Spain's secret shame - baby black market exposed

Written by Admin 2 29 Nov 2012

At a cemetery in Barcelona, trucks arrived for a court-ordered exhumation. All across Spain, officials are opening the coffins of dead newborn babies to see if there are any human remains inside, many of the coffins were empty. Spain is reeling from one of the worst crimes since World War II. It is known simply as ‘los bebés robados,’ the stolen babies. The sheer scale of it is staggering: perhaps 300,000 Spanish babies have been taken from their mothers at birth and sold on the black market. Beginning during the Franco dictatorship in 1939 and continuing until the 1990s, newborns were stolen from hospitals and trafficked by a network of doctors, nurses, priests, and nuns. The attending nurse would take the newborn from the mother to have to it examined or cleaned. The nurse would return with a dead baby that was kept in a freezer at the hospital as proof that the child had died.

Pray: for God’s forgiveness for all those who perpetrated these crimes and healing for the mothers and children involved. (Tit.3:11)


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