Russia: Caucasus the next battlefield for al Qaeda?

Written by Admin 2 02 Jun 2011

Even though Osama bin Laden is dead, the al-Qaeda terrorist group may be looking at expanding its war against the West. Accord to some terrorist experts, al-Qaeda may have its sights set on the North Caucasus region of Russia. One report indicates terrorists in the North Caucasus have been using radical Salafi Islam to recruit disgruntled youth who grew up on the battlefields of the two Chechen wars. According to the President of Russian Ministries Sergey Rakhuba, hide-out evidence has already been uncovered backing up these claims. According to Rukhuba, that means there is a spiritual battle under way for the souls of Russia's youth in the region. He says, ‘That's the strategy for al-Qaeda: to reach out to young people, to brainwash them in all those underground cells, to provide them with all kinds of false philosophies and encourage them to go and bring destruction into those communities.’

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