Poland: Believing in God is same as killing and stealing

Written by Admin 2 14 Dec 2012

A Polish atheist billboard campaign compares believing in God to killing and stealing, in what observers call an open challenge to the Roman Catholic Church. ‘In a country considered to be Catholic it's hard to be an atheist. Contrary to popular belief there are many of us although not all of us have let our beliefs be known. The billboard action is not aimed at believers. It is to show people that in a country where the stereotypical Pole is a Catholic there is a large group of atheists,’ Jacek Tabisz, President of the Polish Association of Rationalists, explained to The Scotsman. Over 80% of the Polish country identify as Catholic. The controversial billboards have been put up in several Polish cities featuring three boxes labelled ‘Do Not Kill,’ ‘Do Not Steal,’ ‘Do Not Believe,’ with tick marks next to each one. Another billboard asks the question ‘Don't believe in God,’ following it by ‘You are not alone.’

Pray: that this billboard action will have the opposite effect to that intended by causing many non believers to discuss and seek out Christian values.

More: http://www.christianpost.com/news/polish-atheist-billboards-compare-believing-in-god-to-killing-and-stealing-85977/

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