory in the Southern Gate of Africa through a prophetic action
- Welcome a prayer team from the Pacific Islands on their journey towards Jerusalem (APPA)
- Pray for God’s plans for Africa and for the fulfilment of many prophecies concerning Africa and her role in this season of advancing God’s kingdom on earth, and especially for the fulfilment of the Isaiah 19 Highway
- Release a ‘New Song’ from ‘Beyond the Rivers of Cush’ as prophesied in Zeph.3:10
Attached documents: Invitation letter; The vision of Welcoming the King of Glory in Jerusalem 2017; The History of the prayer movement in South Africa; The Trumpet Call 2015 in Europe; Registration for Goudini Spa conference.
Dates: 22 – 25 August 2016 (Prayer Assembly)
26 August 2016 (Prayer action at the southernmost tip of Africa)
Venue: Goudini Spa, Worcester, South Africa ( )
Airport: Cape Town International Airport
Conference costs and Accommodation: Please see attached document for registration and different accommodation options
For more information, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Mobile tel. +27823351975 / +27827753793
Facilitated by APPA (All Peoples Prayer Assembly)
and Jericho Walls International Prayer Network.
The changing face of Christianity has been dramatic in our time. The Pew Foundation completed a six-year study of what Christianity will look like by 2050. They project that four out of every ten Christians in the world will live in sub-Saharan Africa. Whereas in 2010 they found that 25% of Christians are in Africa, by 2050 they project the percentage is going to go up to 40% of the world's population. One of the reasons could be MANI: The Movement for African National Initiatives. You can read all about the story and the latest gathering in the following MANI 2016 Press Release. - Luis and Doris Bush
MANI 2016 Press Release
The Movement for African National Initiatives
By Reuben Ezemadu
The Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) recently drew together leaders from across Africa and around the world at two major events focused on the mobilization of the African Church for fulfillment of the Great Commission.
A Time of Celebration
MANI was launched in 2001 as a network of networks catalyzing African National Initiatives and mobilizing the resources of the Body of Christ in Africa for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Its purpose is to affirm, motivate, mobilize and network Christian leaders by inspiring them with the vision of reaching the unreached and least-evangelized in Africa, and the wider world.
A Time of Listening
The vision is advanced through the country assessment process, the communication of up-to-date research, partnering initiatives, prayer efforts and national, regional and continental consultations focused on the unfinished task. Previous MANI continental consultations have been held in Jerusalem (2001), Nairobi, Kenya (2006) and Abuja, Nigeria (2011)
The MANI 2016 Continental Consultation brought together 560 delegates from over fifty countries in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on March 7-11, 2016. Held in the African Union Centre, Christian leaders focused on the biblical mandate to "make disciples of all nations" in the venue normally reserved for African heads of state and their representatives.
A Time of Reflecting
Dr Reuben Ezemadu (MANI Continental Coordinator) led the assembly in celebrating God's dynamic work through the African Church and in assessing the challenges that lie ahead. The consultation theme was "Hearing and Obeying God in Times Like These." Stirred by biblical expositions from Revelation 2 and 3, delegates sought to discern what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church in Africa regarding her national and global mission.
On behalf of the African body of Christ, delegates prayerfully repented, renewed their personal devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and freshly aligned with God's mission of love to all nations. Worshipping the Lord of the harvest, they affirmed the collective goal of healthy, Christ-honoring churches living out the good news among every kind of people in every place.
Faced with the threat of militant Islam, African believers were called to loving, proactive witness in hostile contexts and to faithful obedience despite great suffering and loss. The participants acknowledged that least-reached peoples are now in greater contact with Christian communities than ever before. With millions of African Christians moving beyond their national borders, it was affirmed that the African Christian diaspora must be more intentionally equipped and mobilized as massive mission force.
MANI 2016 emphases included:
- Go North – mobilizing mission initiatives from sub-Saharan nations to the peoples of the Sahel and North Africa.
- Discipleship – multiplying followers of Jesus through disciple-making movements and other discipling
- Younger leaders – proactively developing emerging leaders and creating opportunities for their engagement in mission.
- Women – affirming and releasing African women to fully employ their gifts in Church and society.
- Children – nurturing the next generation as a redemptive force in our world.
- Prayer and intercession – hearing from God and recognizing that all-important work of the Spirit in the advance of the Gospel (Zech. 4:6)
- Orality – utilizing oral communication to reach the great majority of least-reached peoples living in oral cultures. One hundred global delegates traveled from other continents to learn from and collaborate with African delegates. Focused interaction was devoted to mutual partnering opportunities and best practices with the Church in Africa. Among topics discussed was the sending of African missionaries into other world regions as catalysts for evangelism, church planting and renewal.
MANI 2016 was highlighted by the presence of leaders from the China Mission 2030 movement who came in response to MANI's call for assistance in reaching two million Chinese living in Africa. They were enthusiastically received and returned home with a plethora of invitations.
MANI advocates the central strategy of national initiatives in mobilizing the African Church for mission. A national initiative is an evangelistic partnership within the body of Christ in a given country, drawing major denominations, local churches and Christian ministries together in a multi-pronged national strategy of renewal, church growth, discipleship and missions (e.g. church planting). National initiatives are currently in varying stages of development across the continent.
National delegations returned to their countries with a sharper vision and a revitalized commitment to see:
- every unreached people group, geographical area and class of society penetrated with the gospel;
- the involvement of a significant number of its churches in global missions;
- healthy churches functioning in every community of population;
- the Body of Christ working together to achieve these goals.
MANI 2016 culminated with the proclamation "from Addis to everywhere… until Jesus comes" and a reading of the MANI 2016 Declaration (follow this link to download a copy).
God is on the move in Africa and the African Church is moving with him! MANI has been raised up as a dynamic tool in God's hand to mobilize the body of Christ for the discipling of nations. May the Lord be honored in the outcomes of these two strategic events. For more information, please visit the MANI website:
Give thanks to the Lord for this dynamic and well-connected missions movement for the continent of Africa. Pray for MANI and its leadership as they move forward into the future and that the plans made by the Christian leaders taking part will be effectively and unitedly implemented so that every unreached people group will be reached with the Gospel of Christ in wise, loving and relevant ways.