Turkey: Patriot missiles on Syria border

Written by Admin 2 10 Nov 2012

Turkey's Foreign Minister said NATO is preparing to deploy patriot missiles to bolster border defences with Syria. The surface-to-air missiles will be able to shoot down aircraft up to 160 kilometers away. His comments appeared to contradict a statement from the Turkish Prime Minister who said, ‘We do not have any thoughts of acquiring patriots by paying money,’ NATO also said that they hadn't received an ‘official’ request from Turkey for the missiles. The possibility of enforcing a Syrian no-fly zone where rebel fighters would be protected from attacks by the government’s Air Force has been on the table for some time despite NATO’s reluctance to intervene in the Syrian conflict without a mandate from the UN Security Council. ‘Plans for the deployment were put on hold pending the US election result’ a source explained on condition of anonymity because of ministry prohibitions on speaking with the media. The official said missile deployment might happen under a NATO umbrella.

Pray: for God to encourage governments to make the decisions that will bring about the beginning of the end of hostilities. (Ps.97:3-6)

More: http://rt.com/news/turkey-syria-patriot-missile-border-168/


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