Turkey: Indictment of ‘masterminds’ of murders expected

Written by Admin 2 08 Mar 2012

Judges in Turkey’s southeastern city of Malatya have announced the preparation of an indictment in the case of three murdered Christians that is expected to reveal a shadowy network that incited five young men to carry out the crime. The Third Criminal Court of Malatya is expected to announce the indictment on April 9, followed by a week of witness testimony that judges believe will link the five murder suspects to the ‘masterminds’ who prompted them, plaintiff lawyers said. The brutal murders of Turkish Christians Necati Aydin and Ugur Yuksel and German Christian Tilmann Geske at the Zirve Publishing House by five young men in 2007 are believed to be part of a conspiracy to overthrow the current pro-Islamic government.

Pray: that this case will at last be resolved and justice be done. (Pr.18:5)

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/turkey/article_1421958.html

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