Poland: Archbishop calls for divine intervention during EU crisis

Written by Admin 2 29 Sep 2011

The Polish government prayed for the health of the EU on Sunday at a special ‘EU Mass’ in Warsaw. ‘The construction of a European union of countries, people and nations can become permanent not on the basis of a joint economy and foreign policy, but mainly on the basis of spiritual unity and common values,’ Archbishop Jozef Kowalczyk said in his homily to a congregation including Poland’s foreign minister. The Archbishop also prayed for Poland’s EU presidency saying, ’We commend unto God the Polish presidency in the EU Council. It is a great undertaking, challenge and opportunity for our executive powers, and our whole society.’ The call for divine intervention came as the Euro fell to an eight-month low and US president Barack Obama told a public meeting in Mountain View, California, that the debt crisis in Europe is ‘scaring the world’ Source: http://euobserver.com/1016/113745

Pray: for God to use the EU as a force for good in the world. (Ps.2:1)

More: http://www.thenews.pl/1/12/Artykul/55788,Archbishop-calls-for-divine-intervention-during-EU-crisis

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