‘INSIGHT ARTICLE’ EU: Preparing for 'new stage' in economic union

Written by Admin 2 07 Jun 2012

European leaders will discuss plans for deeper economic integration in the euro zone at their next meeting on 28-29 June, after an inconclusive summit on 23 May saw open divergences between France and Germany over ways to kick-start the EU's sluggish economy. See http://www.euractiv.com/euro-finance/eu-prepares-new-stage-economic-u-news-512943 European Council President Herman Van Rompuy will present a report exploring ways to deepen economic integration in the euro zone. Van Rompuy announced that ‘we need to take Economic Monetary Union to a new stage.’ and ‘I will report in June, in close co-operation with the Commission President, the Presidents of the Euro-group and the European Central Bank, on the main building blocks and on a working method to achieve this objective. For INSIGHTS into understanding and help you to pray into the European Financial System click the ‘More’ button.

Pray: for God to inspire the delegates as they prepare for the next meeting. (Ps.49:20)

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