Russia: Worldwide church called to prayer

Written by Admin 2 07 May 2014

While fears grow that Russia and Ukraine could ignite WWIII, the world also faces unprecedented global financial crises (see item on gas supplies), record-breaking natural disasters and attacks against life, family and religious freedom, a large Christian coalition has been urgently mobilizing a 40 day prayer campaign for peace that began on April 28th to help combat these alarming threats. This grassroots coalition of Catholic and Christian organizations worldwide is mobilising for 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Peace. Also May 9th has been declared a ‘Global Day of Prayer and Fasting for Russia’. Christians from the nations are called to pray and fast in one accord, for the blessing of the Russian people around the world. Let us, in the coming days, pray for the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ to fall upon Russia and all the nations around her.

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