Victory in Europe: ‘Euthanasia must always be prohibited’

Written by Admin 2 02 Feb 2012

On January 25, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a non-binding resolution stating: ‘Euthanasia, in the sense of the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit, must always be prohibited.’ The purpose of the resolution, entitled ‘Protecting human rights and dignity by taking into account previously expressed wishes of patients,’ defines the principles that should govern the practice of ‘living wills’ or ‘advance directives’ in the 47 States of the Council of Europe. The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) welcomed the adoption of the PACE resolution. ‘This Resolution is a major victory for the protection of life and dignity,’ said ECLJ Director Grégor Puppinck. Puppinck noted that because ‘living wills’ or ‘advance directives’ are open to abuses, and are a ‘backdoor’ for introducing euthanasia or assisted suicide into legislation, PACE's resolution was necessary.

Pray: that this resolution will be adopted across Europe. (Pr.13:14)


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