Central Europe Floods

Written by Admin 2 13 Jun 2013

Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic are dealing with record levels of flooding. Cities in southern and eastern Germany have been on high alert as heavy floodwaters swell rivers including the Elbe which has been rising since Monday lunchtime. In Halle an appeal went out to residents asking for help to reinforce flood defences while Dresden was preparing for water levels 5m higher than normal. By Tuesday afternoon river levels in Prague had begun to fall as floodwaters moved north. Overnight flood barriers on the River Vltava in the south of the country were raised releasing a torrent of water, which had implications on the Elbe. The city of Regensburg has declared a state of emergency. Hungary has also declared a state of emergency. Floodwaters on the Danube are expected to peak there on Thursday. Germany has drafted in the army to help with flood defences. In the Bavarian town of Passau, floodwaters reached a level not seen since the 16th Century, but have now begun to recede.

Pray: for the thousands who have been forced to leave their homes, particularly the farmers, the frail and elderly; pray also for governments and NGO’s bringing relief where roads and bridges have been destroyed. (Ps.18:6)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22752544


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