I just received information today the Television of Papua TVRI Papua broadcast the seminar day 1 about How to raise up children in prayer 30 minutes. Tomorrow TVRI Papua will broadcast seminar day 2 about how to raise up mission kids and also teaching about salvation 60 minutes. They broadcast to all 44 district of Papua also in the village. Please pray many people and kids who watch the television will receive Jesus Christ and also become children in prayer...world changer children.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected North Dakota's bid to revive a restrictive Republican-backed law struck down by a lower court that would ban most abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, as early as six weeks after conception. The court turned away the state’s appeal, leaving in place a July 2015 ruling by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that blocked the 2013 law. North Dakota’s law was among the strictest of a series of statutes passed at the state level imposing limits on abortion. The law was challenged by North Dakota’s only abortion clinic, the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo.
In a separate case, the high court is due to hear arguments on March 2 in a challenge by abortion providers to parts of a restrictive, Republican-backed Texas law they contend are aimed at shutting clinics that perform the procedure. It will be the court’s first abortion case since 2007.
In the North Dakota case, the appeals court had said it was bound in its ruling by U.S. Supreme Court precedent on abortion, which holds that states may not prohibit abortions before a fetus reaches viability. But the appeals court said “good reasons exist” for the high court to re-evaluate its past abortion decisions in light of medical and scientific advances that show the concept of viability is subject to change.
Republican backers of the North Dakota law had said 40 years of medical advancements should not be ignored. Opponents said a ban at six weeks would mean abortion would be outlawed at a gestation time when many women do not yet even know they are pregnant. On Jan. 19, the high court refused to hear a similar case in which Arkansas sought to revive a Republican-backed law also blocked by lower courts that would ban abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
The high court legalized abortion in 1973, but abortion remains a contentious issue among Americans. Some states, particularly those governed by Republicans, have sought to chip away at a woman’s right to end a pregnancy by passing laws imposing a number of restrictions.
Viability, according to medical experts, occurs around 23 to 24 weeks into a pregnancy. Lawmakers in North Dakota, Arkansas and other conservative states have sought to ban abortions at an earlier stage, citing among other things hotly debated medical research suggesting a fetus feels pain starting at 20 weeks of gestation.
The North Dakota case was 15-627, Stenehjem v. MKB Management, U.S. Supreme Court, No. 15-627. (Contributor: By Lawrence Hurley for Reuter News Service – Editing by Will Dunham)
Intercessors are disappointed that the Supreme Court will not hear the Arkansas and North Dakota cases. The court’s decision ignores conclusive evidence proving unborn babies are alive and feel pain in early pregnancy. God is still extending mercy, even to those who wantonly take these innocent lives. Pray much that age and the 2016 elections will pave the way for new Supreme Court justices.
“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. Then the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no justice.” (Isa. 59:14-15)
1. The UPRISING: World Youth Prayer Assembly, July 26-30, in South Korea continues to attract attention and registrations. You and other youth and young adults can register at www.unitedprayerrising.com
Please pray for Jerome Ocampo and his team as well as the Korean partners as they make arrangements to host up to 2500 youth and young adults along with children and senior adults for this historic gathering. We hope that 100 people of God’s appointing will be registered from each of the 12 regions of our world.
This gathering will be significant for the rising up of David’s across the world. A global response to fast and pray at the border between North and South Korea will also be significant. Many locals in Korea are touched by this calling. The next 3 years will be significant for world revival. In 2018, 1 million youth will be called to meet in Jakarta, Indonesia. Lou Engle, leader of the youth movement known as “The Call” is calling for a global fast for the next generation.
Please pray with us for the release of funding. Please help mobilise your own regions to send 100 suitable youth and young adults.
Other initiatives for 2016 -
2. Global Proclamation Congress Bangkok - June 15-22. 90 nations will be represented. Looking to encourage a culture of prayer among Pastors and Pastoral trainers. Pray for Tom Victor who is helping with the prayer component and that the participants will become leaders who carry and propagate a culture of prayer in their ministries.
3. MANI - Movement of African National Initiatives - Network of African churches involved in missions to unreached people groups. Came out of the AD2000 and Beyond Movement. March 7-12 - Addis Ababa. Starting with a 24 hour prayer watch to undergird the event. Pray for Austen Ukachi is leading the prayer effort and for an anointed, productive time for all.
- Pray for the effective organization of three Middle East initiatives – Dubai, Feb. 17-21, 2016; Turkey - May 17-21, 2016. Many nationalities will be represented. Possible prayer initiative in Jerusalem, Israel, May 23-26, 2016 - with Jews, Arabs and other nationalities across the ethnic, political and denominational spectrum. Targeting Christian leaders of various ministries, to pray for Israel and the Middle East.
5. Suggested by Jason Hubbard, a US prayer leader that the IPC convene a global gathering of Prayer leaders in Herrnhut, Germany, the center of the Moravian revival. 2017 is a freer year and is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. This would enable other networks to join in with us. It would focus on prayer and Christ's global mission. Let’s pray for His guidance about this possibility.
We were encouraged that so many good prayer events are taking place, including many focusing on unity and reconciliation.
Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God’s Sunrise will break in upon us, Shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, Then showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace.
Luke 1:78-79 MSG prophesy from Zechariah
Path to Peace
“Many more Syrians are trying to flee, with Jordan reporting this week that 16,000 Syrians are in a no-man’s land in the wide-open desert along the Jordan-Syria border.”
First a bit of
Joining this 16,000, are another 4 million refugees going from one place to the next traveling through Europe and the Middle East in search of safety.
Every day in no-man’s land is a world of uncertainty and obscurity, “where will we sleep?” “what will we eat?” “will we find a home in the end?”. Beyond the uncertainties, there are real physical dangers and vulnerabilities for men, women and children. In the first 2 weeks of 2016 more than 50 people diedmaking the trip from Turkey to Greece by boat.
They flee darkness only to grope their way toward the light of hope, safety, jobs and most of all peace God hears the cry of the helpless. Throughout history God’s light has broken into impossibly dark circumstances and situations wooing, speaking to their hearts and miraculously providing for their needs. This moment in history is no exception. Hope, peace and light for the journey is being granted to all who respond.
- God, would you in mercy break into the lives of these refugees with the brilliance of your love and mercy. With each step turn this dark road into the pathway to provision and a growing sense of your loving presence. Infuse hope, we pray.
- We ask that you provide for their needs daily. Make the path clear in front of them and grant governments wisdom to create order and healthy places of refuge. Protect men, women and children as they live and travel through many “no-mans lands” to bring them into physical places of rest and provision.
- We ask for many to hear your message of hope, receive salvation and enjoy inner peace. Let your light and truth multiply in their hearts and minds through faith in Jesus, even as they face challenges and uncertainty.
This migrant crisis is different from all others / BBC 12-24-15
UN war crimes investigate malnutrition claims in Madaya / EuroNews 1-12-16
Syria: Peace Talks To Start In Geneva On Jan. 29
January 25, 2016 | 15:19 GMT
Peace talks to end the conflict in Syria will begin Jan. 29, according to the U.N. special envoy for Syria, AFP reported. The negotiations, which will be held in Geneva, were set to begin Jan. 25 but were delayed over disagreements about which representatives would take part. The negotiations will last for six months, the U.N. envoy added. The widely divergent goals of the different actors in Syria will make reaching a meaningful resolution extremely difficult.
Pray that the peace talks will be successful in bringing this long-running, destructive conflict to an end and restoring the Syrian refugees to their homes.
DATE: MARCH 7-12, 2016
The Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) is a network of networks focused on catalyzing African National Initiatives and mobilizing the resources of the Body of Christ in Africa for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
The history of National Initiatives in Africa dates back to the 1960’s when many African nations gained independence. These indigenous initiatives started with the launching of saturation evangelism movements in Zaire and on the central plateau of Nigeria in the mid 1960’s. Over the past fifty years at least 37 African countries have launched National Initiatives to mobilize churches and ministries for national and global evangelization.
The Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) was birthed when 320 delegates from 36 African nations met in Jerusalem for the African Millennial Consultation in March 2001. MANI is the result of the participants shared convictions that: Africa's hour had come to take primary responsibility for the final gospel thrust in Africa and beyond and that the African Church was uniquely positioned to play a major role in world evangelization in the 21st century.
The AD 2000 and Beyond Movement, which in the 1990’s had encouraged many African nations to develop National Initiatives focused on the fulfillment of the Great Commission, was in the process of disbanding and the delegates determined to establish a continuing African movement. Participants unanimously adopted the 'Jerusalem Declaration,' affirming their commitment to pick up the torch for national and global evangelization being laid down by the AD 2000 and Beyond Movement.
MANI’s purpose is to affirm, motivate, mobilize and network Christian leaders (churches) by inspiring them with the vision of reaching the unreached and least evangelized in Africa and the wider world, through advocacy and support for National Initiatives; the communication of up to date research, reports and models; consultations and prayer efforts focusing on the unfinished task.
Two Decades of Continental Consultations
Strategic consultation is one of the primary engagements of MANI. Renewed vision, strategic planning and focused zeal for the fulfillment of the Great Commission results when Church leaders gather together at an opportune time to share accurate information and pray together. Every five years MANI holds her Continental Consultation. The objective of each consultation is to celebrate what God is doing in, with and through the African Church in furthering His redemptive plan among the peoples of the continent and the world; to review past objectives, listen to God for fresh insights, leading and direction, so as to focus our energy on such directives during the intervening period before the next consultation which is usually after a five year interval.
In July 1997, 1,200 African leaders from 46 nations came together in a consultation on African National Initiatives at the GCOWE '97 in South Africa. This consultation accelerated the birthing and development of structured African National Initiatives. This catalytic event led to the proliferation of new national movements, such as Finish the Task Kenya.
In March 2001, 320 delegates from 36 African nations met in Jerusalem for the African Millennial Consultation (AMC 2001) to celebrate and share the blessings of God in the evangelization of Africa over the years, and to consult together on the unfinished task in Africa and the world. This consultation gave birth to MANI, a strong continental awakening - a Kairos moment for the African Church.
MANI 2006 – Nairobi, Kenya
MANI 2006 gathered together 520 leaders of influence from 65 countries. Nearly every African nation was represented by a delegation of high level leaders representing the major sections of the Body of Christ. The consultation created a platform to celebrate the vibrant growth of the African Church and to voice profound hope in the Lord’s intentions for the continent. The following years witnessed a continental harvest on the critical issues raised at the consultation: the necessity of discipleship, transformational leadership, united prayer and the empowerment of women for ministry, HIV/AIDS, holistic community transformation, the challenge of Islam, etc.
MANI 2011 – Abuja, Nigeria
In September 2011, a total of 614 participants from 60 countries gathered in Abuja Nigeria for the consultation of the Movement for African National Initiatives. This Consultation gave birth to Strategic Networks: Denominational Leaders, Emerging Leaders, African Women in Ministry, Strategic Prayer Network, etc, and many untold testimonies of post consultation engagements at local, regional and network levels.
MANI 2016 Continental Consultation is the 3rd of the post-Africa Millennial Consultations since AMC 2001. It is aimed at ensuring that every effort is being made in carrying out what we understand as the mission mandate of the African Church in the present context and realities of events in our continent and in the world is being done according to the dictates and leading of the Holy Spirit; God’s Director of Missions, hence the theme chosen for this period.
Who should attend MANI 2016?
The consultation is open to Church Leaders, Ministry Leaders, Missionaries, Christian Leaders in the Market place and Emerging Leaders and other Christian workers.
If you would like more information to attend this continental event, please see these links. finalcommand.org/MANI/MANI_Registration.html or (www.maniafrica.com)
For more information on how to become a prayer partner for this event, please contact Austen Ukachi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please pray for the effective organization of this important event. Pray for the right people from across Africa and beyond to take part, for His provision financially and for clarity and unity regarding how to go forward together to reach the unreached in that continent and the rest of the world.
How little we understand of eternal redemption! How many times will God forgive you? If you have truly set your heart to follow Him, He will cancel your sins as often as you ask. Will He forgive you of the worst sin you can think of? Yes! You may have to live with the consequences of your misdeed, but God can use your repentance and newly found humility to inspire others. As for the sin itself, if you deeply and sincerely repent of it, not only will God forgive you, He will blot it out of His memory.
Let me share an experience. A certain man of God had been gifted with revelatory insight into people's lives. During an evening service he ministered to a Presbyterian pastor and his wife. By the gift of the Spirit, he revealed the couple's past, uncovered their present situation, and then disclosed to them what was to come. This work of God greatly impressed the couple, and as the prophecies were fulfilled, one month later the Presbyterian minister brought two other pastors, each with their wives, to another service for personal ministry. The word of knowledge was exceptionally sure that night, and the second minister and his wife marveled at the accuracy and truth in the prophetic word. The third couple stepped forward for ministry, and again the word of knowledge was present. The prophet spoke to the husband, revealing his past, present, and insight into his future. Then the man of God turned to this third minister's wife. As he began to speak of her past, suddenly he paused. Then he said, "There was a very serious sin in your past." The woman, with her worst fear upon her, turned pale and closed her eyes. The congregation hushed and moved to the edge of their seats. The prophet continued, "And I asked the Lord, 'What was this sin that she committed?' And the Lord answered, 'I do not remember!'"
The Lord had been faithful to His covenant promise: "I will not remember your sins" (Isa. 43:25). Although many times this minister's wife had asked for cleansing, still she could not believe the depth of God's forgiveness. Christ had placed her sin in the sea of His forgetfulness. He removed it "as far as the east is from the west" (Ps. 103:12). From everywhere but the prison of her own mind, her sin had been paid for and removed. And now, in His great mercy, He removed it from there as well!
Oh, what burdens we carry, what guilt and limitations surround us because we do not accept God's total and perfect forgiveness. In Isaiah we read, "I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins" (Isa. 43:25). How great is the God we serve. How wonderful is His love toward us. He is our Redeemer, our Savior! If you are willing to forgive others and will but ask Him to forgive you, He will pardon your debts as often as you contritely turn to Him. He promises He will remember your sins no more.
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Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, Holiness Truth and the Presence of God, available at www.arrowbookstore.com.
We know that we all want unity in the body of Christ, however, we also know there are some who say they are part of the body but, are not keeping His commandments nor are they doing those things that are pleasing in His sight (I Jn. 3:22). Therefore, we must ask God for sanctified unity in the body of Christ. Unfortunately, simply aligning with some groups could undo all that we’re trying to accomplish or even worse could bring about spiritual defeat and even shipwreck.
God’s word says: “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3) We cannot align with those who claim to serve Christ, then turn around and partake in things God says to separate ourselves from. If we are to win the end time battles that confront us and position our nation for a visitation of God we must set ourselves apart for Him. We owe loyalty to the Lord first, before all other things and that loyalty is measured by obedience to His word.
The urgency of the hour demands that we sharpen our focus, intensify our commitment, and set aside all things, situations, and relationships that would cause us to stumble or fail to run the race with endurance (Heb. 12:1). God says; “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (II Chron. 16:9).
The God we serve is a God who looks for loyalty of heart. However, when it comes to loyalties, our loyalty to the Lord may be compromised by our affinities. The word affinity may be a mystery to some so let’s look at several definitions.
One definition is: a natural liking for, or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc., or a person, thing, idea, etc., for which such a natural liking, or attraction is felt. The word also means a – relationship by marriage or by ties other than those of blood. Yet, another meaning is: an inherent likeness or agreement, close resemblance or connection. One final definition means – of or relating to persons who share the same interests.
Isn’t it interesting that the ideas of ties, connection, and attraction are evident with affinities?
The word ties means to: confine or restrict as if with a cord. It could be said quite literally, our affinities “tie or restrict us” as if an invisible cord would connect us to those people, places, or things to which we have an affinity. In most all cases the strength of our loyalty is associated with the strength of the cords that tie us to our affinities.
The truth within this understanding is that our being loyal to something or someone other than the Lord first, can place us in serious danger, resulting in dire consequences that could cause us to lose not only the battle, but also, quite possibly, the war. Failing to recognize, acknowledge, and disengage from our affinities can be a reason for unanswered prayer, unexplained defeats, eventual wandering from the Lord, loss of our faith, and ultimately separation from the Lord.
There are several examples of how affinities have resulted in devastating and painful consequences. First, we have relationship between Samson and Delilah. The Scripture says:
“Afterward it happened that he (Samson) loved a woman in the Valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. And the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, “Entice him, and find out where his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him...” (Jud. 6:4).
Here, we see how Samson’s invisible ties and attraction to Delilah was his downfall. Eventually, his enemies were able to overpower him because he was “all tied up” by his lust for this woman. Samson’s strong ties to Delilah literally caused him to be bound, afflicted, and enslaved. He died because he could not break his ties to this evil woman.
Next we have Achan and his contribution to Israel’s’ defeat at Ai. The Biblical record tells us exactly why Israel was defeated. “But the children of Israel committed a trespass regarding the accursed things, for Achan the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed things; so the anger of the Lord burned against the children of Israel.” (Jos. 7:1)
After their defeat the Lord told Joshua:
“Get up, sanctify the people, and say, ‘Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because thus says the Lord God of Israel: “There is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you. (Jos. 7:13)
When confronted by Joshua, Achan’s reason for disobeying God was: “When I saw among the spoils a beautiful Babylonian garment, two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them” (Jos. 7:21). The consequences for Achan’s strong ties to gold, silver, and other inanimate objects was hefty. Thirty-five members of his tribe died in battle, and Achan, his wife and his children and everything that he owned were stoned to death and burned up with fire (Jos. 7:5,24,25). Achan’s affinity to accursed things resulted in death and destruction for many.
Other examples include King David. Because of his affinity for Bathsheba he committed murder (2 Sam. 11), and, because of his ties to his sons, he allowed his daughter, Tamar’s rape to go unpunished (2 Sam. 13. 14), which ultimately led to his son, Absalom murdering his other son, Amnon (2 Sam. 13. 28-29). David’s unwillingness to deal with the sin of his affinities for others nearly cost him the throne (Absalom’s treason 2 Sam.15), and, the kingdom, and ultimately, led to the death of his son Absalom (2 Sam. 18). The power and consequences of affinities cannot be underestimated nor overlooked.
To be tied, connected, and attracted, to the Lord God Almighty is the only ultimate legitimate affinity, and of course there are secondary affinities that are acceptable. However, the most dangerous ones are those that connect us to people, places, or things that will spiritually contaminate us, or that are doomed to destruction. An unholy affinity is like – as a dear friend recently said – leaning up against a tree that’s going to be struck by lightening. When that lightening hits, guess who is going to get fired too.
Unfortunately, many in the Body of Christ are leaning up against trees that are doomed for destruction. Trees of this type are contaminated by a mixture of occult spiritual practices, alignment with things that God hates, false and heretical beliefs, or embracing the doctrine of Balaam. The saddest part of the picture is that rather than turning away from such practices many find a way to rationalize, justify, or outright defend their continued strong ties to that which God hates.
Recently the Lord spoke to me about this, and how severe this is in HIS sight. I understood CLEARLY that if I come into agreement with someone in prayer, and they continue on in their ungodly loyalties than I am aligning with them and pitting myself against God. We have to be so careful to agree WITH God and not just accept lightly the situations we are called to pray for.
As we have seen affinities can lead to destruction and God cannot be mocked. Unfortunately, today we have “Christians” engaging in things not acceptable to God. Too often the Church shies away from confronting and dealing with things that defile and offend God’s glory. One of the main reasons the nation is in the state it is in, is because, the church is in the state it is in! We have leaders who prefer influence over integrity; prosperity and pomposity over people and the eternity of their souls; and, the rituals of men over the righteousness of God.
© 2016 Linda Doxtator
First Nations Healing Coalition
Much of what First Nations Healing Coalition (FNHC) will be doing involves developing and initiating prayer based strategies to, not only, bring healing and restoration to wounded and traumatized Native Americans, but to also see healing and restoration released into the land. Our two-pronged strategy is to heal the people and heal the land.
Land Defilement Concepts
Interestingly, the same revelatory biblical concepts applied for individuals to be set free, healed, and restored are the same principles used to see the land cleansed, healed and restored from the corporate sins of people groups that have defiled it.
The same way a person can be wounded and traumatized by horrific events, so too can the land be traumatized and dramatically affected when bloody massacres take place or when occult ceremonies or rituals occur in certain places. Therefore, God says, “the lands mourns” (Jer.12:11) and that “all of creation groans” – “waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Rom. 8:19-22). I believe the reason the land mourns and groans is because of the death and defilement that has been released upon it.
Just as mankind needs to be redeemed from the curse of the law, so too must the land be released and redeemed from the curse that comes upon it as a result of the corporate sin that defiles it. Jeremiah said, “because of a curse the land mourns” (Jere. 23:10).
The curse associated with sin not only affects mankind but all of creation. Defiled or spiritually unclean people or land gives Satan and his demonic hosts legal right of access to the land or people that are unclean. Thus, Satan has the legal right to reign and rule, to exercise his authority over that which is unclean. This is why God encourages his leaders to teach His people to discern the difference between the clean and the unclean (Ezek. 44:22).
Through his authority over the land Satan and his evil armies are able to establish and maintain canopies of darkness over land areas that have been traumatized by corporate defilement. This is a major way that he blinds the minds of those who do not receive the glorious gospel of Christ (2 Cor. 4:3-4).
As a consequence of the spiritual dynamics outlined above, FNHC seeks to raise up First Nations prayer leaders and intercessors to form strategic intervention teams. Their primary purpose will be to identify and prayerfully close ancient spiritual gates that have been opened by their ancestors, gates that have given God’s enemies legal right of access to the land.
North America’s Host People
God says He has appointed the original people groups on the various continents as the ancient people (Isa. 44:7). He says that He has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings (Acts 17:26). He declares that His gifts and callings upon nations and peoples are unalterable (Rom. 11:29). The above Scriptures and others indicate that God has appointed North America’s First Nations tribal groups as the continent’s Host People.
Years ago, God confirmed this concept to us, when He said, “because Native People are the Host People of North America, they have an authority that other ethnic groups do not have, and that whatever they embrace and endorse will have maximum effect. “ This word of the Lord has been confirmed over and over again as First Nations teams have effectively prayed on the land to open and close gates.
North America's Host People were designated by God to be the original gatekeepers and stewards of the land. This means they have been given the first right to redeem the land, and as the original gatekeepers they are responsible for dealing with any foundational layers of iniquity or transgression in the land. This also means they have a vital role in seeing revival, and God’s kingdom made manifest here in North America. Many church leaders have come to acknowledge that America’s redemptive purpose can never be realized without the inclusion of First Nations people.
All one has to do is examine the historical record to see how Satan has strategically sought to destroy, disenfranchise, impoverish, and marginalize First Nations people so they might never understand, embrace, and function in God’s plan for Jesus Christ to be established as Lord of North America.
As a consequence FNHC seeks to facilitate the healing and restoration of North America’s Native populations that they might step up and into their role as the Host People. For God’s healing and restoration to be fully implemented we believe it should ultimately result in fulfilling His redemptive purpose, both individually and corporately. For FNHC the healing and restoration of America so it might fulfill its redemptive purpose is a chief goal.
Ivan G. Doxtator – Executive Director FNCM
For more information or to get advice in launching a heal- the- land initiative in your own nation, please write to Ivan Doxtator at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prayer Points for the First Nations Healing Coalition and for Native Peoples:
- Ask God to bless FNHC by granting us the grace that we would do nothing to hinder His very presence from brooding over our every plan, activity, and initiative.
- Ask God to convict FNHC and all its members to continually pursue personal wholeness and His biblical call to sanctification and spiritual cleanliness.
- Ask God to supply all that FNHC needs to fulfill His call upon the Host People, i.e., finances, land, physical plants, and humble and gifted human resources.
- Ask God to reveal to FNHC leaders and members His specific directions for carrying out the missions He has placed upon our hearts.
- Ask that all things would be confirmed in two or three witnesses.
- Pray that Native believers in North America and around the world would be healed from historical traumas through mistreatment by others and arise to their unique calling and destiny in the Lord.
- Pray that the spiritual blindness and oppression that has kept Native People from responding to the Gospel would be broken and the oppressing spiritual powers bound that have afflicted them.
- Pray for reconciliation and unity to be established between Native tribes and for other Christians to include them in the church and prayer movements as much valued partners.