Hungary's new centre-right government has allied itself with the churches in a drive to create jobs and pull Roma (Gypsy) communities out of poverty. The BBC's Nick Thorpe reports that social work by the churches is already helping to improve the lives of Roma in eastern Hungary. The Hungarian government…
In June, Prayer Alert reported on a draft religion law that constituted oppression because it discriminated against minority religious groups and would create an oppressive religion law inconsistent with fundamental human rights. See Prayer Alert 25-2011. This week Hungary's Constitutional Court has annulled the new law that would have withdrawn…
Three countries - France, Germany and the UK - acquire foreign intelligence for security and police matters from countries that routinely use torture to obtain information, claims a report issued on 28 June by Human Rights Watch. Additionally the use of torture intelligence in the fight against terrorism damages the…
Martin Kugler of the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians has spoken about the growing acts of intolerance against Christians in Europe in an interview with MercatorNet magazine. The interview marks the 1700th anniversary of the birth of religious tolerance in Europe and seeks to explore the significance of…
Hope will launch in its new form as part of Europe’s largest gathering of Christians, an all-night prayer and praise event hosted by the Redeemed Christian Church of God which expects more than 25,000 people to attend. Hosted by Pastor Agu Irukwu of Jesus House, the Hope launch will be…
It doesn’t happen often that church planting makes the headlines of secular newspapers, but on 31 July 2012 Dutch newspaper Het Parool opened with ‘God returns to the city’. The article reports that 1,500 citizens of Amsterdam joined so-called ‘new churches’, and that 10 more of these churches are planned…