An Australian Christian lobbyist in Victoria is calling on citizens to make contact with their Lower and Upper House parliamentarians as parliament prepares to debate a bill aimed at stopping post-24 week abortions. The Democratic Labour Party MP Rachel Carling-Jenkins, who introduced the bill last week (it will be debated in May) has made a similar call. With 42,000 signatures already collected in support of the bill, we can pray for even more people to let politicians know their views before the debate. This can be done by email, phone calls, letters, or by meeting their local MPs. Also in Victoria, the Australian Christian Lobby is asking the education minister James Merlino to investigate as a matter of urgency a schools programme which reportedly sexualises children. Parents are still coming to terms with the radical Safe Schools programme which tells children their gender is fluid. See:

You are invited to our next national call to prayer, Trumpet Call 2016 to be held in the International Convention Centre, Birmingham, on 15 October 2016. This year the theme of the call is Jubilee.

The term Jubilee in the Old Testament was given to the last year of a 50 year period which God instituted for the Nation of Israel to maintain the spiritual, economic and social cohesion of the nation.

The principles of Jubilee are the foundation stones of the Christian faith today, namely, redemption, reconciliation, freedom, mercy and forgiveness, restoration and unity, and they are as important for any nation today as they were in Bible times.

Trumpet Call 2016 will see Churches, Christian Agencies and Prayer Ministries from across our nations standing together to see an increasing release of these great truths through His Church into and throughout 2017. Come and be one of the 3000 people to stand and pray that day.

Put the date in your diary/phone/ iPad and share with your friends.  Please pray for us in the planning and funding of this event.  We will release more details in the coming weeks.

Ian Cole on behalf of the WPC team.

The World Prayer Centre believes the EU referendum will have profound effects on our nation and on Europe. The vote, and the action the nation takes after the vote, needs to be soaked in prayer. Whatever the result, it takes us into a time of political and economic uncertainty.

We believe this vote is an individual decision and encourage people to pray and listen to God. We each have a choice. At this stage, we shall not be making a recommendation on how to vote - but we shall be seeking God's will and purpose not just for this nation but also for the countries of Europe. We are praying for God's will to be done and for God's mercy on both the UK and Europe.

We believe God's heart is that none should perish and all should come to a knowledge of Him. Whatever the result we shall be praying for the gospel to be preached, shown and heard in our nation and the nations of Europe. The referendum is happening at a time of great spiritual challenge and opportunity, so we pray beyond the political and economic for God's Kingdom purpose, His mercy and deliverance.

We are calling for a season of prayer and fasting from 14 May to 2 July – covering 40 days of prayer up to 22 June, 23 June voting day and for 10 days after.

We will support these 40 days with prayer resources suitable for use for individual and corporate prayer and issue daily prayer alerts on social media. We will launch this resource at our day of prayer and worship on Saturday 14 May (alongside praying for Thy Kingdom Come (the Archbishop's week of prayer for evangelism). We will be focusing on praying for the EU referendum at our 'Every Vote Counts' prayer day on Saturday 18 June. Our Prayer Room will also be open on Voting Day, Thursday 23 June from 9.30am-11.30pm. We will watch and pray over the outcome at our day of prayer on 2 July. Find out more.



There are a number of resources available for us to prayerfully consider all of the issues from a biblical perspective:

CARE – Read arguments from both sides

Christians in Politics EU Focus information and resources. 

Evangelical Alliance's Idea Magazine May- June 2016 will carry many articles on The Europe Issue

Reimagining Europe a multidisciplinary blog hosted by the Church of England and the Church of Scotland with the editorial support of Crucible, the Christian Journal of Social Ethics. Reimagining Europe's central aim is to create a space for Christian reflection and debate on Britain's future relationship with Europe ahead of the forthcoming referendum on whether Britain should remain a member of the EU. 

Theos Think Tank – A soul for the union pdf downloadable

The Jubilee Centre is producing a number of discussion papers and articles in the lead up to the EU Referendum. 

The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics (KLICE) are launching extended comment pieces.





US car racing star Phil Robertson recently prayed publicly before a NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) event. He said to the crowd gathered at the Texas Motor Speedway, ‘All right Texas, we got here via Bibles and guns, I'm fixing to pray to the One who made that possible.’ Robertson then prayed, ‘Father, thank you for founding our nation. I pray Father that we don't forget who brought us - You. Our faith in the blood of Jesus and His resurrection - help us Father to get back to that.’ Robertson also said he hoped God would ‘put a Jesus man in the White House’, and prayed for those serving in the US military. His prayer received mixed reviews. Some called it a complete disaster; others praised Robertson’s straight talk.

Tyler Connell was in the Himalayan foothills of Nepal distributing Bibles, praying for the sick, and preaching the Good News. As they were trekking to a village they had visited on a previous trip, a man came running full speed toward them. He had heard about their last visit and the power of the God they worship. He fell at their feet on the trail and showed them his paralysed left arm and begged to be healed. Tyler’s small group surrounded the man and prayed for healing in Jesus’ name. Within five minutes the man began to receive mobility, movement was restored, and all pain ceased! He gave his life to Jesus on the spot, and ripped his witchcraft amulet off his neck. Overcome with gratitude he started to dance and shout with joy while waving his ‘new’ mobile arm around in circles. Tyler gives all the glory to God. ‘Ha! Jesus wins! He’s so much better than idolatry!’

One in four hundred Europeans is Jewish, yet the Jewish contribution to fields of knowledge and culture is disproportionate to this figure: for example, more than one-fifth of the Nobel Prizes for science have been awarded to Jews. It has been reported that Jews were particularly targeted in the Brussels airport terrorist attack. Mohammed Abrini, the surviving attacker who was arrested last weekend, has evidently told interrogators that the main target was the outgoing lounge for passengers embarking for Tel-Aviv. Events targeting Jews in Brussels, Paris and Copenhagen seem to signal a return of anti-Semitism in Europe on a new level. See also:

11,000 people remain stranded in Idomeni refugee camp at the still-closed Greece-Macedonia border, where conditions have not improved. A Médecins Sans Frontières field psychologist has observed changes in mood and the impact on the psychological state of the camp. Many refugees carrying some post-traumatic experiences are in a very difficult and vulnerable condition. In the early days of the camp people knew they would cross the border, they were in transit, so they had hope and many of their problems were buried; now these problems have come to the surface. Mental health treatment is increasingly important. Optimistic rumours one day and pessimistic rumours the next spread through the camp like wildfire, sparking a tinderbox of desperation. Greek government spokespersons say Idomeni refugees should not believe false rumours that the border will open any time soon.

In January we featured an initiative to build a wall of one million bricks, each brick representing an answered prayer. This enormous wall will be positioned by a busy motorway where 50,000+ people drive past each day: a wonderful testimony that Jesus is alive and He has answered a million prayers. This initiative needs sustained prayer for it to move forward successfully. A website, complementing the landmark, will give details of each answered prayer - a database of a million prayer testimonies. Please pray for Christians to catch the vision and grasp this unique opportunity to buy a brick in a wall which will stand for generations. Pray also for the funding needed for an autumn exhibition by the Houses of Parliament, which will show visitors all the entries for ‘The Wall’. For more info click the ‘more’ button.