Hungary: Churches reach out to Roma

Written by Admin 2 10 Feb 2011

Hungary's new centre-right government has allied itself with the churches in a drive to create jobs and pull Roma (Gypsy) communities out of poverty. The BBC's Nick Thorpe reports that social work by the churches is already helping to improve the lives of Roma in eastern Hungary. The Hungarian government is due to sign a deal with the main churches to allow them to apply for state funding for educational, social and labour programmes. So for the first time, the churches can get involved in job creation. Hungary's 800,000 Roma - many of them destitute - are a priority. The government wants to get a million Hungarians back to work in the next 10 years - 200,000 to 300,000 of them Roma. Hungary's State Secretary for Social Inclusion, Zoltan Balog, is himself a Protestant pastor. ‘It will be the job of the churches to go to the communities with their own proposals,’ he says.

Pray: for these initiatives by the Government and Church to help the Roma that God would bless them.


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