‘Christians in Entertainment’ encourages a Christian presence in the entertainment scene in Britain by providing a network of emotional and spiritual support to professionals. They engage with Christians and those of little or no faith. They help the church to understand, support and pray for the entertainment business. They also work in association with other arts groups. Pray that the good news of Jesus’s birth will be heard and understood as carols are broadcast in shops and on the air. Pray for the fun and laughter of pantomime; and for those producing and taking part. Pray for all who work behind the scenes in the business. Also pray for all in the arts and entertainment business facing 2016 with uncertainty about their next job, that they may have wisdom on the way forward and will see doors open. May they remain encouraged.
Jesus came and brought light into the darkness, so we can pray that his light will be spread even more powerfully through the media into all aspects of our culture over Christmas and in the coming year. Pray for God’s people working in TV, radio, newspapers, and online as they serve and love people in each area of their ministry. Pray for them to reveal Jesus as they interact with the world and their colleagues. Pray for God to position more of his people in these fields. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray for organisations like Christians in the Media Network who seek to strengthen the existing Christians by Bible teaching and helping cynical shift workers stay Christian. Pray for more small groups to develop and grow, and for outreach to the next generation, all those studying communications on the various university campuses.
Christian politicians and politics in 2016
24 Dec 2015There are many Christians in our parliament, and we thank God for the freedom they have to pray and worship together. Please pray that during 2016 this precious freedom will be protected. Pray that Christian MPs, peers, policy staff and house staff will grow in numbers and in the depth of their faith, and that they will be a positive and gracious influence in Parliament, particularly as they take part in political debate. Pray for the wise explanation of God's truth in the public square and that the wisdom of the Bible will be listened to in what it says about human flourishing across all policy areas.
Pray for Christians sharing their faith at work
24 Dec 2015‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (Jn. 1:5) Jesus was born into a dark world. No sooner was he born than Herod tried to kill him. Even during this season of celebration the world is still a dark place, but the darkness does not have to have the last word. Pray for those facing darkness in the workplace. Britain has a history of religious freedom and tolerance. UK and European law largely protects an individual’s right to hold and manifest religious beliefs at work, but this is fast being eroded. Due to badly balanced equality legislation, increasing numbers of Christians have been penalised for their faith at work. Some have been threatened with disciplinary action, suspended, and even sacked for refusing to act against their consciences.
British Armed Forces prayer needs
24 Dec 2015Pray for those whose duties take them away from their families this Christmas and New Year, and that soldiers will find peace and joy in the fact that God sent His Son Jesus to be our Saviour, Redeemer and Shepherd. Pray that deployed military personnel will reach out to one another during Christmas rather than retreat into themselves. Pray that Christian servicemen and women will share their faith with their battle buddies, and that families of deployed military will know the peace, joy and love that God offers through Jesus. Also the Strategic Defence and Security Review has been published, outlining investment in the British Armed Forces to protect the UK and its allies and improve the ability to respond to threats faced by the UK which have increased in scale, diversity and complexity in recent years. Pray for their protection as they protect us. See: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/strategic-defence-and-security-review-178bn-of-equipment-spending
Christmas in European refugee camps
24 Dec 2015Families in refugee camps are safe - for now - from any immediate danger, but dropping temperatures pose another serious threat. Little David has not experienced many Christmases, but he and many other refugee children know this one will be different from any other they have known. ‘I do not think Father Christmas will come this year,’ he said, ‘because he does not know where we are living now, and we are always changing places. Father Christmas knows our house in B. and he will go there, and there is nobody who will tell him where we are now. My father told us that all our neighbours have left and our village is empty.’ Thirty-eight European countries are receiving asylum applications from families. See also: http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/issues/december-19th-2014/christian-refugees-in-iraq-face-up-to-a-bleak-christmas/
Christmas traditions in different cultures
24 Dec 2015Christmas in Austria starts around 4 pm on Christmas Eve, when the tree is lit for the first time. Finnish people traditionally eat rice porridge and plum juice for breakfast on Christmas Eve, and at midday the ‘peace of Christmas’ is broadcast on radio and TV. Christmas Eve in Lithuania is when families celebrate ‘Kucios’, the big meal which families have together to celebrate the last day of Advent. In Bulgaria Christmas is celebrated on 25 December, but many in Eastern Europe celebrate Christmas on 7 January as they use the old Julian calendar. A Bulgarian legend says that Mary started her labour on 20 December (Saint Ignatius of Antioch's day) and gave birth on Christmas Eve, but Jesus’s birth wasn't announced until Christmas Day. Whenever we celebrate, however we celebrate, we are all celebrating JESUS THE SON OF GOD - BORN OF A VIRGIN - LIVED AMONGST US – NOW REIGNING IN HEAVEN - HALLELUJAH!
Spreading God’s goodwill in the darker places
24 Dec 2015We praise God for the many churches and charities who will be reaching out to the vulnerable, homeless and lost over this Christmas season. They will do so with love, hope and God’s message of salvation as they visit the housebound and lonely, or hold Christmas lunches for people who would otherwise be spending a miserable Christmas alone. They will be delivering hot food, sleeping bags and small Christmas gifts to homeless people, Christmas parcels of food and presents to older people, and toys to children from disadvantaged families. Some will be visiting prisons to deliver Christmas boxes to prisoners and their families as a message of hope and goodwill, others will stand out on cold street corners singing carols and delivering God’s message to shoppers and housing estates.