Churches helping to control alcohol problem in Moldova

Written by Admin 2 16 Jun 2011

In February of 2011, the World Health Organization dubbed Moldova the world's leading nation in per-person alcohol consumption, reports Mission Network News. Reports show that the average Moldovan consumes 18.22 litres of alcohol annually--three times more than the average of 6.1 litres. Other former Soviet nations on the list of heavy alcohol consumption included Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and Belarus. In Moldova, there is a special provision in the government budget for treatment of alcohol, but that government provision is not enough and churches are stepping forward to help alcohol abusers as well. Slavic Gospel Association reports that its affiliated evangelical churches are deeply grieved at the level of alcohol abuse in their communities. In response to the crisis, many SGA churches have begun Bible-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation ministries, which SGA partners help support when possible. These programmes not only provide care for overcoming the addiction, but they provide the life-changing Truth of the Gospel message as well.

Pray: that the work of the Church programmes will have a significant effect among those in need. (Ro.12:21)


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