Vatican plans huge pro-life, evangelization gathering

Written by Admin 2 20 Apr 2013

A major highlight for the Year of Faith will be a two-day celebration in Rome on the Church’s teaching about the dignity of life and how it fits with the New Evangelization, reports Catholic News Agency. Father Geno Sylva, the English-language official for the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, hopes the event will speak so clearly to the secularworld that it is 'going to have to listen and say, ‘well, there is a culture of life coming out of the Church.' The June 15-16 international gathering will begin on Saturday morning with a catechesis session on ‘The Gospel of Life and the New Evangelization The event will ‘explore the enduring and timeless truths of Blessed John Paul II's 1995 encyclical, ‘Evangelium Vitae,’ and the central role that the Gospel of Life continues to have in the Church's mission of the New Evangelization,’ according to organizers.

Pray: that this event will bring wisdom and understand ing on the subject of the dignity of life.


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