Republic of Ireland: Rejects UN proposals for abortions

Written by Admin 2 14 Oct 2011

The Irish Government rejected recommendations from six European countries that it should legislate for abortion, but pledged to act on a wide range of UN suggestions to improve human rights in other areas. In a report published on 11th Oct by the UN Human Rights council 126 recommendations were made for Ireland to improve its adherence to human rights norms, the Government accepted 62 and would ‘study carefully’ a further 49. Of the 15 recommendations it rejected, six related to abortion. They included a call from the United Kingdom to introduce legislation to implement the European Court of Human Rights judgment in the A, B and C v Ireland case and a request from Slovenia to allow abortion ‘at least when pregnancy poses a risk to the health of the pregnant woman’. Recommendations on abortion from Norway, Denmark, Spain and the Netherlands were also rejected.

Pray: for the UN to recognise that foetal life has the same degree of value as born human life, and for Ireland’s stand in this issue to be honoured. (Is.51:4)


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