Now that Nigeria is making headway against Boko Haram, it faces the challenge created by terrorists voluntarily surrendering their weapons. How can the country reintegrate former fighters into society and ensure they won’t become a future security threat? The current solution involves a rehabilitation camp established by the Nigerian military to repatriate surrendered Boko Haram fighters and encourage others to abandon the insurgency. Operation Safe Corridor will take terrorists through vocational training sessions to help them become productive citizens, said defence ministry spokesman Rabe Abubakar. He urged other fighters still on the loose to surrender and benefit from the programme, saying that the onslaught against the remnant of the terrorists would continue and not relent until the power of evil in the northeast is completely neutralised. Recently emaciated fighters begging for food have surrendered at military bases after food supply routes to the terrorists’ camps were blocked.

This year, Passover begins on 22 April evening and ends on 30 April evening. The festival is an opportunity for the Jewish nation to rejoice with family and commemorate their liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. It marks the gift of freedom in the land of Israel and pays tribute to its Biblical heritage. However, for almost two million modern-day Israelis in poverty and hunger, there is no real cause for celebration or joy. Shocking statistics recently released in the Israel National Insurance Institute’s annual poverty report stated that 1.7 million Israelis, including 800,000 children, live below the poverty line. Pray for relief centres across the country supplying foodstuffs; for the elderly living alone being matched with host families for Passover; and for suitable care for children when schools are closed for nearly three weeks, placing additional strain on already struggling families.

The Attawapiskat First Nation of 2,000 people living in Ontario declared a state of emergency on Saturday after eleven of its members tried taking their own lives this month and twenty-eight tried to do so in March, according to papers provided by a local politician. The declaration was signed by Chief Bruce Shisheesh of the remote northern community. The MP for the area said, ‘This is a systemic crisis. There's not been a serious response from any level of government until now.’ Canada's 1.4 million aboriginals, making up 4% of the population, have higher levels of poverty and a lower life expectancy than other Canadians, and are more often victims of violent crime, addiction and incarceration. The First Nation government is sending a crisis response unit with two mental health counsellors to the community following Saturday’s declaration. Pray for God to direct their responses and give them favour and for God’s will be done.

Who would have believed that the group that is beheading, burning alive and drowning in cages the supposed enemies of Allah would be afraid of girls? It is an oxymoron. On the one hand, IS fighters buy and sell teenaged sex slaves - 3,000 Iraqi women and girls have been forced to service IS fighters at sex slave brothels. On the other hand, these 'brave' fighters all have a recurring nightmare that they will be killed by a girl. For them, that is a shame that Allah cannot excuse. Therefore, the Kurdish army has 7,000 female fighters, all trained and dressed in uniforms of battle, taking combat to IS. They are brave and determined and will never forget the powerful role they played in saving their people. IS beware, Kurdish girls are coming after you! See also

Textbooks in Pakistan’schools have become more antagonistic to Christians. A new report says, ‘The trend towards a more biased curriculum against religious minorities is accelerating. These grossly generalised and stereotypical portrayals of religious minority communities signal that they are untrustworthy, religiously inferior, ideo slogically scheming, and intolerant.’ The report, released on 12 April in Washington, is sponsored by the Commission on International Religious Freedom, an advisory body to the US Congress and state department. By law, the commission’s assessments of religious freedom in other countries are required to figure in American diplomatic relations around the globe. The report says that school textbooks represent the political perspectives and national ideologies of whole educational and government systems. As such, they are one of the most important indicators of official and popular perspectives of the cultural and political communities they depict, both in words and images.

In the first 5 days since a national crowd funding campaign was launched last Sunday (3rd April) to build a prayer landmark in the UK, £10,000 has already been pledged towards the £45,000 target.

The Wall is the vision of vision of Richard Gamble, who 12 years ago carried a cross through Leicestershire.

Richard Gamble is the former Leicester Football Chaplain and International Director of Sports Chaplaincy UK but believes his next task is to build a prayer wall for the nation.

Mr Gamble and a growing team is seeking to construct a Christian symbol, equivalent to the Angel of the North, and a 40 day Kickstarter campaign is attempting to fundraise the initial funds to make this happen.

If the Kickstarter is successful, The Wall will be made up of a million bricks - each brick will represent an answered prayer.

Mr Gamble wants the landmark will be built next to a motorway, so that thousands of people will be able to drive past each day and believe that Jesus is alive and that prayers will be ans


Speaking about the first £10,000 pledged towards the Kickstarter campaign, Richard Gamble, Director of The Wall said:

"Last Sunday when the Kickstarter was launched, it was described to me like the Nation had opened its wallet to get behind this huge step of faith that has been taken. Initially money came in but in the middle of the week, it slowed right down.

However, I'm excited to see the initial £10,000 pledged and hope this
is the start of a huge sense of growth to see this project come about.

What has inspired me the most in the last 5 days is the number of people from across the world who have heard about this project and given.

I believe this is going to be big and I'd love anyone who share my heart to join the journey!"

To find out more about the work of The Wall Kickstarter, please visit the website:


UK Prayer Alert

11 Apr 2016

Across the UK the MI5 threat level has continued to be SEVERE. Let us thank God for the continued protection of our nations to date and for those who are working so hard to keep us safe.


A number of national Prayer Ministries have joined together to call the nations to prayer. 

We suggest you may like to pray every day, covering the issues that are locally, nationally and internationally relevant. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as to what to pray for and how to pray. Keep an eye on the news and respond in prayer.

We are looking to mobilise effective informed united prayer across our nations by praying for God's wisdom, revelation, insight and protection for:

  1. Government and World Leaders.
  2. Emergency Services
  3. Armed forces
  4. Intelligence Services
  5. Media and communications
  6. ISIS and others who may wish to cause danger.
  7. Angelic protection.
  8. An unprecedented move of God across our communities and nations.
  9. Vulnerable areas - tunnels, stadiums, airports, the Euro tunnel, theatres, schools, colleges and shopping areas etc.


  1. To provide mercy and protection to reduce the danger to life and limb from attacks for our communities and nations.
  2. To release a clear trumpet call to those in the valley of decision.
  3. To reduce fear and hopelessness - The aim of terror is to bring fear, confusion, hatred – we stand against that in the name of Jesus because his perfect love casts out fear.
  4. To bring any plots into the light before they are actioned.
  5. To see the Church arise and stand united around Jesus love.

Remain vigilant in prayer especially during the celebrations for Queen Elizabeth's 90th birthday celebrations and other large events.

Source:  Coastlands & Gateways


The Leprosy Mission (TLM) is an international Christian development organisation that diagnoses, treats and offers specialist care, including reconstructive surgery, to leprosy patients. Its aim is to transform and empower the lives of people affected by leprosy.

Leprosy is a disease of poverty and as well as providing healthcare, TLM offers rehabilitation, education, vocational training, small business loans, housing and fresh water supplies and sanitation to tens of thousands of people each year. TLM provides a springboard to restored health, self-sufficiency and renewed hope. Its services are provided regardless of religion or ethnicity, promoting equality and social justice.

Widely believed to be the world's oldest disease, leprosy is also one of the world's most stigmatised. A specialist approach is required to educate, encourage and empower people to stand up for their human rights. Age-old stigma surrounding leprosy sees entire families robbed of their job opportunities, education, marriage prospects and their dreams shattered.

Fears and misunderstandings surrounding leprosy, such as the disease being a curse for some alleged misdeed, are widespread. In turn they fuel a vicious circle that begins with those affected hiding the first suspect skin patches in order to avoid being shunned by their families and becoming a social outcast.

Three million disabled
Leprosy is a mildly-infectious disease caused by a bacillus called Mycobacterium leprae – a relative of the TB bacillus. It occurs where there is dirty water, bad nutrition and poor standards of living, meaning people's immune systems are not strong and they are unable to fight the disease.

World Health Organisation figures reveal there are around a quarter of a million new cases of leprosy diagnosed globally each year. Globally, there are more than three million people living with irreversible disabilities, including blindness, as a result of the late treatment of leprosy.

The Leprosy Mission England & Wales concentrates its efforts on 11 countries. It works closely with staff in these Asian and African nations to provide and evaluate a range of different projects that help transform the lives of leprosy-affected people. As a global charity, The Leprosy Mission works in around 30 leprosy-endemic countries.

Please would you pray for The Leprosy Mission's work? If you would like a copy of the annual prayer diary, ASK, please contact us.

Pray for The Leprosy Mission England and Wales's CREATE (CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) for Resource mobilisation, Advocacy, Training & Employment) project in four states in India (Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu) which aims to challenge and address stigma and discrimination where people live by raising awareness of needs in local communities. Pray that the results of this will mean that neighbours will not reject and ill-treat those with/affected by leprosy. Pray also that mainstream employers will open up employment opportunities to people affected by leprosy, thus challenging discrimination. Give thanks for the project and pray that the leprosy-affected will be enabled to train for work and get jobs that will enable them to set up their own sustainable micro-businesses.


Leprosy25 April 2016 is the anniversary of the devastating earthquakes in Nepal.

You can help to 'Rebuild Nepal' and transform lives for leprosy-affected people.

Hold a World Leprosy Day January – 25 April 2016 

Picture: Narasannapeta Colony in Andhra Pradesh, helped by TLMEW's work in conjunction with Brighter Future.