Christian Aid condemns 'two-faced' EU

Written by Admin 2 18 Jun 2010

Europe is behaving in a dangerously two-faced way when it comes to protecting the world’s climate, Christian Aid warned as the UN climate talks drew to a close in Bonn last week. ‘European Union leaders claim they still support the only existing climate deal that has legal teeth, the Kyoto Protocol, but their actions tell a different story,’ said Dr Alison Doig, Christian Aid’s Senior Adviser on Climate Change. ‘By not giving the Protocol their strongest possible support and by allowing other rich countries to abandon Kyoto and instead make weak, non-binding pledges through the Copenhagen Accord, they are condemning Kyoto to death. Since many other rich countries want to let the Protocol expire, only enthusiastic backing from the European Union will save it now. We urge European leaders to seize the remaining opportunity in Bonn to show leadership on climate change.’ Under the Copenhagen Accord, countries would merely pledge the emissions cuts which they feel are politically expedient.

Pray: for the Lord’s wise guidance to those in authority. (Job 12:13)


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