Hungary: Rapping parish priest hopes to modernise church

Written by Admin 2 12 Oct 2013

What is the best way to reach out to youngsters, to encourage them to go to church and to live a Catholic life? Parish priest Zsolt Kovesdy from Kunszentmárton, Hungary, has an idea. He is planning to start a radio show playing rap and hip-hop music. The station would, obviously, avoid music containing swearing and inappropriate topics, but his plan is to offer honest words and thoughts about life and the world. Kovesdy believes that the Catholic Church can only reach young people if it modernises its methods and he believes a social radio with modern music and interactive talk-shows could be a good solution. He is already very popular in his parish having organised a range of activities including horse and cart rides and climbing. According to a Hungarian newspaper he even made a skateboard track and let the children use their boardsin the church’s courtyard.

Pray: that Kovesdy will see a growth in the church through these initiatives.


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