Russia: 'Missiles deployed' in breakaway region of Abkhazia

Written by Admin 2 13 Aug 2010

Russia says it has deployed S-300 anti-aircraft missiles in the breakaway region of Abkhazia in Georgia. The Georgian government - which refuses to acknowledge Abkhazia's independence - says it is ‘concerned’ by the move. The announcement comes just days after an unscheduled visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to the region. Russia recognised Abkhaz independence in 2008 after winning a brief war with Georgia over nearby South Ossetia. In a statement released by the Russian government, Air Force Commander-in-chief General Alexander Zelin said the role of the missiles would be ‘anti-aircraft defence of the territory of Abkhazia and South Ossetia’.

Pray: that this military build-up will not raise tensions in the Caucasus region. (Ecc.3:1-8)



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