Russia urges global struggle against Afghan heroin

Written by Admin 2 13 Jun 2010

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev says the international community must accept responsibility for the fight against illicit drugs from Afghanistan. He told an anti-drug conference in Moscow that worldwide Afghan heroine has killed nearly one-million people under the age of 35 in the past eight years. Speaking at an international anti-drug forum in Moscow, President Medvedev issued a call for a common global fight against narcotics, saying the entire world is threatened by drug-producing countries, especially those that make hard drugs - narcotics that are more addictive and damaging. He said Afghanistan does not have the resources for a breakthrough in the fight. He said ongoing efforts by various international organizations, including the United Nations, NATO and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, are not enough. Mr. Medvedev said, standing up to the evil of narcotics on a global scale requires a struggle not only against drug trafficking, but also the social problems created by that evil.

Pray: that the world governments would work together to find ways to successfully defeat this menace. (Ps.34:16)


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