Churches debate response to anti-Christian violence

Written by Admin 2 18 Apr 2011

‘We're living in globalised times causing groups to feel insecure about their identity which has become radicalised and closed rather than open to others,’ said the director of the Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches (CEC). In early April the CEC launched a ‘Euro-Arabic Dialogue’ in Crete to determine how Christian and Muslim groups can build on existing relationships of trust. ‘In Europe where religion has often been seen as a problem public opinion hasn't been concerned about the fate of religious communities. This is changing now as false images of religion give way to a greater awareness of its contribution to the common good. It isn't up to churches to suggest practical action, we're calling for a clear warning of consequences to continued persecution.’ Some say Christians present a soft target because they don't fight back - but many Muslims view Christians as a strong missionary network and are on the defensive.

Pray: for decisions made by this group and other similar meetings to usher in God's spiritual provision over Europe. (Ps.125:3)


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