Vatican meeting of Middle East Bishops

Written by Admin 2 31 Oct 2010

Middle East Bishops have demanded that Israel end occupation of Palestinian lands. In a final joint communiqué, they also told Israel not to use the Bible to justify ‘injustices’ against the Palestinians. While they condemned terrorism and anti-Semitism, they laid much of the blame for the conflict squarely on Israel. They listed the ‘occupation’ of Palestinian lands, Israel’s separation barrier with the West Bank, military checkpoints, political prisoners, demolition of homes and disturbance of socio-economic lives as factors that have made life increasingly difficult for Palestinians. All forms of racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Christianism and Islamophobia are to be condemned. Religious leaders’ responsibilities are to promote dialogue between cultures and civilizations. That the bishops are making these ‘bold’ statements is a testament to Israel’s essential decency and humanity. The bishops know that there will be no serious consequences or massive reprisals against Christians in Israel for ‘speaking out’, whereas similar Christian criticism or questioning of an Arab government in the region, or Islamic extremism, would produce such.

Pray: for even-handedness to prevail in judging Middle East issues by opinion-formers. (Pr.16:10)


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