Child online safety plans unveiled by Brussels

Written by Admin 2 10 May 2012

The European Commission is considering setting up an age-based authentication system that limits where children can visit online. The system is part of a series of proposals Brussels has put forward to make the net safer for children. It says children are in danger of finding inappropriate material because ways to control where they can go are ‘fragmented’. More details of the authentication scheme will be published on 30 May. In its draft proposals, the commission warns that neglecting protections for children could have a ‘profound impact’ on European societies. It says children's particular needs and vulnerabilities must be addressed so the net becomes a place of opportunities for them. It also notes that a uniform set of protections would help European businesses aiming services at children. (See Prayer Alert 17-2012)

Pray: that these proposals will lead to a system that would protect our young people. (Ps.5:11)


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