Russia/Eurasia: Religious freedom the focus of briefing in Washington

Written by Admin 2 31 Jan 2013

Religious freedom is waning in the former Soviet Union and Eurasia. You've heard the stories. Churches liquidated, fathers arrested for holding a prayer meeting, pastors arrested for not registering the church, and families restricted to owning just one Bible. As a result of these alarming trends, Russian Ministries in cooperation with its global partners is sponsoring a briefing on religious freedom issues in Former Soviet Union/Eurasia, with a focus on causes of suppression of religious freedom President of Russian Ministries Sergey Rakhuba says, ‘This briefing is to create more awareness and to mobilize the global community so that policies are developed and pressure is created on governments in the countries of the Former Soviet Union to give more freedom to the churches and leaders there.’

Pray: that the pressure on governments in former Soviet Union/Eurasia will lead to freedom for the oppressed. (Ps.9:9)


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