Russia: Chief editor urges Christians to evangelize in media

Written by Admin 2 21 Nov 2011

During the General Council of the Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical-Pentecostal Faith, Mr. Pavel Gusev, editor-in-chief of the 'Moskovskij Komsomolets' (Komsomolets – member of the Communist Union of Youth)
newspaper and chairman of the Moscow Union of Journalists, urged Christians to preach the Gospel in mass media. Gusev noted that Christians often come to him and say, ‘Look what they are writing about us! They are saying we are underground churches, that we are a sect! Where is the truth?’ I reply to them ‘Moskovskij Komsomolets has 82 newspapers and magazines published. You are free to publish your thoughts in them and I promise I will not correct any letter!’ promised the editor-in-chief. ‘Imagine that Christians would preach he tGospel and speak about their work everywhere. I think it must be your first goal. Believers don’t have to propagandize their teaching; you only have to tell people about you and your work. They will see and hear,' underlined the chairman of the Moscow Union of Journalists.

Pray: that Russian Christians will take up the challenge to write about their faith. (Mt.24:14)


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