Violent extremism Europe's top security threat

Written by Admin 2 31 Jan 2013

Violent extremism, which is at its highest level in Europe since World War II, is becoming the continent's top security threat, the European Union's executive body has said. In a speech on the eve of talks on how to detect and prevent extremism, the EU's commissioner for home affairs Cecilia Malmstroem urged the EU 'to stand up and protect our values that are now being challenged in many countries in Europe'. She said that 'there has been a growth of extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, hatred and nationalism'. According to News 24, she added that 'not since World War II have extreme and populist forces had so much influence on the national parliaments as they have today. In some countries even neo-Nazis have been elected'. She said that if the trend continues, next year's European elections might further strengthen these forces, threatening the entire European project.

Pray: against this growing trend of extremism across Europe. (2Sam.22:3)



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