The Archbishop of Canterbury has invited all Primates to a meeting next week to reflect and pray about the future Anglican Church. The agenda is likely to include: -religiously-motivated violence -the protection of children and vulnerable adults -the environment -human sexuality. The meeting will be an opportunity to review structures of the Anglican Communion and decide on an approach to the next Lambeth Conference. There are factions within the Anglican community worldwide. Some believe there is a need to replace it with a much looser grouping, allowing North America, which recognises and encourages gay marriage, and the African churches (led by Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria), which are against all homosexual activity, to separate. Justin Welby suggested there is a need to consider recent developments, look afresh at ways of working in unity while paying attention to past developments. Pray for the church to move forward proclaiming the gospel, making disciples and living in holiness in spite of pressures that vary greatly between Provinces.
Desmond and Eva flooded 16,000 homes in England
08 Jan 2016Floods have caused havoc across much of the UK. Many are now asking, ‘Have decisions made by the public and politicians made things worse?’ It is suggested that the following has contributed:
-Four million residential properties currently sit on flood plains or places with a one in 1,000 risk of flooding each year. -The argument over dredging has grown since the 2013/14 Somerset floods. -River straightening causes faster flow and more dangerous floods downstream. -Trees act as a natural flood defence, but there aren’t enough now growing on river banks. As a result of recent events the Environment Agency, farmers and politicians are discussing ways to remedy our failure to care for our land effectively and how we address the effects of climate change. We can pray for effective action to protect our land as a result of these discussions. See also article 2 in the World section of this week’s Prayer Alert.
Balkan Networks
08 Jan 2016Balkan Networks is a group of Kingdom-minded people living and working within the Balkans. They believe that prayer, worship, meaningful dialogue and decisive action can bring about unity in the body of Christ, collaboration within and between the Balkan nations, and real transformation across the entire region. Many Christian groups are part of this network, one of them being ‘The House of Prayer’ in Skopje, Macedonia. They are not a local church, but a ministry functioning as part of the Body of Christ seeking to glorify Jesus and strengthen their brothers and sisters by helping and inspiring the local churches to develop deeper prayer ministry, and in that way to become a dwelling place for God that goes beyond the weekly two-hour services. It is clear from history that revival comes as a result of people coming together in unity and humility before God to worship Him and seek His face. See also:
Church planting in Eastern Europe
08 Jan 2016The Lord is moving across the countries of central and eastern Europe which are showing a growing responsiveness to the Gospel. Mission agencies are calling out for Christians to step forward and fill the gaps in mission teams to engage in prayer and short term work alongside national believers to see God doing something huge for His Kingdom.
A Regent University dean is giving thanks to God for sparing 22 members of his family from a deadly tornado that destroyed his home in Texas last weekend. Dr Mitch Land is dean of the School of Communication and the Arts. He was in Texas for the holidays, celebrating with his mother, children and grandchildren. While he was at the airport to pick up family members, the tornado hit their home in Rowlett. He described how they survived. ‘All 22 of them crammed inside the hallway between the kitchen and the garage, and my son-in-law hovered over my 82 year-old mother to shelter one of his six children. Doors tried to fly open from the garage and the older grandchildren held on for dear life to those doors.’ Dr. Land said the children and parents cried out to God as the winds tore the roof from their home and gave thanks when the twister left.
Recently the United States Air Force Academy received a complaint about its football players kneeling in prayer. They would pray in the end zone before or after their games against other teams. Mikey Weinstein, founder and president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said it was outrageous to allow a football team to engage in massive orchestrated sectarian Christian prayers right before kickoff for the world to see on television. He called it ‘a monstrous travesty and brutal breach of federal constitutional law and Department of Defense/Air Force regulations.’ An inquiry was initiated, which found the football players' actions to be consistent with Air Force guidance on the free exercise of religion.
Pray for the Middle East
06 Jan 2016Throughout 2015 we often invited you to join us as we concentrated our praying into the Middle East. We trust you will agree that concentration needs to be intensified as we go into the New Year. Every day our media is reporting from the area on political upheaval, millions of displaced people, acts of terrorism, a generation of children and young people with no hope, and nation fighting nation.
In the first days of this year we see the breakdown in contact between Saudi Arabia and Iran; Riyadh and Tehran vying for religious and political influence in the region. This breakdown has serious consequences for the two countries as Shia and Sunni battle for supremacy. The consequences for the whole region especially Syria and Yemen are equally serious and of course sitting in the middle of all this waring is Israel. A destabilised Middle East will increasingly have global spiritual, political, social and economic repercussions.
At the same time we are receiving reports of increasing numbers of people in that region becoming followers of Jesus. Even in the face of severe persecution, both Sunni and Shia men and women of all age groups, often through dreams and visions, are willingly risking everything to follow the One who they met in their dreams.
So today we renew the call to pray for the Middle East and here are some suggestions for prayer for you, your prayer group and your church.
- We declare the sovereignty of Christ over the whole region.
- We declare God's love for every Middle East country and every person in those countries, including those who govern each nation.
- We pray for courage and wisdom for every Christian.
- We pray for God's mercy on the children and young people.
- We pray for every agency endeavouring to bring comfort, food and shelter to those in need.
- We pray for every peace maker.
- We bless those who persecute and pray they too will find Jesus the Prince of Peace.
- We pray, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done across the Middle East in 2016".
WATCHING National Prayer Conference
06 Jan 2016God is issuing a new call to pray in 2016. He is mobilising people across the generations and denominations; He is stirring a passion to pray for our communities, workplaces, towns and nations. The World Prayer Centre's national prayer conference, 7-9 March 2016, supports that mobilising call – it will be a time to review, refresh and revive your prayer calling. You may be an experienced prayer person, others will be new to prayer, others have a passion for evangelism, their community, for the weak or the vulnerable and see that prayer is needed if real change is to happen. We believe we are entering a period of harvest and intense spiritual warfare. It is also a time of acceleration – changes are happening at a rate that takes our breath away.
We are delighted to have Malcolm Duncan as our main speaker. He will focus on the role and calling of the watchmen in these changing times. Malcolm combines a deep biblical and theological understanding with a passion for God's Spirit and a watchmen's understanding of what is happening nationally. We will also be providing prayer briefings for the UK and internationally. Our prayer conference is evolving. This year, people will have the opportunity to attend a specialist workshop on subjects like praying blessing, prayer and prophecy, and being a watchman.
This is not just a teaching conference. We want everyone to be inspired by testimony of the tremendous things God is doing across the globe. We will worship, spending time in God's presence, praising and honouring him. We will pray – this conference has the authority to pray into national and international situations – to protect and bless, to release and bind. We will chat, exchange stories and leave inspired by God for the challenges ahead.
If you know anyone you think who would benefit from the conference, invite them to come. Help us to spread the word by sharing our posts, forwarding our newsletters and why not bring a friend!
Register for the conference and find out more details.