Russia: Gas supplies 'not guaranteed', EU commissioner warns

Written by Admin 2 07 May 2014

A first mediation attempt by the EU between Russia and Ukraine on their gas price dispute on 2nd May in Warsaw ended with no results other than the willingness to meet again. When asked about the atmosphere in the meeting, a spokesperson responded, ‘we are all adults’ and emphasised the willingness of both sides to meet again in mid-May. The core of the current dispute is how much Ukraine owes and has to pay for current and future gas deliveries from Russia. However, with pro-Russian separatists shooting down Ukrainian helicopters and with Vladimir Putin declaring a Geneva peace deal is ‘no longer valid’, the chances of a solution to the gas dispute are low. Ukraine’s energy minister said the doubling of the gas price by Russia was ‘discriminatory’ and ‘abusive’ and that Kiev will take the matter to the international court of arbitration in Stockholm.

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