Poland: Holocaust denier tours Nazi sites

Written by Admin 2 24 Sep 2010

Prosecutors in Poland say a British historian who denies the Holocaust is touring World War II sites including former Nazi death camps. Author David Irving is leading a group on a visit to the camps and other World War II sites but is not releasing his exact itinerary. Poland's National Remembrance Institute said on 22 September that its prosecutors know where Irving is. The Institute's spokesman Andrzej Arseniuk said prosecutors are watching his public statements for any violations of the law that forbids the denial of the Holocaust. Violations are prosecuted and can lead to prison terms of up to three years. Irving was convicted under a similar law in Austria in 2006 and served 13 months in prison.

Pray: that sceptics about the horrors of the ungodly Holocaust are saved by the Holy Spirit from the path they have taken. (Gal.4:11)

More: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/09/22/world/AP-EU-Poland-Holocaust-Denier.html?_r=1&ref=global-home

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