Report points to decline in belief

Written by Admin 2 03 May 2012

A new report from the University of Chicago has shed light on the growth of atheism in Europe. The report from the university’s National Opinion Research Center (NORC) also found that belief in God is stronger among older people than younger generations. The findings were based on an analysis of surveys conducted in 30 countries in 1991, 1998 and 2008. Countries with the largest atheist populations tended to be in north-west Europe or former communist states while countries with fewer atheists tended to be in the developing world, with the exception of the US, Israel and Cyprus. Sweden, Latvia, Denmark, Britain and Norway had some of the highest proportions of atheists. The study found that belief in God had decreased in most countries although it added that the declines were ‘quite modest especially when calculated on a per annum basis’.

Pray: that the fire of the Holy Spirit would fall across Europe bringing new life to God’s church. (Ez.9:9b)


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