Hungary: Village still suffers one year after disaster

Written by Admin 2 07 Oct 2011

A painted portrait and empty child stroller is all that remains of 14-months-old Angyalka, who drowned in the village of Kolonttar in the burning sludge flood of the nearby aluminium plant on October 4, 2010, in Hungary's worst ever chemical disaster on record. Some villagers pause to remember, or pray, around a memorial to those who died when 180 million gallons of red sludge flooded the village of Kolonttar and nearby towns, 150 kilometres west of Budapest. The town’s struggling farmers have only just started working their lands again, after removing most of the sludge. Local authorities provided them with new fields to plant their crops. Environmentalists remain concerned about the long term impact of the disaster. Hard working residents who lost their loved ones say it's little satisfaction that the owner of the Ajka Alumina plant was fined nearly 650 million dollars because of the disaster. They say nothing in the world can ever compensate for the lives that were lost.

that, as the land is slowly being restored, emotions and spirits will also be healed. (Ps.34:17,18)


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