Hungary: Churches take over state schools

Written by Admin 2 15 Sep 2011

Local government officials in Hungary are handing state-owned schools over to churches, unable to afford their upkeep during the economic recession, according to church sources. ‘Churches are entitled to run schools in Hungary as public service providers, receiving the same taxpayers' money as public sponsors,’ said Balazs Odor, ecumenical officer of Hungary's Reformed Church, in an interview with ENInews. ‘The school system has its own problems here, which affect church-run schools as well. However, it's generally true that the wellbeing of church schools is better looked after since each has a community behind it,’ he added. In April, the premier Viktor Orban's centre-right government steered through a new national constitution that states Hungarian citizens ‘recognise the key role of Christianity in upholding the nation.’ A
new religion law in July strengthened the position of mainstream churches when it deprived all but 14 of Hungary's 358 registered churches and religious associations of legal recognition, and required others to re-apply for court registration after parliamentary approval.

Pray: for the work of the Church as it takes on the role running schools and teaching the young. (Dt.32:2)


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