Spain: Anti-Catholic students protest in Madrid

Written by Admin 2 24 Mar 2011

Some 70 college students stormed into the chapel of Madrid’s Complutense University on March 10, shouting insults against the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI and priests. Several females from the group stood on the altar, undressed from the waist up. Another female student who was in the chapel praying at the time told the Spanish daily ABC that two of the young women on the altar ‘boasted about their homosexual tendencies.’ The group of students stormed into the chapel with a megaphone and pushed the chaplain out of the way. They proceeded to shout insults against the Catholic Church and her teachings. The group also placed posters in the pews and on the bulletin board at the entrance to the chapel. Another student interviewed by ABC asked, ‘what would have happened had this taken place in a mosque? These people should know that Catholics will never respond to a provocation with another provocation just to defend themselves.’

Pray: that the young would learn respect and God would reveal the truth. (Is.40:5)


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